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I love reading the hypocritical remarks in allopathic medicine-type books. They admit they don't know what causes the disease and that the treatments they use can make it worse, are unproven, are expensive, and often ineffective. 

  "Alternative medicine stays 'alternative' to regular medicine because these therapies are not backed up by proof that they work. Until the hard research is done to prove such treatments efficacious, your decision to turn in that direction is based on your belief that they will help - not on the fact that they do work."

Facing & Fighting Fatigue a practical approach by Benjamin H. Natelson, M.D.

"We have an illness for which there is (1) no positive laboratory diagnosis (according to the recent CDC criteria) (2) no usual course, and (3) no specific treatment. Hence, there are many possibilities for untried remedies."

Running on Empty -  The Complete Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFIDS) by Katrina Berne, Ph.D. page 174

"Prior to 1990, FM and CFS were consistently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed entirely. Because physicians were either ill-informed on the subject or simply didn't believe that the conditions exist, obtaining an accurate diagnosis was extremely difficult.... Still, there is great dissent among physicians about the causes of FM and CFS. Patients are frequently caught in the crossfire.

"Finding the correct treatment can also be a long and complex process. FM and CFS have so many symptoms that physicians often treat patients on a symptom-by-symptom basis rather than realizing that all the symptoms are part of a larger problem."

Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  by Mari Skelly and Andrea Helm, pages 9-10

  "Chronic fatigues suffer needlessly because environmental and nutritional medicine have been declared quackery by the high priests of Star Wars medicine."

The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Majid Ali, M.D.