

Russ T: "So far, we have treated eight PCR-tested, HIV positive customers. After treatments ranging in length between two weeks and two and a half months, they each went to zero, below detectable levels. We were absolutely astounded to get that type of documentation. These are separate from the AIDS patients Bob has mentioned. We did our own testing. Many doctors, particularly naturopathic doctors, are trying out our technology, and their patients are getting well.

The blood of an AIDS patient is extraordinary to look at under a microscope. What you see will just shock you. There are life forms in their blood that look like octopuses with a hundred arms, and there are things creeping around. Then we look at their blood after a few weeks, and all of these things are disappearing. Their blood returns to the natural, healthy state it was when they were born."

From a dead website:

"We lent our Beck units to a friend who has adopted a four year-old with AIDS. Using the zapper and pulser, the little boy had his viral load drop more than 75% in one month!!!" E&S, North Carolina   "Tell Bob it works! My energy, strength and blood work are better." MS "My sister has AIDS and used the Beck units to achieve health. She decided to remain off medication and continue to use the Beck units to obtain immortal blood." JT


From Bob Beck's writings:

Bob: I read an article in Science News that was published March 30, 1991. On page 207, it described the "shocking" treatment proposed for AIDS by Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, which had accidentally discovered a way to cure all AIDS. So I looked into this, and I found that a paper on an AIDS cure had been presented to a Joint Congress on Combination Therapies in Washington, D.C., on March 14, 1991, at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapy.

When I attempted to find a copy of this paper to see what it said, I found that they had all vanished or were cut out of the proceedings. We hired a private investigator who got a personal abstract copy from one of the conference attendees. I also did a computer search and found that the only other mention of this technology was in "Outer Limits" in Longevity Magazine which appeared in the December, 1992, issue. It stated that Steven Kaali, M.D., from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, had found a way of inhibiting AIDS in blood, but that years of testing would be required before the virus electrocuting device was ready for use. In other words, they discovered it and then tried to cover it up immediately. But a very funny thing happened. Two years later, a patent popped up. The U.S. Government Patent Office described the entire process. You can obtain Patent #5188738 in which the same Dr. Kaali describes a process which will attenuate any bacteria or virus (including AIDS/HIV), parasites and all fungi contained in the blood, rendering them ineffective from infecting a normally healthy human cell. This is in a government document! This was in 1990! Why haven't they told the public about it? I decided if there was a sure-fire cure for AIDS, I had to find out about it.

So far, we have treated eight PCR-tested, HIV positive customers. After treatments ranging in length between two weeks and two and a half months, they each went to zero, below detectable levels. We were absolutely astounded to get that type of documentation. These are separate from the AIDS patients Bob has mentioned. We did our own testing. Many doctors, particularly naturopathic doctors, are trying out our technology, and their patients are getting well.

The blood of an AIDS patient is extraordinary to look at under a microscope. What you see will just shock you. There are life forms in their blood that look like octopuses with a hundred arms, and there are things creeping around. Then we look at their blood after a few weeks, and all of these things are disappearing. Their blood returns to the natural, healthy state it was when they were born.

"Another person who approached me at a speaking engagement said, "I was a dying AIDS patient.  It took two attendants to lift me onto the potty.  I am now back at work, and I have no symptoms."  One AIDS patient started on our program with a PCR test, which measures the number of HIV particles in a cubic centimeter of blood, with a count of 412,473 on June 9, 1995.  When he finished on November 1, 1995, his count was less than 100 particles.  One hundred particles is the smallest amount their instruments can read, so if the count is less than 100 particles, it is read as zero.  So we can say that he had a spontaneous remission.  If I only had one of these, it could be a fluke, an accident.  But I have test after test from patients replicating these same results.  We also waited a month after the blood cleaning took place to have the follow-up tests performed.  When you see these with your own eyes, and touch them with your own hands, it is entirely different from anecdotal data [Interview with Dr. Beck, 1997]."

I was back to myself in few months now, now I only use the protocol to maintain my health.  and I made my whole family use it and they are feeling so much better: my mother dropped half of her medications, my fathers memory is improving greatly..... dropped his doses in blood pressure medicine.  not to mention they all look younger.

My friend who used to have aids is now healthy.  he couldn't even go to the bathroom, now he is in Miami enjoying his life :)   I know for sure he got rid of most of his symptoms in 3 weeks.  he is still HIV+, that's not necessary because he still have the virus, but mostly because the test looks for viral antibodies. and once you have those, your +.

the protocol works.   go for it slowly....and surely you will as bob says, get back your power from the medicine companies.


Saud   11/2009

My tumor was gone in 4 months, but started shrinking during the first 10 days noticeably. the guy with aids started feeling better in the 1st week. He was symptom free in 3 months.
This protocol does work. I also use mms now. Its good stuff. 11/2009

We had one fellow in micro-electricity germ-killer group who had persistent high levels 2.2 mil, of Hep-c. He used beck's blood electrifier 4 hertz device for a year an hour a day. No change. He switched to DC, a device I designed very powerful called _____, an hour a day. in 15 weeks' time he tested every 3 weeks, it went down 99.3 percent to 14k. No single blood test was "up", they all went down, some very dramatically at about 6 weeks, then even lower. There were no side effects.

