Crawly Feelings in muscles

Crawly feelings

Hmm. Actually I wondered. There is indeed a chance that magnetic repolarization of the bugs may do them in rather than the eddy currents. I have been into induction heating lately looking at the possibility of getting a buck out of it on the north American market in cooperation with a PhD who had his fingers in it up to his shoulders a few years back and he had assured me that eddy currents are extremely difficult to achieve in a meaningful magnitude in poor conductors, i.e. non metals.

On the other hand, I have had issues with tingly crawly feelings in my calves since March 2009. I had the same in my abdomen. While the abdomen was fixed for this particular problem by a 19 day water fast with enemas I went through in Agust-September of this year 2009, the problem disappeared in the calves during the fast, but returned about two weeks later. I have been pulsing for 3 days now so far with the S-- magnetic pulser and the problem is quite noticeably diminishing. So the MP is doing something positive, whatever it is and whatever is its underlying principle. [MMS 2 months did not do either, although it did get few other things fixed for me.] With kind regards, S.


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