
1998 Testimonial:

 Since I completed the treatment, I have used the Beck units on three other people with different problems-skin cancer, Herpes simplex, Herpes Zoster, and a chronic urinary tract infection. All have had major improvements or complete remission.

 W.R., Mexico


A customer emailed me: "I have had herpes simplex (sores on my lips) for 20 years. They always happen under one of two conditions: emotional stress + exposure to sun and drying. I have been using the Black Box (2 hours a day) and Magnetic Pulser on and off for about 6 months. They have caused a remarkable improvement in my health! (My chronic fatigue is completely gone.) Recently I had what would have to be considered an emotionally stressful situation. ... After all this was taken care of (one of the most stressful two weeks in my life) I noticed something. No cold sores! Not even itiching or the slight burning that preceeds them! My previous use of the devices cured my CFIDS but not the herpes because I only pulsed with the regular Magnetic Pulser. This time, I used the Multi-Pulser too and now the herpes is gone. I have been doing this version of the treatment about a month." (editors note: "this version" was daily using the Multi-Pulser firstly all over the head and then all over the rest of the body. She also drank ozonated water but I doubt it can get inside the nerves where the viruses hide.)

Don P felt a bout of herpes simplex coming on and so used 100hz blood electrification on the wrists for 3 hours and then used the Herpes Zapper on his lips for 5 minutes and to his amazement the infection was completely stopped in its tracks. He reported this to me a week after it happened without any incidence of herpes that week.


From a dead webpage:

"Colloidal silver is great for when herpes appears... used it during pregnancy in the genital area. The test before showed no need for a Caesarean." RS, Florida


My left thigh began to burn over the course of about a week. It became so bad that I had to wear short pants because I could not stand having fabric touch my skin! A sore with pustules appeared above my knee. Since this had all the signs of a herpes/shingles outbreak, I started to think about ways to treat it.

I read another report about using Colloidal Silver where the person took lots of CS and got rid of it. I immediately drank about 4 ounces and continued that for 3 days. By the third day, I noticed that my thigh no longer hurt.

I also mixed Oregano Oil with DMSO and rubbed it on my spine from the tailbone up to the 12th rib. It seems that if the virus stays dormant there and activates with stress, getting the oil into that area should eliminate the problem.

The pain cleared up completely in about 4 days. The sore went away in about a week. So far (about 4 months) I have had no other symptoms.

P.S. in NM

In one of Bob Beck's video talks he mentions five months as the treatment period for Herpes--which would include much pulsing in the nerve sheaths (where the virus lurks). It was the only malady he mentioned which required such lengthy treatment.

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