Multiple Illnesses

I have wonderful, wonderful news. :) My dad bought a T_ zapper a couple of weeks ago, it is a improved modification of Dr. Hulda Clark 's zapper. My husband works at a pig farm with my dad so we were sure he had to have parisites, and he also had terrible candida. So one night when we were over at my mom and dad's we zapped Josiah for about 25 minutes. That was Friday night. Sunday Josiah wasn't feeling very good so I borrowed the zapper from Daddy and Josiah left it on all night. Monday I took him to my naturopath to have him tested, he'd been really tired and stressed the last few weeks and Josiah is usually like the energizer bunny. She did Ak on him and said his endocrine system was weak from all the stress and gave him a chinese formula for it. I asked her to test him for parisites and candida while she was at it because I was curious. He tested negative for both!!! I had tested him sometime ago prior for candida and he had tested postive but had refused to do the candida diet again (or anything else for that matter). So I know for postive fact he had that, and I honestly can not see how he did not have parisites since he has never done a parisites cleanse in his life and is working in pig crap all day. So I thought it was pretty awesome results. :) Croft said it gets rid of Candida very easily, but I didn't think that easy!! Now he can quit passing it to me. :) We're going to buy a Terminator of our own after I have the baby and we get a little money.             It has really been helping my dad too, he has been zapping all night most every night for the last two weeks. A toothache he had went away, his Ph is balanced for the first time in YEARS..., he is parisite free, has more energy, it is helping his gout, got rid of a cold right when it first started, and sleeps a little better. He just keeps noticing small things as he goes. The Terminator has the orgone generator among other improvements. He can definetly feel the energy in his meridians! Which is weird to him. The only side effect he had from it, was when he first got it he had very acid ph and his skin was acid too. He left it on all night above his ankle and it put two little burn marks where the pennies where touching his skin. The funny thing was, it burned two little burn marks in the same spot on the oppisite leg that night without having ever touched it! Willlddd...But now that his Ph is balanced he hasn't had any more problems with skin itch and no more burn marks thus far. My dad has been chronically ill for years so I'm sure it will be a slower road for him to feel amazingly better, but it has definitely been helping.             If you are interested in looking at Croft's site this is the url but has them to buy a little cheaper than Croft's site. Croft says candida is just a fungal parasite and is easily killed with the zapper, and from this experiment it seems to be true. Anyway, just wanted to post this great news, and I hope it can benefit others as well. :) Oh, And by the way just for anyone that might ask as someone always does, no, I'm not affiliated with the zappers and I don't sell them. :) Caitlin Lorraine

Hello D__!

I had ordered a zapper from one of your distributors almost a month ago and my health has gotten dramatically better! I thought I better let you know how things are going and give you an update. I've noticed so many improvements that I hardly know where to start! I'll try listing them out and making sense at the same time. Just for the record, I'm 41 and female.

My sinuses cleared up with a "ping" and a "whoosh" right at the 20-minute mark the first time I wore the zapper. That alone was worth the price of the unit! I haven't been able to breathe out of both nostrils for over 20 years! But wait! There's more! I've had warts and skin tags just fall off - no scars, no pain, nothing! My body doesn't smell "funky" when I wake up in the morning anymore. The chronic yeast infections I've suffered from for over a decade are GONE! My belly button is clear (not constantly yeasty or raw despite medications, cleaning, etc), my tongue isn't coated with a thick white layer of yuck like it always was, and best of all, my reproductive system is functioning normally again (for the first time in my life). My last period was only 3 pain free days (instead of the usual week of heavy clotting and cramps) and no PMS! Sorry - I know that's probably more information than you probably wanted, but I thought this might help some other poor woman who suffers every month like I did.

I have no more acne, zits, bumps, cysts, or sores of any kind, anywhere, any more! My face is clean and fresh looking (this is a BIG deal for me!) And I sleep solid the whole night through. Ever since I've started wearing the zapper, I've experienced some very interesting dreams, by the way. My food and caffeine cravings have disappeared. My gums aren't swollen or bleeding anymore. I have several crowns that I must be allergic to, but even the swelling and tenderness around those fake teeth have gone away.

And finally, the main reason I bought the zapper in the first place, was to get rid of the Hepatitis C virus I've carried around for approximately 16 years. I've worn it no less than 22 hours a day, 7 days a week since the evening of October 3rd, 2002 (with the exception of one weekend, see below). So far I've noticed that my energy has come back where I was always tired before. My eyes are clear and WHITE where they used to be yellowish and bloodshot all the time! I will have myself retested for the virus and get a viral load this Friday, the 1st of November. The viral load test will tell you how much of the virus is in your blood per ml. The last test I had done was back in March and my viral load was over 3 million. As soon as the results come back, I'll email you to let you know. My hope is that the results will be "virus not detected" but I will still be happy if the viral load is cut in half. At least that means the zapper is getting rid of it.

