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QiGong Comes West - From Chronic Fatigue to Vital Energy

by Solala Towler from

There was a moment a few years ago, that I remember vividly. I was listening to the sounds of my children playing a few doors away, but unable to join them. Flat on my back, I was exhausted, depressed, fearful. My mind raced, trying to figure out what was happening to me, while my body lay there, absolutely drained of all energy. Welcome to the wonderful world of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFIDS)!

When I first came down with CFIDS, around eighteen years ago, it wasn't even considered a disease. I was told to get counseling, take more vitamins, get more rest. It was all in my head. There was nothing wrong with me. Of course, like many other victims of this insidious disease, I knew that there was something very wrong with me. But what could I do about it? I knew of no health caring practices or practitioners to address this.

Fortunately for me, I discovered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a tradition that goes back thousands of years and is used, all over Asia, by a majority of the world's population. Acupuncture helped me some, but since I had so little "qi" or vital energy to work with it was only marginally helpful. I followed this up by taking a Chinese herbal food supplement. This helped stabilize me, giving my burned out adrenals some support. I was able to get out of bed and resume my life again!

According to Chinese medicine, CFIDS is a condition marked by extreme-ly low kidney/adrenal energy coupled with low digestive energy and a disturbed "shen" or spirit energy. It doesn't matter whether, as in Western medicine, it is an auto immune disease or some kind of strange virus. Chinese medicine treats it as a complete syndrome. But more important to me than the description of symptoms and syndromes, or the philosophy underlying treatment, was the fact that the Traditional Chinese Medicine was the only thing that I found that works for CFIDS. In the end, it's my experience of healing that counts.

But I still had a lot of ups and downs until I began practicing "qiqong." In essence, qigong (chee goong) means working with the vital energy or basic life force and was originally part of Classical Chinese Medicine. There are many hundreds of different styles of qigong today, some of them dating back hundreds, if not thousands of years. Millions of people all over China practice some form of qigong every day-in parks, in the mountains, in hospital wards.

As it is classically understood, qigong is a practice whereby we are able to access, circulate and store qi, or vital energy, in our bodies. It is a combination of deep breathing, slow movement, and visualization. The practice of qigong can help us get in touch with the deepest areas of woundedness, disease, and pain and open them up to the healing light of the universe, which the Chinese call "Dao."

When I began to practice qigong I noticed that I was able to stabilize my energy to the point where I had energy that I could count on from day to day. This state of affairs stood in stark contrast to my experience with CFIDS when I didn't know from one day to the next, even one hour to the next, how I would feel (though it was usually on a scale of bad to worse). I began to be able to quench my being with the solid light of love and healing-to tangibly feel, in my body, a connection to the divine, eternal origin of all life.

To the Daoists (the originators of these practices) everything is energy-from emotions to spiritual experience. All of our experiences are variations of universal energy or qi. If you can open the often clogged channels in your own body you can help that life force to flow more easily and strongly throughout your system. Then, if you can tap into the infinite source of energy-from the heavens and from the living earth itself-you can circulate that extremely powerful energy throughout your body.

Today my qigong practice is my lifeline. It has opened up new worlds of experience and insight to me. The wonderful thing about qigong is that it is so adaptable for anyone, regardless of age, flexibility, and health issues. Practices range from the very simple to the quite complex, from meditative to vigorous.

Solala Towler is an instructor of Wuji (Primordial) Qigong. He is editor/publisher of "The Empty Vessel: A Journal of Contemporary Taoism" and is author of "Embarking On The Way: A Guide to Western Taoism." Currently, he is vice president of the National Qigong Association. Contact him at 800-574-5118 or at <>

Energy body

"The average frequency of the human body during the day time is between 62 and 68 cycles each second. If it drops below this rate the immune defence system will start to shut down. Cold symptoms appear at 58 cycles, flu at 57, candida at 55, glandular fever at 52, cancer at 42 cycles each second."----- Dr Young and Bruce Tainio. [Cheny University. WA. USA ] 

The Frequency of Health

The Assemblage Point


Have you ever wondered why despite billions of dollars...?

