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High Technology meets Ancient Medicine
by Tom Klaber Continued 


Robin S., a 32-year-old entrepreneur, had just remarried. She already had one child from her previous marriage, but wanted to have more children with her new husband. After several months had passed without her becoming pregnant, she went to see a fertility specialist who thoroughly examined both her and her husband. When no significant findings were discovered, the doctor prescribed fertility drugs for Robin.

A half year later she still wasn't pregnant. With nothing to lose, she made an appointment with a practitioner who evaluated her using EDS. He quickly found a subclinical infection in her fallopian tubes and prescribed a short course of antibiotics.

Robin was absolutely thrilled when she became pregnant less than 30 days later. After a normal pregnancy she gave birth to a healthy boy. Subclinical infections can be difficult to confirm. Did EDS help to solve this case? 

Terry H., a professional musician, was 43 years old when he began experiencing violent epileptic-like seizures. The seizures occurred without warning, making him a danger to his friends and family. He could no longer risk sleeping with his wife since he would often thrash about unpredictably during the night. Sometimes he was found nearly choking in the sheets that had become wrapped around his neck while he slept.

Terry spent six months working with neurologists and underwent exhaustive testing without success. There was no clear consensus among the doctors for the diagnosis, much less a treatment plan. The seizures continued daily.

At that point, nearly out of money and medical alternatives, he visited a naturopath who evaluated him using an EDS device. In about 30 minutes the practitioner had traced the problem to the-mercury-amalgam fillings in his mouth. The seizures stopped 48 hours after the fillings were removed. Months later he remained seizure free. Was the EDS practitioner correct? There may be no way to definitively prove these findings, but the patient was certainly happy.

TK: You've said that that the changes in the skin's electrical conductivity, registered by EDS can also measure what the body's response to a remedy will be, before it is administered. Does anyone understand the mechanism whereby an organ dysfunction affects the electrical conductivity of certain points on the skin in a consistent way? Or how simply holding a substance would indicate how the body would respond to it if ingested? Frankly, I can understand why many people would be skeptical.

SM: There is no single theory as to why simply holding a substance--or putting it in circuit--can stimulate the body in such a way as to change its electrical resistance. However, a look at modern physics and cellular biology suggests a probable mechanism.

All matter vibrates at a specific and unique frequency as a result of the electric charges of the particles at the atomic level. These vibrating, electrically charged particles emit electromagnetic waves. This means that every medicine (or any other substance) produces its own unique electromagnetic signature. This fact can be demonstrated through the science of spectroscopy, which can identify substances by the energy fields they produce.

At the same time, cellular biology explains that all cells have two types of antenna-like receptors on their surface. While the first type of receptor is designed to detect bio-chemical substances such as nutrients or hormones in the body, the second type of receptor is designed specifically to receive electromagnetic signals from the surrounding environment. Leading cell biology researcher Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., who lectures extensively on the electronic nature of the cell, cites experiments that show cells are actually a hundred times more sensitive to electromagnetic signals than chemical signals.

TK: You seem to be talking about cellular communication via an energy, a medium, that conventional medicine does not recognize. 

SM: That's right. Conventional medicine is still based on the outdated mechanistic physics of the 19th century, as if the body works like a machine. It still holds the foundational belief that life processes can be described and understood on a chemical level. While quantum theory in the 1920s represented a revolution in science, its biological implications have yet to be integrated into biological science, although undercurrents have been recognized by many important scientists. For example, a famous Nobel Laureate in physics, Dr. Werner Heisenberg, said, "The opinion that living processes can be explained only by the methods of physics and chemistry and that there are no biological forces is not in congruence with quantum theory."

These ideas suggest not only that living systems can recognize electromagnetic fields, but that they also play an essential role in the body's survival.

It makes sense that intelligent living systems would include a way for every cell to receive information on the activities taking place in every other part of the body. Although the movement of chemicals from place to place in the body is one important means of communication, it is too slow to account for the rapid transfer of information that takes place.

