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 chelation and oxygen therapy  

 Oxygen and optimal hydration   

 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy


  Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Finally Gone

  ...She also saw a naturopath, who told her she had candida, a yeast-like fungal infection. He gave her acidophilus and put her on a yeast elimination diet, but it didn't seem to help.

  The naturopath was right in his diagnosis but wrong in his treatment. Candida infections are very stubborn and often need to be treated aggressively. So I gave Theresa ten treatments of bio-oxidation. All her symptoms disappeared, and today she says she feels better than she's ever felt in her life!

  Flyer for "Second Opinion", Robert J. Rowen, MD


  This therapy introduces O3 (Ozone), a highly charged form of oxygen, into the body via intravenous injection.  Ozone consists of 3 Oxygen molecules instead of the usual 2 and this additional molecule activates the Oxygen.  It neutralizes toxins and increases overall oxygen concentration in the body.  It has been shown to accelerate wound healing, deactivate viruses and pathogenic bacteria and promote overall health.  It is administered by licensed practitioner (RN, EMS or MD) and is typically given in conjunction with vitamin protocols.  It can be administered several days a week.

  An MD must prescribe this therapy which includes a workup with pre- and post-treatment laboratory assessment.  This therapy has been used for viruses, cancer, autoimmune disease, colds/flu, acne, Lyme's disease.

  chelation and oxygen therapy


  "To counteract the negative side effects and enhance immunity, Dr. Rubio may also prescribe a detoxification program of chelation therapy, enemas, colonics, salt baths and oxygen therapy to help remove toxic lymph and help break the cycle of the virus."

  Oxygen and optimal hydration

  "Oxygen Therapy for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" - Majid Ali, M.D.

          "Dr. Ali will recap his findings of a clinical study he and his colleagues conducted and published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine where they were able to show an excellent or good improvement in 84.7% of patients presenting Fibromyalgia. His discussion will include optimal hydration and elimination of foods which cause reactions; supplementation; oxygen therapies and effective methods for self-regulation. Dr. Ali is president of Capital University of Integrative Medicine in Washington, D.C. and author of The Canary & Chronic Fatigue."

  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

  "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy at 2.4 ata produces an increase elasticity in the RBC's and at the same time seems to reduce the Delta P between their contents and the surrounding medium.  There is also a probability that the dissolved oxygen in the plasma may oxidize whatever substance is the responsible for the decrease in RBC cell wall permeability. Certainly, the immediate effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is to relieve the cellular hypoxia that is a feature of chronic fatigue syndrome. Sixty minutes of treatment every day for five days followed by weekly treatments prn seems to resolve them completely in the majority of patients, and eventually to resolve them completely."