
June 19, 2002 I have a spinal cord injury (SCI). Searching the web I have found very little on the benefits of Colloidal Silver (CS) on the neurology aspect. I make my own CS using Canadian Maple Leaf coins, six-volt power supply, an air pump, and a VOM to measure current. I do add salt to achieve about .002 amps of current. 

June 27th, 1998, I was run over by an automobile and this is the cause of my SCI. The main thing I suffered from, that I noticed, was my right ankle was in bad shape, in constant pain. I had emergency surgery done on that foot. I experienced pain in this foot daily. Doctors could not (or would not) stop the pain.

I spent the entire summer of 2001 in pain. I didn't do much but sit all day. Shortly after 9/11 I heard about CS. I started drinking about 2 oz twice a day. After about two months of CS my neck started freeing. Then I started drinking about 20 oz a day. I am pretty much pain free. Some symptoms are gone, as in problems urinating. Being a surveyor, I think that I may have had Lyme's disease. I always thought it was a heat rash . But whatever it was is gone now. One side effect of pain is obviously sleep problems. I was lethargic most of the time. This was corrected with CS. 

 About three weeks ago I stopped drinking the CS. A couple of weeks go by without any problems. In the third week I started experiencing bad symptoms from my injury. Clonus in my left arm and spasticity in my neck was the worse of all. I guess it means I will be quadriplegic. I restarted drinking the CS and will not stop as long as I can feed myself. The difference is night and day.

 In my opinion, if you have nothing to lose, drink as much CS as you deem fit. It will take away the pain and give you back some of your normal life. It's a doctor in a bottle. 

Gary L

I have used the Magnetic pulser, the water ionizer, the brain tuner for years now. I have forgotten several times all the things they have helped alleviate. Lots of painful nerves, intestinal disorders, mental depression, too numerous to mention.

I forgot how many people I lent them to and they would NOT relinquish them back to me. I have not the heart to ask for them back, either. My magnetic pulser still sits under the pillow of a friend with a serious spinal injury who cannot walk without special pump inside of her to put immuno suppressant drugs inbetween her neck vertebrae where 7/8 of her spine is severed from a ski accident. He uses the mag pulser when things get swollen and pressure on the spinal cord. It helps. - bg

A friend of mine in another state had a son who was in a car accident and was on morphine for years and to get him off of morphine they cured him by putting him on methadone for some more years...he was always in a stupor...I sent and older model ___ out to them and in just a few weeks he was off the drug and the lights came on in his eyes...gary  9/2009

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