
If you already have the bunions, the only thing I've seen is a thingy sold at some small shoe shops called a bunion corrector, it is a strap and a brace that you wear overnight. Try googling it. It doesn't make your feet back to where they were when you were a teenager before all of the pointy shoes caused the damage, but it does slightly make the bunions feel better the next day. I've used one.


Hello again Andreas,

Thank you as always for such detailed responses! I so appreciate being able to ask you questions, and receiving your detailed responses.

I've had a bunion on my right foot for a couple of years. Over the past week or so, it has become rather painful. I did my 8th liver cleanse 10 days ago, and it has been sore since that time. I was also wearing work boots to paint that seem to agitate it around that time.

In "The Amazing Liver Cleanse" you a say that a curved in big toe is the result of subdued liver function b/c of gallstones in the bile ducts, as well as overactive spleen and lymphatic function.

I will note that during my last cleanse I got out a lot of large stones, and one that looked like it had been in a tube. And, I know that my lymphatic system needs time to cleanse as I've not digested my food for a long time.

I believe that my body will take care of itself if I just give it the right conditions. Have you seen people, however, change structural problems by cleansing and changing diet.

With the sincerest regards,


Dear KarenMarie,

The bunion represents hardening of organ tissue. With all the cleansing you are doing you can expect increased sensations in the bunion that are linked with tissue regeneration and softening of organs. The pain also shows there is life coming back into the bunion. And yes, structural changes are likely to occur when obstructions begin to clear up. I personally had a very difficult short scoliosis of the spine which completely disappeared after my liver/gallbladder were cleaned out and by using my own Ener-chi Art picture for the back (to balance the Chi-flow that had been disrupted there for decades).

With blessings,



Hello Andreas,

How many times can I thank you for the continued responses and detailed information....not enough times...thank you again!

I wanted to share an update to this post. After a week and a half of being tender, the bunion on my foot is barely sore. AND, it looks slightly smaller. It is exciting! Even my husband notices that it is smaller. I'm a smiling, walking success story for good clean living (without a limp I might add).

Have a happy day!

Peace and love,



It seems that Colonix has some great herbs in it that support the liver, but I've found that there is nothing like a liver cleanse. I've done about 11 flushes and got rid of my allergies. Also, I noticed that a bunion on my right foot went down by about 2/3 after my 9th liver cleanse. That was totally cool! I put that link together after reading "The Amazing Liver Cleanse" by Andreas Moritz .


Bunions can also indicate a diet too full of sweets and refined sugar, so that you end up getting very damp skin, as the Chinese would say.


Acupuncture Today, November, 2002, Vol. 03, Issue 11

The Relationship between Bunions, Sugar and the Spleen

By Skya Abbate, DOM

A bunion, according to Western pathology, is an abnormal prominence in the inner aspect of the first metatarsal head, with bursal formation and fluid accumulation. Etiologies may be due to postural problems such as variation in the position of the first metatarsal because of excessive rolling of the ankles (or pronation of the foot).

Trauma to the local area; shoes that are too small; osteoarthritis or rheumatic arthritis of the big toe; and other mechanical problems may also affect hallucis longus. The treatment of bunions, as well as osteoarthritis of the first metatasophalangeal joint, with Oriental medical modalities is a curious clinical adaptation to an age-old problem. This pathology of the toe can be exceedingly painful to patients who suffer from them, and many do, although perhaps not as a major complaint reported to acupuncturists in contrast to podiatrists.

In Japanese acupuncture, both of these conditions are referred to as "sugar toes." The theory behind their appearance is that excess sugar consumption, caused by the failure of the spleen to transform and transport the sugar, results in damp. The damp leads to the formation of phlegm, which congeals such that an actual bony deformation appears. Note that the bunion is bordered on either side of the first metatarsal bone by acupuncture points. Distally, SP 2 (da du) is involved; proximally, SP 3 (tai bai) is involved. Spleen 2 is the fire point and the tonification point of the spleen, and as such is used to treat spleen deficiency. As its earth point and horary point, Spleen 3 balances and strengthens the spleen; stabilizes insulin production; and benefits diabetic disharmonies. Sugar can be viewed energetically as both hot and damp; hence, we are not surprised to see the occurrence of corresponding hot and damp pathology at these points, such as the congealed phlegm. Typically, patients report discomforting tenderness of the toes. There may be slight swelling of the joint, and shoes may aggravate the condition. As the problem becomes more chronic, pain tends to worsen, and limited joint motion may ensue.

