Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Lesley P was vice president of a garment firm and had a healthy athletic body before getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This forced her to quit her job and put on 30 pounds. She also experienced much mental confusion and brain fog. After 3 weeks of blood electrification her energy returned and her thinking cleared up. She was scientific enough to have a live blood cell analysis done before and after the 3 week treatment. Results: Before: blood cells had lots of free radical damage; red blood cell count was low; red blood cells were abnormally shaped with little activity and quite a bit of sticking together; almost no white blood cells (immune cells). After: no free radical damage; twice as many red blood cells; cells had more normal shape and very little sticking; lots of white blood cells.


April A, who has CFIDS, emailed me after using 100hz blood electrification for 1 week for 15 minutes a day: "Got the Beck-Rife#2 unit a week ago and have been using it. I love it ! My eyes are starting to focus again, and I have more energy. I've folded a load of clothes AND put them up. Not to mention actually washing 3 loads. Also have cooked dinner for 3 nites in a row! And put dishes in the dishwasher every day too ! Can't wait to see what 30 minutes a day will do for me this week! I am also taking Vit C, lysine, and glutamine. Not taking the Body Electric products anymore. Please give directions for the BR unit and Pulser for my St. Bernard dog. He has CFIDS too. Thanks and many, many blessings!"


When I first heard about people getting over chronic fatigue syndrome by using these devices I too had some skepticism but I had to overcome it and take the risk because I had everything to gain and only a couple hundred dollars to possibly lose. My life was trashed completely by this infirmity and I needed to do something. So I took the risk and was free of my disease in just 2 months after having suffered with it for 16 years. Shirley Maclain properly entitled her book about her personal spiritual growth "Out On A Limb" because that's where the fruit in life is; on the outskirts of the limbs where one has to take a risk to climb out there and pick them. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Life is full of possible risks and sometimes you fall and get hurt but the experts in life wisely chose their risks and enjoy such sweetness as a result of their choice and faith-filled venture into the unknown. I pray that God gives you the needed faith to do what you need to do in order to enjoy the health that you want to enjoy.


"I have used the Beck units every day now for about a month. This is the first time in 9 years I've felt great!! (Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's syndrome, etc.) My life is just starting over -- thank you so much!" CW, California   "...I started using the Beck Protocol for Chronic Fatigue and Epstein Barr symptoms... which were constantly coming and going for over 2 years. ...I'm feeling much more energetic. ...The protocol has been the best medicine I've ever taken. I'm still using it, and plan to continue using it until I'm 100% better." AS, Israel   "I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about two years ago... I was in pain most of the time. I couldn't sleep; I was extremely tired. I wasn't getting much relief from traditional doctors... After a week on the Beck units I started feeling better. I stopped taking medication... I was pain-free. I decided to use the units for an eight-hour period. That was a year ago. I have had no symptoms of that type since." SY, Arizona "I've had chronic fatigue syndrome of a viral origin for 16 years... I used the Beck units for several months... and now I feel like the virus has been completely eliminated... I highly recommend the use of this product for any problem of viral and/or bacterial origin." MF, North Carolina "I began the Beck protocol seeking relief from chronic fatigue brought on by mercury and other metal poisoning and a lifetime of serious allergies... My allergies are now gone, my other symptoms are much improved and my energy level has stabilized..." BA, California  

Testimonial: CFS & Epstein Barr:

