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Mercury & Heavy Metals Highlights

Mercury in the system (from sources such as dental amalgam “silver” fillings, vaccines, and Chlorox) excretes excessive amounts of zinc, creating a hard to restore deficiency. [McCabe: When we did our last major round of testing in 2001 that included all seven of our U.S. facilities, we found no detectable level of mercury in our final bleach product (the detection limit is less than 0.2 parts per billion). - See more at:]  - page 5

Additionally, there is heavy-metals poisoning: Jill James, found that many autistic children are genetically deficient in their capacity to produce glutathione, an antioxidant generated in the brain that helps remove mercury from the body. - page 8

[I don't think they are "genetically deficient". I think it is the glutathione in the vaccines that makes the body create an immune reponse to glutathione. - bfg]

An important cause of cadmium toxicity, other than exposure, is a zinc deficiency. If zinc is deficient due to poor diet or stress, the body will absorb cadmium from food, water, or the air, and use it in place of zinc. Our greatest exposure to cadmium is white flour!  - page 9

Dr. Jill St. James found that 80% of autistic children lack up to 80% of normal levels of glutathione and its precursors, leaving none to spare for aggressive detoxification. There seems to be a direct correlation between levels Hepatitis A, B, and C viral infections and mercury toxicity and levels of glutathione, whereby increased viral activity precedes decreased glutathione levels. For a successful recovery from mercury poisoning, among other disorders, the importance of additional glutathione and supplementation of essential fatty acids (fish oil etc.) and anti-oxidants should be emphasized. This lack of adequate antioxidants allows further toxicity and free-radical damage; however, use of Sodium Ascorbate in high amounts will prevent much of this damage. Nevertheless, the use of this phenolic (as ascorbid acid) can make barbiturates more toxic, and is pharmaceutically incompatible with sodium salicylate, sodium nitrate theobromine, and methenamine. Twenty percent of the people tested were reactive to ascorbic acid. Sodium Ascorbate is better tolerated. Some of this reactivity may be from allergy to source material (usually corn). - page 11-12    [all vaccine damage. glutathione, corn, mercury, Hepatitis are all vaccine ingredients - bfg]

...viruses cause the body to retain heavy metals, particularly mercury. - page 37

Test for copper in tap water: mix half a glass of water with a half-ounce of household ammonia - ½-ounce would be a tablespoon. If it turns blue, you need your water tested further. - page 46

Magnesium protects the cell from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, and nickel. Evidence is mounting that low levels of magnesium contribute to the heavy-metal deposition in the brain that precedes Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s. It is probable that low, total-body magnesium contributes to heavy-metal toxicity in children, and it is a participant in the etiology of learning disorders - page 88

Dr. Ted Page reported a more puzzling form with low uric acid and a high amount of an enzyme, nucleotidase, in the cells of skin samples. Children with a high level of heavy metals have a low amount of uric acid. URIC ACID LOW? This is always seen in people with CHRONIC INFECTIONS, including lyme. A uric acid reading of less than 3.0 is an indicator for heavy metal toxicity. - page 100

To detoxify aluminum take a two or three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (malic acid—also used in the mitochondria) each day. This can be as salad dressing or drank with the morning glass of water. Taken before meals it enhances digestion. Also supplement selenium, magnesium, melatonin, and silica (silicon, now found increasingly as filler in supplements).

Dr. Paul Bragg, ND, Ph.D., brought 3 “mentally retarded” children into his home and gave them two teaspoons of pure, Apple Cider Vinegar with a heaping teaspoon of raw honey and a potassium rich diet. After 3 weeks they became more mentally alert, and in one year they were able to join school again with children of their own age! Similar results were had with mentally retarded adults and with senile adults. This may be served two or three times a day. - page 105

An inordinate number of children with autism have an excess of copper stored in tissues....

“We have measured serum copper, serum ceruloplasmin, and plasma zinc for more than 2,000 of our 3,300 autistic patients. More than 95% exhibit a copper overload that usually is quite extreme. In autism, the problem with copper is overload, not deficiency. - page 172

Dr. Yoshiaki Omura discovered that the leaves of the coriander plant (Cilantro) could accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body. He had been treating patients for an eye infection called trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), which is caused by the microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis. Following the standard treatment with antibiotics, Dr. Omura found that the patients’ symptoms would clear up initially, and then recur within a few months. He experienced similar difficulties in treating viral related problems like Herpes Simplex types I & II and Cytomegalovirus infection. (Does this recurrent infection sound familiar?) Dr. Omura found those organisms seemed to hide and flourish in areas of the body where there were concentrations of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum. Somehow, the organisms were able to use the toxic metals to protect themselves from the antibiotics! (It is interesting to note: “Oral antibiotics inhibit excretion of mercury”—James B. Adams, Professor Chemical and Materials Engineering, Arizona State University.)
Dr. Omura noticed the mercury level in the urine increased after patients consumed a healthy serving of Vietnamese soup containing Chinese parsley, better known as cilantro, or coriander, since it comes from the leaves of the coriander plant. Further testing revealed that eating cilantro also increased urinary excretion of lead and aluminum. When cilantro was used concurrently with antibiotics or natural anti-viral agents and/or fatty acids like EPA with DHA, the above infections could be eliminated for good. (Acupnct Electrother Res. 95:20 (3-4): 195-229.) Further testing with those who had high levels of mercury following amalgam removal, showed that, without the help of any chelation agents, cilantro was able to remove the mercury in two to three weeks. (Acupunct Electrother Res 96;21 (2): 133-60.) I think this removed only the free mercury from the amalgam removal in this short time, however, Cilantro Extract has been shown in clinical trials and research to mobilize mercury, tin, and other toxic metals stored in the brain and spinal cord, and it moves them rapidly out of those tissues. This is a revolutionary discovery and makes cilantro the first known substance that mobilizes mercury from the Central Nervous System (CNS). Dr. Amy Yasko, ND, has discovered that even when all mercury has been removed by extensive DMSA usage, when she drops the viral load, mercury comes pouring out, confirming Dr. Omura’s experience. - page 320





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