Research that proves organized electromagnetic fields (or "biofields") extend from our body and intelligently interact with the environment has been performed worldwide by distinguished scientists such as German biophysicist Fritz Popp, Ph.D., Stanford professor William Tiller, Ph.D., UCLA professor Valerie Hunt, Ph.D., and former NIH adviser and founder of Temple University's Center for Frontier Sciences, Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. Each of these researchers has written books or articles about the nature of the human biofield and how it reacts to energy and information in its environment. 

TK: Much of what you've been saying seems to indicate that the energetic level is primary to the physical, or biochemical, level.

SM:, Exactly. Every function in the body depends on the correct energy. All disease initially begins as a functional disturbance that only becomes a clinically recognizable disease over time. This is one reason why so many patients have symptoms that cannot be diagnosed using conventional methods. If there are no telltale morphological findings, conventional medicine is often at a loss to explain the problem. This primary of energy over the material has been known since ancient times. For example, traditional Chinese medicine clearly states this important principle as "blood follows qi." This means that the material aspect of the body is subordinate to the energetic, not the reverse. Nobel Laureate in Medicine Albert SzentGyogyi noted over 40 years ago that "in every culture and medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."

TK: So, EDS can be used to help pinpoint problems no matter what part of the body they occur in? Can it help with musculoskeletal problems? Hormone imbalances?

SM: Yes, with proper training, the versatility of EDS makes it a valuable adjunct to any type of practice. An acupuncturist can use EDS to discover the most disturbed meridian and then select an herbal formula that will balance it. A chiropractor may use it to find spinal subluxations and choose the best supplements to support the physical adjustments. Naturopathic physicians can detect a patient's food allergies using EDS and then select the best homeopathic remedies to help eliminate them. Medical doctors can employ EDS as a prescreen or follow-up for expensive lab tests, as well as using it to select the medication that will produce the least side effects for the patient. Many dentists find EDS indispensable in selecting the most compatible dental materials to use for each patient.

TK: As you've described the use of EDS, it sounds so simple and mechanical. Is it really as easy as hooking up a patient and having a machine tell you what's wrong and how to fix it?

SM: Absolutely not! It's important to emphasize the fact that EDS is only a tool. EDS machines do not produce automatic answers for medical problems with the push of a button. There is no "black box" effect at work, no secret circuitry or artificial intelligence contained inside these machines. It is the practitioner who is doing the testing with the aid of the instrument-the instrument itself is not doing the testing! Every medical device produces some type of information about the patient that must be interpreted by the practitioner. In this regard, EDS machines are no different than other medical tools such as an EEG, X-ray machine or even a stethoscope. Each of these tools require a trained practitioner who has the learning and experience to effectively interpret the results they produce. The mere act of owning an EDS device doesn't make one a medical practitioner any more than owning a musical instrument makes one a musician.

In the hands of a skilled practitioner, EDS machines are powerful tools that can directly access the body's sophisticated communication and control network. In this way, EDS de vices can help practitioners diagnose medical conditions that are beyond the reach of conventional medicine because they provide a way to evaluate the patient at the energetic level where all disease begins and ends.


The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only.

BE AWARE: The electrodermal testing devices have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") for assessment of nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, the presence of toxins, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, or the weakness of organs and glands. Use of the device for these purposes is inconsistent with FDA approval. The galvanic skin response device  is a Class II device that may be used for lie detection and for biofeedback.

There are no generally accepted completed clinical studies which demonstrate that the electrodermal testing devices are effective when used to assess for nutritional deficiencies, the presence of toxins, food allergies, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, and the strength or weakness of organs and glands.

Your child's exposure to lead or heavy metals cannot be determined solely through electrodermal testing.

You should not make decisions about your or your child's health and nutritional needs from information obtained solely through electrodermal testing.

You are to discuss all CEDS recommendations with your health care provider before implementing any of them.

There are medical tests for many, if not all of the issues that  respondents use electrodermal testing to assess, and  you are strongly encouraged to confirm the exposures identified through standard medical testing if you or your family physician feel that it is necessary.

Laws regarding this equipment vary from country to country.