  "Have you ever wondered why despite billions of dollars and pounds and billions of man hours of research over the last century, medical science has not found the reasons or able to really correct depression, anxiety, panic, manic depression, postnatal depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and ME, extrovert or introvert psychosis and hundreds of other mental and physical conditions that torment millions of people worldwide...."

"The enormous number of patients with unresolved symptoms and diseases has virtually paralysed the United Kingdom's National Health Service. This is supported by the fact that some 25% of hospital beds are occupied with patients suffering with iatrogenic disease and also that neither psychiatry nor psychology, counselling, drugs and medication are able to reverse diseases such as, ME, chronic fatigue syndrome or manic depression.

"Mrs Karen Davies who for many years run for the ME (chronic fatigue syndrome) telephone help line from her bed comments: 'Over the many years I spent talking and listening to women on the telephone about ME, out of the all different things we tried in order to get well, nothing worked, none of us were able to get fully well'....

"For example should the assemblage point drop down into the liver area, then the liver will become seriously disturbed and will not function correctly. We will feel tired, lacking energy and the body will not respond to our mental commands; this is the cause (and the treatment) of clinical depression, post natal depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. On the other hand, should it shift to the right and upper part of the chest the person will be feeling anxious and nervous and experience disturbed sleep. In this case the liver will be overactive. Manic depression is a bipolar condition where the Assemblage Point oscillates between a high location in the manic phase and a low liver location in the depressive phase."

channeled information

  This was from an egroup. Since he has a webpage with the information, I'm including it.

my website at - channeled information

CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

This disease is caused by an upset in the communication mechanism that acts between cells. Normally, this mechanism involves light transmission. Remember the pig's blood experiment.

(I found an article on the internet a while back outlining and experiment where scientists proved that cells communicate to each other with light. Two sealed jars of pig's blood were placed side by side with stress measuring instruments connected to one jar. When a stressing procedure was applied to the first jar, stress was recorded in the blood in the second jar but ceased when an opaque object was placed between the jars).

With CFS sufferers this light transmission is impeded by opacity in the frequency range associated with the normal communication frequency of the light source, the cell. This results in the cell to cell messages being disrupted and/or corrupted and in some cases not getting through at all. The opacity is usually the result of a mix-up in the light transmission capacity of the cells. Each cell must have the ability to receive and faithfully retransmit light from and to its neighbors. They receive and forward messages about the state of the body and the body's requirements at any given moment. It has been said that Adrenaline is supposed to be a chemical messenger but it is in fact a chemical required by the muscles for instant action. Its release is triggered by cell to cell light messages. Adrenaline would be far too slow.

The gradual mixing up of the light transmission and the messages transmitted gives rise to a situation where the cells are all gradually degraded somewhat because a mixed message degrades a cell's capacity to faithfully retransmit its messages and consequently the messages it does retransmit are mixed up even further. It is a Catch 22 situation.

Fortunately this can be reversed....  nutrition (blood type diet), gentle physical exercise (yoga), rest and meditation are all excellent means of combating CFS. Colloidal minerals are absolutely necessary, especially copper and zinc. These are required to boost the cell's light generation capacity.

As well as this the cells must be reprogrammed to deal with their communication role once again. This will sound crazy to most of you but it involves talking to your cells. Visualization techniques are also valid but either way you need to teach the cells how to communicate effectively again.

Visualize each cell happily sending and receiving messages throughout you body. Your visualization can include talking about the role of the various organs and the connectedness of all the cells of your body. This is a gradual process.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) will help but it will not be immediate. Homeopathy will help also as well as energy transference techniques such as Reiki. Anything that will give your cells a boost will be of benefit. Recognize the importance of each and every cell in your body and thank them for the job they do. You know yourself how much praise and recognition brightens up your day. Why not the cells also?

All for now.

Murf & Co.