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Vaccine Side-Effects Quiz

QUIZ DISCLAIMER: These are for fun and educational purposes only. They cannot be used to diagnose anything. If you find you answer, "yes" to very many questions, print out the page and head straight to your medical professional!

How many of these vaccine side-effects were you told about BEFORE you agreed to let you or your child be vaccinated? And did your doctor tell you that there are no studies about the cumulative effect of combination vaccines or giving more than one vaccine at a time? And these side effects are directly from the package inserts. Peanut allergy and food allergy as a side effect were never considered.
Side effects of common vaccines per CDC
1. Abdominal pain or occasional vomiting or diarrhea No Yes
2. Bruise where shot given  No Yes
3. Chills, body aches, sore joints, rash, swollen glands (uncommon) No Yes
4. Cough, chills, tiredness/weakness  No Yes
5. Extensive swelling of the arm where the shot was given (up to about 3 in 100). No Yes
6. Fainting. Brief fainting spells and related symptoms (such as jerking movements) can happen after any medical procedure, including vaccination. Sitting or lying down for about 15 minutes after a vaccination can help prevent fainting and injuries caused by falls. Tell your provider if the patient feels dizzy or light-headed, or has vision changes or ringing in the ears.  No Yes
7. Fatigue  No Yes
8. Fever (up to 1 person out of 6)  No Yes
9. Fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit (up to 1 out of 20 children)  No Yes
10. Fever over 102°F (about 1 in 100 adolescents and 1 in 250 adults) No Yes
11. Fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, chills, muscle aches (about 1 person in 10)  No Yes
12. Fussiness in children No Yes
13. Headache (1 in 300)  No Yes
14. headache (about 1 out of 6 adults and 1 out of 25 children)  No Yes
15. Headache (about 1 person in 3)  No Yes
16. Headache or fatigue (about 1 person in 2)  No Yes
17. Headache and muscle aches  No Yes
18.  High fever, 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher (about 1 child out of 16,000)  No Yes
19. Hoarseness, sore or red eyes, cough, itchiness No Yes
20. Itching where shot given No Yes
21. Long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness  No Yes
22. Loss of appetite (about 1 out of 12 children)  No Yes
23. Lump where shot given No Yes
24. Mild fever (up to about 1 in 15)  No Yes
25. Mild fever of at least 100.4°F (up to about 1 in 25 adolescents and 1 in 100 adults) No Yes
26. Mild rash (about 1 person out of 20)  No Yes
27. Mild rash, up to a month after vaccination (1 person out of 25). It is possible for these people to infect other members of their household, but this is extremely rare.  No Yes
28. Muscle aches or temporary limitation of arm movement No Yes
29. Muscle or joint pain (up to 1 person in 2)  No Yes
30. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache (up to 1 in 4 adolescents and 1 in 10 adults)  No Yes
31. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache (up to 3 in 100 adolescents and 1 in 100 adults)  No Yes
32. Non-stop crying, for 3 hours or more (up to about 1 child out of 1,000) No Yes
33. Pain (about 3 in 4 adolescents and 2 in 3 adults)  No Yes
34. Pain (about 9 people in 10)  No Yes
35. Pain (up to about 8 in 10)  No Yes
36. Pain at the injection site (about 1 in 20 adolescents and 1 in 100 adults) No Yes
37. Permanent brain damage  No Yes
38. Pneumonia (very rare) No Yes
39. Redness or swelling (about 1 person in 2)  No Yes
40. Runny nose, nasal congestion or cough  No Yes
41. Seizure (jerking or staring) (about 1 child out of 14,000)  No Yes
42. Seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever (about 1 out of 3,000 doses)  No Yes
43. Serious allergic reaction (less than 1 out of a million doses)  No Yes
44. Sore throat  No Yes
45.  Soreness where the shot was given (about 1 out of 2 adults, and up to 1 out of 6 children) No Yes
46. Swelling of glands in the cheeks or neck (rare)  No Yes
47. Temporary low platelet count, which can cause a bleeding disorder (about 1 out of 30,000 doses)  No Yes
48. Tiredness (about 1 in 3 adolescents and 1 in 4 adults)  No Yes
49. Tiredness or poor appetite No Yes
50. Vomiting  No Yes
51. Wheezing  No Yes


The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only.

BE AWARE: The electrodermal testing devices have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") for assessment of nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, the presence of toxins, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, or the weakness of organs and glands. Use of the device for these purposes is inconsistent with FDA approval. The galvanic skin response device  is a Class II device that may be used for lie detection and for biofeedback.

There are no generally accepted completed clinical studies which demonstrate that the electrodermal testing devices are effective when used to assess for nutritional deficiencies, the presence of toxins, food allergies, Candida, Epstein Barr virus, and the strength or weakness of organs and glands.

Your child's exposure to lead or heavy metals cannot be determined solely through electrodermal testing.

You should not make decisions about your or your child's health and nutritional needs from information obtained solely through electrodermal testing.

You are to discuss all CEDS recommendations with your health care provider before implementing any of them. Further, that any recommended dietary changes or dietary supplements based partly on the results of electrodermal testing should all be discussed with your family physician before implementing any of them.

There are medical tests for many, if not all of the issues that  respondents use electrodermal testing to assess, and  you are strongly encouraged to confirm the exposures identified through standard medical testing if you or your family physician feel that it is necessary. I make no claims that the screenings find anything other than energy imbalances or that the energized water or other products actually do anything other than help balance energy.

You and God are the only ones who can heal you.