The typical Western treatment usually begins with physical therapy and local injections. Surgical removal of the bunion may then be recommended. This treatment is not only expensive and painful, but also most times ineffective. The bunion may reoccur because its underlying cause has not been addressed, or the area may become even more painful because of the local surgery. Additionally, the creation of a scar along the spleen meridian may further inhibit its functional role....

Invariably, every patient I have seen with bunion problems has had one of the following illnesses pertaining to sugar history: diabetes; hypoglycemia; sensitivity to sugar; sugar cravings; sugar allergies; pancreatic cancer; or leaky gut syndrome. Some have come to me with these problems as a major complaint, some have not, but in the course of a physical exam, I would notice the bunion on all that had these disorders. I would then ask the patients if they craved sugar, ate sugar excessively, or felt they had a problem metabolizing sugar. All of them would affirm some connection with sugar and would look incredulously at me, wondering how I knew their secret cravings. I would then explain to my patients what sugar toes were, and provide them with treatment options.

1. Zheng gu shui

This is my modality of choice. I sell it to the patient and have him/her use it daily. Provide written instructions for use. Zheng gu shui (royal bone water) is the hottest of the Chinese liniments. By virtue of this property, it penetrates through the skin, muscle and meridian, all the way down to the bone level.

Zheng gu shui breaks up calcium deposits and arthritic bone deformities, such as bunions (and also bone spurs on the heel). It disperses blood, fluid and qi stagnation and thereby stops pain. Wet a cotton ball generously with zheng gu shui. Apply liberally to the entire area of the bunion. Let dry and repeat again (in particular, put on before going to bed, but it may be used anytime. Do not bandage or cover tightly, as it will cause serious burns. Do not heat up. Do not apply with massage; do not apply if the area is hot and swollen. Avoid all mucus membranes. This liniment is flammable and stains clothing....


Dear Dr. V~

A couple of weeks ago I used 2 boxes of pads.[detox pads] I was out of town for a week but when I came back I ordered another 3 boxes. The bunion area of my foot is very sore whether from too much walking, too much uric acid, or some other problem. The spot that hurts corresponds exactly with the spleen meridian. ( I occasionally have pain I believe is located in the spleen)

I soaked both feet last nite in warm, water and Epsom Salts . Out of frustration I put a pad on the sole of the left foot AND one on the bunion/big toe area. During the night I had an unusual throbbing sensation in the bottom of my foot, a cramp or throbbing, I don't know but it was very painful. This morning I took both pads off and both were dark and discolored. The interesting thing is that the swelling and most of the pain in the big toe was gone.

My question is do the pads work on other body parts and are you surprised by this manifestation of pain relief?

Thank you in advance. I really appreciate you bringing this product to us!

Hi golfskiyoga:

I am not in the least surprised. The pads have been used locally for inflammation, specific localized pain and to relieve stagnation of any kind.

Just recently, a family member had a severe sore throat and chest congestion. He was unable to get relief with ingested herbs and homeopathics. He placed a pad on his chest and within 20 minutes the pain and congestion had mostly disappeared. We also have a large number of diabetics that use them on an ongoing basis for leg pain as a result of their restricted blood flow. Today, I spoke with an Oncologist that will begin using the pads directly on key lymphatic drainage points to assist his cancer patients mobilize toxins and unwanted byproducts from their bodies.

Hopefully in the future, we will be able to run some double blind studies that will allow us to market the pads for the above uses.

