
Hello D__!

The chronic yeast infections I've suffered from for over a decade are GONE! My belly button is clear (not constantly yeasty or raw despite medications, cleaning, etc), my tongue isn't coated with a thick white layer of yuck like it always was, and best of all, my reproductive system is functioning normally again (for the first time in my life). My last period was only 3 pain free days (instead of the usual week of heavy clotting and cramps) and no PMS! Sorry - I know that's probably more information than you probably wanted, but I thought this might help some other poor woman who suffers every month like I did.

Thank you for changing my life!


... The other day we had a guest we introduced to the ____Zapper. She said she had vaginal yeast, and also had a sore throat. We let her zap, three times seven minutes. A week later we ran into her in town, and she told us that both the vaginal yeast and the sore throat had disappeared... Soul Guidance website

Hi K__,

We purchased a zapper around Christmas time. Honestly, I was skepticle but very desperate for help. I have been fighting parasites for several years (along with the horrible symptoms they cause). Well, yesterday I received a clean parasite test--wow, I can't believe it.

I zapped faithfully for a month and it killed cryptosporidium, toxoplasma, and yeast. I still feel yucky but am looking forward to a better day now that I am not fighting critters anymore!

My question for you is how do I know the zapper is not killing good, beneficial bacteria as well?

[This is a very common question, and a real concern for many. I have not heard back from a single person who has had an intestinal upset while using The _____ Zapper. The good bacteria replicate very quickly and the intestinal balance is maintained when using my zapper -- comment by K____]

Also, be prepared because all those that I know and love who have listened to my cry over the past few years are going to be coming to you for a zapper!

Thank you! -- from B Apr. 25, 2005