You are visiting Barbara Feick Gregory's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Website

"It is interesting that nutritionally-based detoxification is not considered a standard approach in medicine even though it has been demonstrated to reduce migraine headaches, improve the muscle pain of fibromyalgia, and improve sleep in many studies." - page xi

"At our clinic, many patients ask whether a treatment exists for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Detoxification therapy has been shown to be effective and stands out as one of the only coherent approaches to healing people with these debilitating health problems. We are convinced that these mysterious disorders are indications that the stress of environmental toxins is more than some people can handle." - page 38

7-Day Detox Miracle by Peter Bennett, N.D., Stephen Barrie, N.D., with Sara Faye

"The gifted motivational speaker and physician Dr. Deepak Chopra sums up what we've just learned this way: 'It has now been absolutely proved that the same neuro-chemicals influence the whole body mind. Everything is interconnected at the level of the neuropeptide; therefore, to separate these areas is simply bad science.' The body and mind are inextricably interlinked and interdependent to such a degree that we must consider the whole of mental and physical and emotional body functions as one unified system. The study of the unified system has a new name, psychoneuroimmunology...."

Freedom from Fibromyalgia, the 5 Week Program Proven to Conquer Pain by Nancy Selfridge, M.D. and Franklynn Peterson

"Much of the work that awaits has to do with a multilevel approach that emphasizes boosting your immune capabilities and changing harmful attitudes. EI and CFS are tenacious, complex illnesses of the immune system that require deep and profound change on all levels. Learning to mitigate environmental factors that impact your body is one step toward healing. Cultivating healthy relationships and examining and challenging your ideas about who you are and what you are worth will also support and strengthen you." - page 2

The Rebellious Body, Reclaim Your Life from Environmental Illness or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Janice Strubbe Wittenberg, R.N.