I am not kidding when I say Becks device is not everything there is in blood electrifying. He used DC early on, if I'm not mistaken, then a slowly oscillating dc, finally 4 hertz, which this fellow above used.

blood levels of HIV are not very relevant, unfortunately, so you can't really count on blood HIV being gone as assuring you of a high CD4 count and fixed up against AIDS. It will help with infections on top of HIV, sure. But HIV lives where Becks protocol will not reach it fully. I'm sorry. Your best bet is get frequent testing for CD4, use Becks all you want, and if you need them, combine with one of the lesser side effects meds which have come out and more to come. There is a lot more hope and lots less side effects these days. If you combine the two, be sure to electrify before taking the doses. If not on meds the Beck protocol will probably save your skin from AIDS, that was what Beck did, and it may work just fine. If your CD4 is not too bad, you can adjust how much you are doing about it, like less CS, or whatever you would think might help, but whatever you do..monitor your CD4, that is the life-death test. Blood-borne HIV is only about 3 percent of the total in the body, and it is all mutated strains which are not always that dangerous. It is the wild strains living in the gut linings which do the damaged to your CD4's. Neither Becks' nor the meds reach these fully. Using both might. They are working on meds to reach these HIV, now that they know where they are. This was only discovered in late 2006, but it marks the beginning of the end for HIV. The meds in a dish will knock out HIV, it's getting them to the HIV in the body, which is same problem the Beck stuff has.

I even designed pads to go over the gut area, and some say they tried them, but no results reported. People are awful about getting tested and reporting, so there's no way to help them effectively, which is too bad. They always say they're onboard, then you never hear back from them. Hope they didn't die. But .. like I say, the meds might be tuned to get you a cure, and I hope and pray they do.  11/09


Norene M. in Washington wrote: "January 26, 1982 was a fateful day. While in the hospital for breast reduction surgery at the age of 44, I received a blood transfusion. Within hours I felt I was battling for my life. When I was finally diagnosed with HIV in early 1995, I was suffering from childhood diseases; chicken pox and mumps, herpes sores in my mouth, a peptic ulcer, aneurysm, numerous allergies, aches and pains, and I was always tired. My liver was so bad, the doctor thought I was an alcoholic. I was now taking a variety of prescription drugs … swallowing 32 pills a day.

In November 1996, I confided to my brother that I didn't think I would live through the Christmas season. He convinced me to fly across the country for a three-week visit as he felt he could help me. I said, "What have I got to lose? If he wants to help I'll go." I didn't want to miss Christmas with my husband, two grandchildren and their parents but I went. Tracy put me on a careful diet-organic vegetables and fruit with lots of fresh carrot juice and I avoided dairy products, wheat and meat. I eat fish but no canned goods. Tracy started me on several therapies and I went off all prescribed medication. On December 12th, I started using the blood electrifier and the Magnetic Pulser. Within three weeks I felt great. I was walking miles a day. My mouth blisters (herpes) cleared up. When they return, colloidal silver clears them quickly. On November 22 1996 my PCR HIV test read 3,763 counts. Two months later, on January 24 1997, my PCR HIV test read "not detected". What's my life like today? I'm living a full life but I'm living with the stigma of HIV. If people in my town knew, I'd be ostracized. I'm sure there's a reason why this happened to me but I don't as yet know. I do a lot of yard work, I'm tanned, I look after my two young grandchildren, I cater to weddings … and I look younger. My husband says I put three gardeners to shame! I continue to use the Beck units. I would greatly love to meet Bob Beck someday.

A customer in North Carolina was diagnosed with AIDS. She had been losing weight and becoming gradually more worn out before she started using the blood electrifier and Magnetic Pulser. Even though she used it less weeks than recommended, afterwards she felt better and then started gaining back her normal weight. She eventually felt strong enough to undergo a hysterectomy and afterwards recovered like a normal person would.

Russ T: "So far, we have treated eight PCR-tested, HIV positive customers. After treatments ranging in length between two weeks and two and a half months, they each went to zero, below detectable levels. We were absolutely astounded to get that type of documentation. These are separate from the AIDS patients Bob Beck has mentioned. We did our own testing. Many doctors, particularly naturopathic doctors, are trying out our technology, and their patients are getting well. The blood of an AIDS patient is extraordinary to look at under a microscope. What you see will just shock you. There are life forms in their blood that look like octopuses with a hundred arms, and there are things creeping around. Then we look at their blood after a few weeks, and all of these things are disappearing. Their blood returns to the natural, healthy state it was when they were born."

I have a testimony:

before I was in the protocol I had a very bad immune system, used to catch the flue evry month or so and basically weak.  ever since I started myself on the protocol, I never even catched a flue in over a year, my acne disappeared from my body and I always wake up fresh.

so I started my mother and father on the protocol, my father used to suffer from prostate problems all year long, now they are gone, he dropped the antibiotics  and looks younger.

my mother dropped half of her meds and her diabetes lowered.  her skin looks fresh and better also with better complexion.

in general, my whole family health in increased and getting even better.  Also, I have had some sort of tumor in my back the doctors didnt like and they prescribed me many chemo meds I refused and started myself on the whole protocol again, in 2 months its disappeared.

I know personally one gentleman who was full blown aids and he is totally cured. 

the funny thing is is that people dont want to take responsibility in their health, the want the doctors to tell them what to do, it is right dont get me wrong, but to me I prefer I take full responsibility over my life and health.  I know for sure the protocol doesnt work for everyone, for the only reason that not everyone want to take responsibility.

I hope I helped in the testimonial part.

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