
Hello D__!

I wanted to order 7 more units for my friends and family. My mother is a Type II diabetic and suffers from high blood pressure. She also has severe, crippling arthritis in both hands and feet, name it. I did loan the zapper to her over a weekend and she wore it in a sock, on her hand, overnight. She called me the next day so excited, she could hardly talk! She said that the swelling in her hand was down, it didn't hurt, and she could make a fist! My mother hadn't been able to do that or pick anything up with that hand for over 5 years! I know that she will feel so much better with your zapper!


Dear Mr. P___,

The last time I emailed you I told you that my new dentist recommended that I not use any zappers, and that I would probably be returning the zapper. I "obeyed" and stopped using your zapper. I had only used it 4 times.

However, I have had very intense arthritic-like pain in my right thumb for a month now. Since I haven't been able to stop the pain through nutritional means, I decided to use your zapper this morning, and lo and behold, after the second 7-minute zapping the pain stopped, the swelling disappeared and the thumb straightened-out! Wow! Now that's very convincing. Now maybe my dentist will agree with your suggestion of using your zapper to enhance the homeopathic treatments he's giving me.

So, I'm keeping your _____ Zapper. You have reason to be proud and grateful to God for so inspiring you.

Sister B. Jan. 25, 2005  

Hi K__...You made my day !!!...My brother told me about this months ago and he gave yours [your zapper] to a friend...and this person had a lot of things happen to him ..I'm trying to remember a was his arthritis (he's 48 or younger) cleared up totally...he can finally move his fingers without it hurting...he also had very very bad sinus problems...those are totally gone...I know there were many more things, but his face looks so much younger also... that person also gave this to some others and so did my brother...and one person had Crohn's Disease...that is now gone ...another had a rash on her leg the size of a hamburg and they were going to go to U of M because no one could do anything about it...its gone...and this was a young girl...

Thanks for helping so many people...I hear story after story from my brother Bruce...he's helped so many people with it...

Thanks K__, Sandy Dec. 1, 2004

K__ -- Order arrived yesterday ... used immediately. Feel better already -- amazing effect on arthritis I suspect has been parasiticly induced. More than likely culprit is Lyme, but don't see that traditional approaches offer much hope ... so any additional advice you want to send my way is welcome. Have used herbal remedies for years, Olive Leaf, Oregeno Oil, Cats Claw, with diminishing returns. Lyme is very controversial in U.S. right now ... AMA and health care in the dark, but still flexing their imaginary muscles and right to tell everyone else what's good for them and what is not. One question ... must one continue zapping for permanent results with something as insidious as Brucella organism?

thanks much Anne Feb. 11, 2006

... My father has had really stiff sore hands and arthritis for years. he is an older guy and he did not grow up in this toxic era that you and I did. So he does not understand things like Zappers, and the important of eating natural foods. But he used the zapper I bought from you for 2 days, and now his hands don't hurt anymore ... Aaron before 2004

Last week my Dad tried the zapper again, this time during a period of arthritic pain. Guess it must be bacterial based for the zapper to help. So now I would need to order another UZ, I thought about it and sold him mine instead ...

"Newport" Apr. 21, 2007