
...I believe Morgellons is larvae mirgrans or something like it. We actually have something wormlike or even maggotlike, contracted from some kind of fly. They have many phases of life. In some phase they get in our ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hair and skin. When I began zapping regularly they started coming from the back of my eyes to the front and eventually I got tiny, dried out things, one here and there. I can feel the entire process because they are jumping around, which feels like a nerve jumping in your eye, but it isn't. Eventually it works its way to the front and then out to the eyelashes. I think the zapper is slowly breaking them up. I have seen many of these with a microscope, and as time goes by the new ones I get off of me are full of brownish/gray lines, almost like cracked glass. Other times it looks like it is burned just in one place which, with imagination, looks like a mouth area. When I first started zapping regularly they were making an exodus from my body. I simply pulled them off of me one by one, as I found them mostly by itchy areas and also by putting oils on my skin.

Again, thanks so very much, Becky Jan. 6, 2006

Hi, I am a victim of Morgellons. I bought a zapper from you almost a year ago. I wanted to thank you for providing this service to people so desperate for help. I used your zapper occasionally and thought it helped, but lately I have been using it regularly and have made tremendous headway. I am getting dried up things off of and out of my skin. ...I told you how I am zapping in bed at bedtime, and this has tremendously reduced the itching symptoms that I have (for Morgellons)

Thank you, Becky Nov. 18, 2005

K__, A while back I purchased an ultimate zapper which by the way is helping me through a nightmare called Morgellon's Disease ... Bob before 2004

... I used an ____ zapper and saw a huge parasite release after using it for 4 days. Probably passed 1000 1/2 inch red parasites ... /p> anonymous