
Very effective on spider or tick bite, also on facial pain due to cold or flu. G.C.

Hi K__,

I've just GOT to report this amazing testimonial. I was bit on the top of my right foot by a large 1/4" Orange-Red Harvester Fire Ant here in The Arizona desert. They have venom. I put on oregano oil and this helped take some of the sting away, but did not take away the throbbing pain. Within an hour the pain became throbbing and the entire top of my foot was red and getting swollen. I thought it would just go away but after this went on for 2 hours the pain just seemed to get worse. After trying to ignore the pain, I plugged in the ____ Zapper. I didn't do the regular 7 minutes but put one of the handhelds inside my sock under the arch of my right foot (the one that ws bitten) and held the other copper handheld in my left hand. I kept squirting drops of water on the paper towel with an oral syringe on the foot handheld to keep the voltage going the zapper going strong since being in my sock the paper towel on the handheld was drying it out. IN EXACTLY 10 MINUTES THE PAIN WAS ALMOST GONE, BY 17 MINUTES THE PAIN AND THROBBING COMPLETELY STOPPED. I don't know what an ant injects inside a person when it bites, but whatever it is, the ____ Zapper worked. And the Red Fire Ants here in the Arizona desert are pretty hardcore and based on the pain I experienced from the venom, I would think many people would've gone to a doctor. THANKS FOR MAKING THE _____ ZAPPER.! -MONIQUE Sept. 14, 2007