The beginning of this past December I got sick and got progressively worse and worse, and only now almost at the end of May am I feeling better. My symptoms included constant low-grade fever, constant swollen glands in my neck, bronchial type cough, horrendous, pounding headaches, virtual inability to sleep. For even 1 year before this December I would go through periods of sleeping 2 hours a night. I tried every remedy that was recommended to me and nothing worked. I had horrible nightmares, of which I had no history. The really strange thing was sometimes I felt incredibly wired. I had so much energy. But after December 1997 I literally could not move at times. Only with difficulty could I raise my arm parallel to the floor, over my head would have been impossible. I didn't have the strength to wash a single dish in the sink. I had irregular heart palpitations and anxiety attacks that would come at any time having nothing to do with stress. I had herpes cold sores on my lips. My whole body was incredibly weak, I could barely walk at times. I would get a pinched nerve feeling at the top of my thighs where they connect to my torso and pains on the bottoms of my feet so that I wasn't able to stand. I would get excruciating pains in my shoulder blades and lower back, arms and thighs. I got my period every 3 weeks. Either I was constipated or had diarrhea. I had to constantly urinate. I could barely remember anything. I couldn't remember if someone had told me something 5 minutes ago, 5 hours ago, 5 months, everything was a blur. Rashes. My tongue had a heavy white film over it. At times it was impossible to eat. I was extremely sensitive to noise to the point where it hurt my ears to listen to the radio or talk on the phone. I had a constant, disgusting feeling all the time that is difficult to explain. It felt like I was covered from head to toe with ants that were crawling all over me and eating away at my body.

Now that I know these symptoms relate to chronic fatigue and Epstein Barr, I know that I've had this for much longer than half a year. As I said, I already had sleeping problems. Other various symptoms were constantly coming and going for over 2 years. I just never had them all at the same time.

When I started using the protocol, February 15, I had immediate improvement for about 3 weeks, then I went backwards, meaning that my symptoms had lessened and then came back much stronger. It would be bad for about 2 weeks, and then there was improvement again. This has been my pattern of healing. Today is May 20 and the symptoms that I still have are pains in my shoulder blades and bottoms of feet, although not nearly as bad as it was. I'm going through a period right now of sleeping 2 hours a night again, but I did go through periods where I slept better and even slept well. I'm still a little sensitive to noise; I have ringing in my ears. I need to urinate too much. My tongue is clearer but still not the way it should be. I'm feeling much more energetic. I haven't missed one day since I started using the protocol. At times when I was really sick I drank up to 4 cups of colloidal silver a day. Now I drink between 1 and 2. Whatever my body was telling me I needed, that was how I gauged how much colloidal silver to drink. So I'd say that the protocol has been the best medicine I've ever taken. I'm still using it, and plan to continue using it until I'm 100 percent better.

Some alternative health professionals here have told me, although this is a generalization, that a person needs at least one month for every year that he/she has been ill to get better. I recently found out that I had Epstein Barr in 1995 (long story, not worth going into). So now I've done 3 months of protocol for the 3 years of being sick, and I'm feeling, thank G-d considerably better.

I have also completely changed my diet. I eat no sugar, no white flour, no white rice, no tap water, no dairy products. I do eat only organic vegetables, fruits, and grains. I juice a lot, mainly carrot juice, orange juice, grape juice and papaya juice. In the carrot juice I usually include either beets or celery. I take 5 super blue green algae tablets a day. I just started with Pcynogenol. I grow and drink my own wheat grass juice, I drink it about 4 or 5 days a week. I drink the acidophilus from it. I sprout wheat along with other beans. I eat a lot of salmon. I've started walking at least 20 minutes a day. I feel really good afterwards. I pray to G-d a lot. I try to be thankful for the small things in life and accept this as something that I have to go through-while of course doing everything that I can to overcome it.

I have an interesting story. Around 3 weeks ago I went to pray at the grave of Dan the son of Jacob. Dan, among other things is connected to strength and healing. It was Dan that was always trying to strengthen the Jews belief in G-d. He was last in the line up of the tribes, essentially he protected the back. The symbol of his flag is the snake, which of course to this day is related to healing. Even though I barely slept that night, when morning came, that disgusting feeling of ants crawling all over me was gone. It was the first time in a long time that I felt something that I can call normal.


