You are visiting Barbara Feick Gregory's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Website

"This is also likely to be the cause of my fibromyalgia. There was nothing actually wrong with those trigger points that wreaked havoc on my golf game. These were areas that would normally be a little sore after that or similar activity. But in the face of a pathologically sensitive pain center, these points were screaming bloody murder. The proof came later, after my miraculous recovery. It only took one month of being wheat-free for my pain to abate, allowing me to play 36, even 45, holes of golf pain free, with minimal morning after effects. I was flabbergasted. Once I dropped all cow milk and my joint pain totally disappeared, I began telling people that I felt as if I could get hit by a bus and not feel it. It was truly incredib

"A 30 year old woman was "very sick" for over 18 months. She described a progressive illness over 2 years duration which became disabling 18 months previously, forcing her to quit her job. Her illness had been characterized by exhaustion, lymph node swelling, recurrent low grade fevers, muscle aching, stiffness, and episodes of coughing and chest congestion, diagnosed as "pneumonia " but which was not improved with antibiotics. Blood tests had been negative. She recalled earlier, less severe symptoms and had chronic rhinitis most of her life. Her hearing was now impaired with loud ringing in both ears and attacks of dizziness which kept her in bed. Her son had milk allergy in infancy, and subsequently had chronic rhinitis, ear "infections", and was hyperactive with attention deficits. She suffered decreased ability to concentrate, mental fogginess and lapses of memory. Her food intake consisted of bread, pasta, cereals, eggs, milk and dairy products, beef with some fruit and vegetables; 2 cups of coffee and 5 cups of tea per day, with no alcoholic beverages. Diet revision permitted complete recovery, but symptoms recurred promptly if she ate foods containing wheat, milk, or eggs."

Chronic Fatigue, Aching, Dizziness -

"The essential issues in chronic fatigue states are mold and pollen allergy, food sensitivities, body burden of environmental pollutants, toxic metal overload, body temperature dysregulation and electrophysiological patterns that set us up for states of absence of health. These conditions lead to accelerated oxidative molecular injury and subsequent chronic fatigue states. Sound, long-term strategies must address these issues in order to restore normal energy pathways. The tools of star Wars medicine have little to offer chronic fatiguers."

The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Majid Ali, M.D.

"...many patients with these disorders are sensitive to drugs and environmental allergens as well as to foods (particularly wheat, caffeinated coffee, and chocolate) and additives (NutraSweet and MSG are major culprits). Their allergic responses to sundry substances lead to an overproduction of histamine and contribute to what patients term 'brain fog.'" - page 105

from Sugars That Heal by Emil I. Mondoa, M.D. and Mindy Kitei