I wanted to order 7 more units for my friends and family. My mother is a Type II diabetic and suffers from high blood pressure. She also has severe, crippling arthritis in both hands and feet, name it. I did loan the zapper to her over a weekend and she wore it in a sock, on her hand, overnight. She called me the next day so excited, she could hardly talk! She said that the swelling in her hand was down, it didn't hurt, and she could make a fist! My mother hadn't been able to do that or pick anything up with that hand for over 5 years! I know that she will feel so much better with your zapper!

Thank you for changing my life!


Well, finally, my turn.....I would like to report you a bit about the changes we see here since we started zapping.

First of course all that Hans has told you already, but more...

1. We al had trouble with intestinal worms. The kids and Hans took VERMOX for that, but I am with a new life and could not take that, so waited for the zapper. They were gone within 3 to 4 days! No kidding! They caused me a lot of pain in my intestines, which has completely disappeared.

2. Hans has trouble with his heart and was taking ASTORVASTATIN (a cholesterol lowering drug) on a daily bases, which he started to forget to take even. Only in extreme stressful situations he can still feel crampy. So I guess those worms are passed over too. He even looks younger and his face is less spotty.

3. The kids zap 20 min. a day and they sleep really peaceful for the first time in their life. My eldest boy is 11, our first boy is 5 and our daughter is 2. They sit waiting their turn and our boy can not even sit still for 5 sec. Amazing

4. My skin has always troubled me, I was born with cracks in my wrists and ankles, and I was so dry. Now whenever I do get a reaction of detox it is better the next time I zapped. Also I look younger and sometimes cannot recognize my own face.

5. the CIN3 that I mailed you about earlier is slowly disappearing. This I check myself regularly, so I have no med.-reports on that. But I think a human is not stupid, so I take my own observation as good enough.

6. Also, as long as I can remember I had thrush, which is absolutely gone and over!!! No more itch, no more pain etc. etc. etc.

7. Now comes the most beautiful. The cat. We do not know how old she actually is for she chose our family as her home (and is absolutely loyal to us, where-ever we move and we moved a lot) 5 years ago, when we came to Ireland. But we think she must be between 10 and 14. She was getting older by the day and since she is used to the countryside she had a lot of trouble with the electricity here in Boyle-town. She did not like the zapper at first. It was as if she was skeptical and wanted to see results. But after a few days we could see she was watching our auras and checking with the kids. We tried to lay it on her back, but she gave us the look of, how dare you do it for me. So she walked away in the way only cats can do. But suddenly a day later (Christmas-eve) our 5 year old decided that she should not be such an old drag and put it on her back while sleeping. She moved and it slipped of with the coins turned up. Somehow she made her mind up and went lying on top of it and stayed there for 2 1/2 hours. After that her fur was like silk and she could sit straight again. She jumped around like never, really never before and looks years younger. She plays with the kids again and eats less then before. Unlike the gulping as if not being able to get satisfied. She is more alert. Our daughter does not get a chance to be nasty to her anymore (as small ones sometimes are) and gets immediately a small motherly bite. Now tell us about placebo effect. Or do cats imagine things?????? NOT! So that is the biggest proof of all!

Y.S. Theresia

P.S. if you would like to place this as referral you can, man. Just keep zappin, just keep zappin, just keep zappin, zappin, zappin.....

I want to thank you for producing these life-giving devices. I started using my zapper about 2 weeks ago...I have already cured the following ailments:

1. eliminated floaters in my eyesight. My optometrist said that there was no way to get rid of these floaters!

2. eliminated the almost constant nasal congestion I had been plagued with since childhood (falsely attributed to an allergy to pine tree pollen)

3. boosted my weight loss program (started losing 4 lbs. a week on my weight loss plan - was losing only 1 lb. per week)

4. eliminated my depression

5. eliminated a rash that I had on my arms and legs for years - dermatologist said it was caused from an allergy or reaction and wanted to give me all kinds of creams and pills, which were useless.

6. in addition to a healthier diet that I had been on for approx. 1 month, lowered my blood pressure and equalized it - I am now 112/70 with a resting heart rate of 66 - one month ago I got consistent readings of 145/90 with a resting heart rate average of 84.

Hello D__!

I had ordered a zapper from one of your distributors almost a month ago and my health has gotten dramatically better! I thought I better let you know how things are going and give you an update. I've noticed so many improvements that I hardly know where to start! I'll try listing them out and making sense at the same time. Just for the record, I'm 41 and female.

My sinuses cleared up with a "ping" and a "whoosh" right at the 20-minute mark the first time I wore the zapper. That alone was worth the price of the unit! I haven't been able to breathe out of both nostrils for over 20 years! But wait! There's more! I've had warts and skin tags just fall off - no scars, no pain, nothing! My body doesn't smell "funky" when I wake up in the morning anymore. The chronic yeast infections I've suffered from for over a decade are GONE! My belly button is clear (not constantly yeasty or raw despite medications, cleaning, etc), my tongue isn't coated with a thick white layer of yuck like it always was, and best of all, my reproductive system is functioning normally again (for the first time in my life). My last period was only 3 pain free days (instead of the usual week of heavy clotting and cramps) and no PMS! Sorry - I know that's probably more information than you probably wanted, but I thought this might help some other poor woman who suffers every month like I did.

