
Colloidal Silver:

I am currently visiting my Granny. She has a colloidal silver machine [Silver Maker]. I have always had trouble with ichy red eyes that would swell periodically. The doctor would give me antibiotic drops for them which didn't seem to heal them much faster than if I'd just left then alone. When I first arrived at Granny's one week ago I woke up with infected, swollen eyes. The infection was so bad that it spread to the left side of my nose which was swollen and hurt to touch. When I looked in the mirror I was so horrified that I cried, which just worsened the condition. I looked hideous and I was embarrassed to be looked at. I felt depressed. It was my friend's birthday party in two days. I was sad because I knew from past experience that it would take a week or two to heal!

I was desperate so I decided to try my Granny's colloidal silver. I sipped the liquid slowly running it through my teeth and under my tongue. After drinking 8 ounces I got a warm, almost tingly feeling in my mouth, throat, and stomach. Everywhere the liquid touched. Immediately I got an energy lift and my mood changed for the better. I turned from depressed to hopeful. I then soaked a large cotton ball in it and taped it to the worst part of the infection the side of the nose and eye. I put 3 drops in each eye every 40 minutes and made sure the cotton ball stayed wet. After one hour I noticed my eyes were already less swollen. After two hours my eyes appeared normal which shocked me. I peeled the bandage back and to my surprise the swelling was gone. I looked normal. What only two hours before seemed like a disaster was now turned around thanks to colloidal silver. I went to the party with bells on! I've been drinking it every day now for 1 week and each time I drink it, it lifts my mood and gives me energy. I got from tired or even grumpy to energetic and pleasant! V.W., B.C.

I notice a boost in energy and a positive cheerful mood change after taking [colloidal silver] as a drink. But the most remarkable change I have noticed is in using the undiluted, regular strength colloidal drops as an eye rinse twice daily. I use an eye dropper and put several drops in morning and evening. The first 2 days, my eyes stung slightly, and in the morning I woke up with a slight discharge in the corners of my eyes. After that my eyes, which were always blood-shot from years of adverse reactions from wearing contact lenses, with harsh chemicals, and having eye infections, which prescriptions didn't solve, suddenly were snowy white! I didn't think that a 46 year old lady could have snowy white eyes after the problems I had. They are like a healthy young child's! I decided to store my lenses in colloidal silver!! I use ½ of the soaking solution, and ½ distilled water. To that I add 3 drops of colloidal silver and SHAKE. To my amazement-the solution is so gentle-I have no sore eyes anymore! And one other added blessing. There was a pair of lenses that I could not wear. They had apparently become infected with bacteria. I was going to throw them out. After soaking in my special preparation, they are back to normal. I have saved a pair of lenses that were only 4 months old! Thanks to colloidal silver! G.W., British Columbia

Eye Pulsing - 2/2010

Yeah, eye pulsing very often proved a real cure. Some say it can make you blind for some minutes, but that's only temporary. - PM

Eye Pulsing - 2/2010

Well I do it, my mother does it even dad once he had a red eye pulsed it then its gone back to normal. The educational videos on sharinghealth.com say its ok :) I tried and been doing it for some time, its all good....if not even better ;)  - S


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