Eosinophilic Esophaghitis

EE - 1/2010

For the last 4yrs I've been suffering with Eosinophilic Esophaghitis (EE), and various allergies that just sprung up on me almost overnight. EE is an abnormal build up of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, in the esophagus, causing very painful swallowing and impactions. On bad days even drinking water would be unbearable, just to give you an idea.

The cause is an allergic reaction to food, and also environmental allergens. In my case, by trial and error mind you, I was highly allergic to onions, garlic, and mold. Staying away from these items made it more manageable, but easier said than done, it's almost impossible to avoid. So for the past 4yrs every other day I'd have severe symptoms.

There is no cure, nor any effective treatment for EE. Doctors generally never even heard of it EE, they just give you nexium which does absolutely nothing...

Now for the good news :-) 6 weeks ago I began two parts of the Beck Protocol. The Colloidal Silver, and the Blood pulser. The CS I started off pretty heavy around 8ozs a day for a few weeks, now I've tapered off to an ounce or so 3 times a day. The pulser I adhered to the suggestions of starting slow, 15 minutes, then 30, hour, after a week I was up to 2 hours which I still do daily. Results?? After a few days I noticed that my painful swallowing symptoms disappeared! Amazed how quickly my symptoms dissipated, after another couple weeks I decided to be daring and introduce some know allergens into the mix. More good news, I experienced no symptoms of EE whatsoever! Today, I eat and drink whatever I want with no worries at all! I've simply been amazed how effective this all has been for me, I can't say enough good things about it. Amazing. Thanks, Tom


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