Coloroso, Barbara, The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander

Harper Resource, 2003 - Good book. Should be part of teacher's curriculum. Read in Summer 2006

Gurian, Michael, Boys and Girls Learn Differently!

Jossey-Bass, 2001 - An interesting book. All about the physical differences in the brain of males and females and how it affects learning at different grade levels. Males need more physical action to stay stimulated to learn.  Read in Summer 2006

Healy, Jane M., How Computers Affect Our Children's Minds

for Better and Worse, Simon & Schuster, 1998 - Computers are used too early in the schools and far too much emphasis is put on them. The effect is mostly detrimental and not beneficial before age 7. Did not read the book but flipped through it to look at its main points. Read in Summer 2006

Kunjufu, Jawanza, Black Students. Middle Class Teachers

African American Images, 2002,  Excellent book. Author does not understand school funding and fixed vs. variable costs. But book is one that would be a good one to be required reading for all teachers. Read in Summer 2006

O'hanian, Susan, What Happened to Recess and Why Are Our Children Struggling in Kindergarten?

McGraw-Hill, 2002 - Read most of the book. About standardized tests gone mad! The tests are causing horrible test anxiety. The test questions are ridiculous and the secrecy lets them get away with it. For some of the tests, if a teacher even looks at the questions, she can be fired or fined a huge amount of money. Kindergarten has become a higher level grade with unreasonable expectations per author. Read in Summer 2006