
I love the ____zapper ! It has saved me so much money that I would have spent on herbal remedies! I feel better after using the ____zapper a few weeks than I have after using a truckload of prescription and herbal remedies for the last several years! I've had a systemic yeast problem for practically all of my life, and the last several years I've been reading and realized that was a main reason I was so fatigued all the time. But the ____zapper has made me feel so much better- It has made me feel lighter and bouyant at times and I heard that was how you're supposed to feel when you kill out all the bugs! So thanks a lot to D___ and A___ at ____devices- I'm just sick that I didn't know about this a few years ago! It would have saved me hundreds and hundreds of dollars in the past on herbal and prescription remedies and believe you me I've tried a lot of them! B.B.

Hello there, It's Konstantinos here from Greece. I have a testimonial for u to add on your page if you want and a question. First of all i must say i am very pleazed with your zapper. It has become my best alliance in my healing progress. Now I had this problem anytime i ate a lot of fruits candida appeared in my mouth. I stayed off from fruits for many months and had no problem but i could not resist eating them now at summer time. So I got candida again. I did not want to stop eating them so i decided to zapp my mouth. In 3 days the candida was off my mouth and I was still eating fruits. I stopped zapping my mouth and ate a lot of fruits to see what it would happen and candida appeared again. I started zapping my mouth and again candida was gone in 2-3 days. That's a proof that your zapper works very good. It is very difficult to get rid of candida infection so quickly ... Greetings, Konstantinos Aug. 16, 2008

Hi K__, First of all I'm so happy to tell you that I've been successfully using the ____ Zapper to rid my body of candida! Yahoooo! It's so fantastic. Thank you so much. I am writing in regards to finding oral epsom salts. Where does one get these? All of the epsom salts that I've come across out there have a caution not to ingest. If you know of a good source please let me know. Thanks again! Trish Jan 2, 2008

... Been using a Zapper (_____ Zapper) now for a few months with some very good results, both in Candida, Parasite control as well as zapping flu bugs as they showed up ...

"Newport" May 5, 2007