A.S. of Jerusalem, Israel

I have been down with chronic fatigue syndrome for 6 or so years. But it was actually more than that. I found out I had Sjogrens syndrome. It is where you bodies river dries up. It starts like chronic fatigue syndrome and slight on set of arthritis that does not test positive. My knuckles were red and swollen but the Doctor Fisher out of Houston said that it was all in my head and that I was wasting his time. But the people around me said that my hands were indeed red and swollen. It hurt to turn a door knob. I slept all the time. And people thought I was a hypochondriac. But 6 years later I have sjogren syndrome. So now that I have been using the protocol I have energy. My leg is working again. My brain is working again. I could not read my novels any more because I could not remember them for the night before. But that only lasted two weeks. With my own "research" with Bob Beck Protocol I found many things clear up for me. I use it every day. I tried to stop after 5 months and found that I still needed it. I find it great because the only side effect is that my wrists where the pulser goes is red and a bit rough. I switch wrists to alleviate that. I am still doing my "research". I will never give it up. I absolutely swear by it. K

I was cured of CFIDS by using the blood electrifier and magnetic pulser.  11/2009

Beck invented his device totally independent of Rife technology. It was his brain-child after he found out about the lab tests against HIV in the lab of researchers of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. They used dc current to reduce HIV infectivity by 99%. Their second medical patent proposed AC current and that is what Beck went with, choosing to use 4 hertz. After I realized that the actual tests were based on treatment with dc current I made a dc current device and tested it on myself. It proved to be just as effective against the Epstein Barr Virus that I kept getting reinfected with while living in South America (because all the Latinos carry it). I also loaned it to a friend with lymphatic cancer and he got well using it (and changing his diet). Please read my e-book about electromedicine at http://www.dragonfl index.html

If you feel like you have a constant flu or chronic mononucleosis then you probably have an ongoing viral infection causing CFIDS. This viral disease was beating me to death for 16 years until I tried this alternative treatment.

The Epstein Barr virus is a common cause of this disease, and when it (or any other causative virus) is treated with electric current it loses its ability to infect human white blood cells. Without being able to infect cells with their nucleic acids then the viruses are stopped from being able to use the human cells to reproduce themselves. Being left 'free-floating' in the blood serum (fluid), then the white blood cells will eventually take the viruses out of the bloodstream one-by-one (which is their job as immune cells). This type of treatment with electricity presents the most important step to a possible cure. Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NY discovered this activity of electricity against viruses, stopping their ability to attach to human cells receptor sites. The electricity needed was only a scant 50-100 micro-amps (millionths of an ampere) which is not enough to feel. Afterwards they created a medical patent which describes two different ways for hospitals to give alternative treatment to patients blood with electricity. One way was by removing it, gently electrifying it, then re-injecting it (like the circular blood flow of a dialysis machine does). The other way was by surgically implanting into an artery a battery powered vessel that would electrify blood as it passed through it in order to affect the viruses to disable them. Robert Beck came up with a simpler and less costly and less painful way to electrify the blood without having to cut or needle the patient at all. The result is blood and lymph electrification devices (the Beck Electrifier and Magnetic Pulser) that _____ and other companies sell for chronic fatigue alternative treatment, and treatment of other diseases caused by infectious microbes. First you definitely need to click onto this link to see the lab results of the researchers experimenting on HIV-1 with electricity for their deactivation, which is the scientific basis for this type of therapy.

chronic fatigue alternative treatment testimony:

Michael F showed all the classical symptoms of CFIDS since 1980 when he lived in Dallas. These included feeling infected by something like the flu, profound fatigue (especially after exercise), muscle weakness, muscle aches, sleep disturbance, forgetfulness, irritability, confusion, difficulty thinking, depression, light sensitivity, anxiety, emotional lability, sensitivity to heat and cold, intolerance of alcohol, low temperature, hearing sensitivity, chemical sensitivities, and foggy thinking.

In 1996 he used the Beck Electrifier and Magnetic Pulser for two months of treatment for a total of 92 hours. Much cleansing of deactivated viruses and whatnot was experienced during this time but 2 weeks after stopping usage of the devices he noticed a sudden marked improvement in how he felt overall with a great lessening of all the above symptoms and a complete alleviation of the feeling of having a constant flu. Everyone who knew him then would comment on how he looked so much improved even though he hadn't told them about the treatment he just completed.

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