I have no more acne, zits, bumps, cysts, or sores of any kind, anywhere, any more! My face is clean and fresh looking (this is a BIG deal for me!) And I sleep solid the whole night through. Ever since I've started wearing the zapper, I've experienced some very interesting dreams, by the way. My food and caffeine cravings have disappeared. My gums aren't swollen or bleeding anymore. I have several crowns that I must be allergic to, but even the swelling and tenderness around those fake teeth have gone away.

And finally, the main reason I bought the zapper in the first place, was to get rid of the Hepatitis C virus I've carried around for approximately 16 years. I've worn it no less than 22 hours a day, 7 days a week since the evening of October 3rd, 2002 (with the exception of one weekend, see below). So far I've noticed that my energy has come back where I was always tired before. My eyes are clear and WHITE where they used to be yellowish and bloodshot all the time! I will have myself retested for the virus and get a viral load this Friday, the 1st of November. The viral load test will tell you how much of the virus is in your blood per ml. The last test I had done was back in March and my viral load was over 3 million. As soon as the results come back, I'll email you to let you know. My hope is that the results will be "virus not detected" but I will still be happy if the viral load is cut in half. At least that means the zapper is getting rid of it.

Thank you for changing my life!


Hi D__,

I am amazed with the ____!! As I knew I would be.

The most amazing thing to come so far was with my right eye. A little history first, when I was in utero, the nerves behind my eyes did not develop and attach to the back of my eyes so I was born blind in left eye, no straight ahead vision with peripheral intact, and the right eye only has straight ahead and nor peripheral,..... that is until this week thanks to the terminator. I am developing some peripheral vision in my right eye!!!!!!

I have always been told that together, my eyes as a pair made just one good eye. Both eyes have lattice and macular degeneration, which causes holes in my vision, and constant floaters. In the past four days the floaters are not near as prominent. Now I think all of this speaks strongly towards the terminator.

So far, I am seeing evidence of the ____killing worms, and dark spots on my skin are not as dark today. My breathing is much easier now also. My grey hairs are not so prominent now either. We are also seeing evidence of a "SHRINKING" skin cancer on my back. I have had two bad days where I just couldn't keep up with anything, falling asleep at the drop of the hat and no energy. It goes good day, bad day, in sequence.

I guess I was sicker with the cancer than I thought, and my weak kidneys from childhood are coming back to haunt me right now. The right one seems to hurt constantly at night. I should have listened to you and ordered that other stuff. I'll order it in a couple of days. I have increased water intake and it helps. I actually felt the killing of worms in the back of my head within the first two hours of use after the initial twenty minutes. That was a very odd feeling and gave some nasty pains for a short while. I am not wearing it continually yet, but I will get there. I think my body was so overloaded with the cancer and worms and it has made me weak. Bob has already told me that we are going to order him one on the first of December. Anyway, sorry this was so long, but I just wanted to say thanks again. I am greatly impressed.


Oh my God!!!!!!! This thing is amazing, (a little history first, since '95 when they began to spray heavy [rural South Carolina, USA] here I developed sinus problems, several years went by and I could no longer breath through my right nostril then left, last year I got poison oak very bad and had to rush to the hospital, while there a doc told me that I had a deviated septum and wanted to operate immediately.

Well all kinds of red flags went off inside me, so I told the doc heck no, got my wits about me and got the heck out of there fast.

Well due to the accident at the first of the year, three weeks ago I had a brain scan done and body scan (which I had a seizure not even 5 minutes after they took me out the Tesla machine, my wife said I spoke fluent French and something else for about 45 min. on an off while I was out and said all kind of weird things which really got me thinking there was more than a scan done' more on that if you want just ask")

Any way while at the doc's office the following day they said I was fine yeah right! So while the doc was away I grabbed my file and low and behold I had a 'cist' in my sinus canal and two in my shoulder. (Deviated septum my butt)

Well 45 minutes into my first zapping session my nose began drool slime. I began to cough up all kinds of nasty stuff then I felt something literally moving in my face an go to the back of my throat, I began hacking really hard and to my disgust a little egg shaped thing came out and into the sink It was about 1/4 inch hard yellowish egg with white stringy things coming off of it (sounds more like total recall). Then more drainage followed. I shocked myself for most of the day, the euphoria is almost addictive, any way I under went extreme pain in my spine for about 4 hours as well as my head and stomach. Then all stopped!

My spine feels better than it has in years!!!! (I broke my back in 97 and was paralyzed for 7 mo. from the waist down, that sucked) well I have now thrown away all of their "medicine" and I feel great!! My head is so clear, I have no depression whatsoever, my vision has improved, my color blindness has partially left, (this is really wild, I feel like a new baby seeing everything for the first time) my arm doesn't hurt (that was surgically re-attached 3 years ago, that sucked also) for the first time since my surgery and accident.

My whole body feels like it is being rebuilt from the inside out. I told my neurologist to take a hike they didn't believe me so they checked my over and I am better than new, they really are having a hard time with all this but that's their problem not mine. As of today I was released from all my doctors with beyond perfect health, Five months of pills, pokes, and scans and all I needed was a few good days of zapping.
