Chest Pain

K__ Here is an update with the _____ zapper. Before getting the zapper, I had a pain in between the ribs (just below the left breast). Upon receiving the zapper for the first day, I chased this pain and it seemed to go around to the back of the shoulder blade. The next day, I can feel the "echo" of where the pain was in the rib cage. I continued to zap and after 3-4 days, there was no pain in the rib cage or around the shoulder blade. (Lymphthatic?) I still continue to use the zapper to get rid of any headaches which I have. eg. after a stressful day. Much of my headaches I have had in the past seem to accumulate at the base of the neck. This is where I apply the copper tubes. After a session, the headache dissappears. There must be more to the zapper than just killing off parasites. There are times in which my body is giving me a big thank you after going through a zapping session. There is a special restful or at peace feeling after I do a zapping session. Any research done in this area? I have also noticed that my skin seems to be clearing up as well. Dale K. Jun. 13, 2007