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Zinc Deficiency Highlights

HCl production and thyroid function are also very dependent on adequate zinc levels, usually lacking in these children. This lack of zinc may lead to skin conditions, loss of taste, neuropsychiatric symptoms, sleep problems, and even the suppression of growth. An advanced zinc deficiency XE "zinc deficiency"  is indicated by white specks or spots on fingernails XE "fingernails" .   - page 4

When there was a zinc deficiency, there was an inability for the body to metabolize all of the available amino acids that were digested--thus they were excreted into the urine as waste! - page 5

Zinc controls both the thyroid function and the production of HCl for digestion. - page 5

An important cause of cadmium toxicity, other than exposure, is a zinc deficiency. If zinc is deficient due to poor diet or stress, the body will absorb cadmium from food, water, or the air, and use it in place of zinc. Our greatest exposure to cadmium is white flour!  - page 9






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