
Testimonial: Lung Worms & Candida:

I purchased a Silver Pulser one and a half years ago. It has helped me immensely. I pulse 3Xs for 6 minutes, 20-minutes a part for three days and took one-third cup of Colloidal Silver (CS) water 3Xs a day for three days before my body started cleaning out. I ran a temperature and my sinuses just poured. My lungs loosened a lot of stuff even though my left lung was plugged before I started.

I was sick, just like having the flu, for about ten days, coughing up tons of stuff out of my lungs. I even had to get my husband to pound my back in the mornings to loosen it up. My sinuses continued to run continuously. Meanwhile, I continued taking the CS-water. I think I had lung-worms and when they died after pulsing, they rotted in the lung tissue and I had to cough all that up. I was unable to spit it out so I was swallowing it. Therefore, it went all through my system before elimination. I took (Calomel's?) several times to clear my colon.

The CS-water I take every day keeps my Candida under control and I haven't had a cold or the flu since I started taking it. I wouldn't want to do without my CS and I think we need not be afraid of the super bugs or any other as long as we have our Colloidal Silver makers. G.A. of Lloydminster, AB


From People who use these devices Beck Testimonials

January 1997 to November 1997 Silver Pulser & Colloidal Silver:

I'm writing this because I could not let my experience go silently by without heralding it to the world. So many times we, in our busy lives, simply accept the occasional miracles as they come our way with complacency-as if we are somehow deserving-not taking the time to thank or reflect or question. So here is the story of my miracle for which I am so very grateful.

To cure a mysterious and stubborn virus that I contracted while living in the Caribbean, my U.S. doctor put me on strong antibiotics-permanently. (Gee, if you can't cure it just mask the symptoms.) Five years later looking like "the night of the living dead," with my immune system completely destroyed, raging systemic candida, chronic liver and kidney infections, small intestine problems, and a general feeling of constant exhaustion, I felt desperate to find another way.

Finally, I found a naturopath in Calgary who gradually began to unravel the damage done by conventional medicine and I did greatly improve over the next year. But the candida and bacteria were still out of control and nothing we tried seemed to give my immune system a fighting chance.

Then the naturopath introduced me to "The Silver Pulser" and silver colloidal. "Oh bother, what kind of snake oil is this now?" I thought. But I was willing to try anything, no matter how absurd, to get well. The first few days sent my body careening through terrible detox-like a horrible flu-but I stuck with it because, after all, anything this terrible was either going to kill me or cure me. On day four my husband said, "Honey is there anything I can do-anything I can get you?" "Yes," I said, "How about a loaded gun."

Then on day five I woke up and felt suddenly better. On day six I felt better still and I have continued to feel increasingly better ever since.

After two months the naturopath checked my blood work again and was astonished to find a whopping improvement-the candida and bacteria were reduced by 60%!

Yahoo! I'm winning! I still use "The Silver Pulser" religiously for 2-3 hours every day and drink between 2-3 cups of silver colloidal. I continue to improve. My eyes are clear, my hair is glossy, my skin is healthy and people who have not seen me for several months say, "Hey you look great!"

I feel great! You helped me change hopeless to hopeful. Thanks for my miracle.

D. D., Montana

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