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Thyroid Function Highlights

Foremost is the home testing for thyroid function discussed toward the end of this paper, and support of thyroid function. The “unloading of the donkey” is vital to possibly 80% of these troubled children for they are poisoned, drowning in their own toxic wastes.  - page 4

“In one study, 66% of patients diagnosed with ADHD were found to be hypothyroid XE "hypothyroid:ADHD"  (at least as many with autism are hypothyroid). Supporting their thyroid levels was largely curative. Visual and auditory hallucinations may result from altered perception and have been misdiagnosed as schizophrenia or psychosis (or autism). Other behavioral symptoms have included fear XE "fear"  - ranging from mild anxiety to frank paranoia, mood swings, and aggression. Thyroid hormone disorders may induce almost any psychiatric symptom or syndrome, including rage XE "rage" ”—Aronson and Dodman, 1997. - pages 4-5

“It is now proven that iodine (Iodoral, Lugol’s in tablet, up to 50 mg day) detoxifies the body of halide compounds, such as bromine and fluoride, and the heavy metals mercury, cadmium, and lead. - page 330

Until now, there was no known way to detoxify these thyroid poisons that suppress thyroid function. Iodine therapy now provides a protocol to remove these poisons and restore thyroid function. As a bonus, mercury and lead are removed from the body. Additionally, iodine is needed to restore (maintain) a smooth heartbeat.” - Dr. Bruce West in Health Alert, October 2006. - page 330

The problem is that the standard medical tests for thyroid function, even the newer TSH test, are totally inadequate. Low vitamin A status, that is rampant in these children, can lower TSH readings. Furthermore, the child is judged normal by adult ranges! One mother writes, “My son’s T4 is normal for an adult. I found a great article in CLINICAL CHEMISTRY (1999 Jul;45(7):1087-91) reporting a study done at Harvard by Zurakowski. It included scatter plots for several thousand kids for T4, T3, and TSH. There were separate plots for boys and girls. When I saw the plots, it became obvious that my son’s T4 was quite low, yet the pediatric endocrinologist was unconcerned about my son’s T4 being below the 2 percentile for a boy his age.”  - page 331

A simple test to determine if adequate iodine is available for proper thyroid function, and to improve stores if needed is this: obtain a bottle of standard Tincture of Iodine (sodium iodide, 2.4%) from the drug store. Paint a 3-cm–sized spot (1.25 inches; twice that on adults) on the tender skin of the belly or thigh where clothes will not rub heavily. Watch that stain for 24-hours. If it disappears in less than 24-hours, there is a need of iodine, and the thyroid is likely sluggish. If the stain disappears in less than 24-hours, paint more iodine on a different spot, and continue to paint a new spot until one remains visible for 24 hours. This will help restore normal thyroid function but is not adequate to restore full body iodine levels. Interpretation of the 24-hour stain: Color almost as strong as when it was applied (minimally adequate iodine); Color turns red (this usually indicates chemical sensitivities that are normally helped by selenium supplementation); Color turns black (usually associated with food sensitivities); Color stays several days (usually indicates an iodine excess). If the nose becomes more than normally moist, discontinue painting iodine as you have adequate stores. One should supplement selenium, and kelp (unless there is excess iodine), but do not use the drugstore Tincture of Iodine internally. Use Lugol’s Solution, Iodoral, or KI for internal purposes. - page 339



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