Dr V


The joints are supposed to be one of the first places that toxins get stored when the liver is not working properly. That's probably why most people get arthritis to some degree when they get old. Arthritis is only "normal" to a society where it's normal to have a clogged liver. Get your liver stones cleared out and the bile moving freely again, and your body will go to work clearing that stuff out. I don't know much about bunions, but they sound like probably a swelling reaction to toxins stored in the joint, so you can probably get rid of that eventually, Robbie. Stay confident!


U -

My girlfriend has bunions, falling arches, bone spurs....and size 5 shoe size, and complains bitterly about not finding nice shoes in her size! LOL

So, I read somewhere that if you liberally rub castor oil on your feet, and then put on a heavy pair of flannel socks, that this relieves many foot problems. So, for 2 months, she's been doing this. When she gets home, she puts the socks on and an old pair of sneakers, and goes about her business. At first, she wore them to bed with bags over her feet, must to the chagrin of her husband! But she said that she notices a great deal of difference in the relief of foot pain.

... After a mere 3 months of wearing castor oil soaked socks in the evening, most of the pain in her feet have disappeared. She is a believer, and so am I. I read that it soaks 4 inches into you body...don't know where I read this.

Thanks so very much for posting this absolutely awesome article. You are right, it's the bomb.



Madame Rainbow,

The information that I have on removing moles with CASTOR OIL AND BAKING SODA. Comes from a book by LESLEY LaBODA, title CASTOR OIL: A MIRACLE CURE?

IT says, "Conditions to be specifically treated in conjunction with therapeutic massage techniques and castor oil are bunions, calluses, cysts, cancers of the skin and breast, moles, warts, and tumors."

Simple measures like mixing CASTOR OIL with BAKING SODA were then applied to reduce or remove foot calluses, ingrown toenails, moles, and warts. Most people mentioned mixing the oil and baking soda and applying it two or three times a day to keep it moist. However I believe that if you went to the Edgar Cayce web site http://www.caycecures.com that you would find more helpful information that you seek. Sure hope this helps, I just can't remember any more details.


Corns and Bunions can be treated with the Dr Christopher BF&C Ointment. See http://herballegacy.com/id623.htm Dr Shulze says you can cut a clove of garlic in half and tape it on. It burns away unwanted growths...



Anyone ever hear of someone having a bunion going away or arthritis being cured after becoming alkaline?

--- Yes, many times! ...It is all in the mathematics of how fast a person is able to learn to "STOP" eating those foods which are causing them to be too acidic and then how fast they learn to supply their body with the needed Alkaline Minerals! This is the case when just doing it by diet! But, "IF" a person learns about how to do Hydrotherapy properly, then this is a whole Different Ball game! For I have known people to be able to turn themselves around in less than one week by using Hydrotherapy!! ...the people who got the Fastest and Best Results utilized Detox Soaks several times a Day and used the Hot and then Cold Hydrotherapy!

But a person who is very Sick , must start out slow in doing this !

The main Basis of Hydrotherapy is to utilize Hot and then Cold on a continuous Basis and this may then have it's effectiveness increased by what is added to the water !

What is added to the water may improve the end Results Faster!

http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=750905 [This was condensed]


Like so many other foot problems, bunions result from shoes that are too tight and narrow in the toe region. Women are particularly at risk of bunions when they wear “dainty,” constricting shoes and high heels, both of which force the big toe inward. This force causes the bone of the big toe to grow sideways in a bony lump - a bunion. [I thought this was the case until I started to develop one. I NEVER have worn too tight shoes, high heels, or pointed toed shoes. - bfg]

As with blisters, bunions are relieved by inflammation-reducing foods with vitamins A and C and essential fatty acids. Supplementing with bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, can help break down bunions. Take 500 mg three times daily. Excess calcium and poor calcium absorption can lead to bony growths. Supplementing with magnesium to better absorb calcium, as well as decreasing calcium intake, may help. Take 1,000 mg of magnesium daily.

Salves made with calendula or aloe vera gel will relieve soreness and inflammation from the outside, as will foot baths enriched with grated ginger root.

Put Your Best Foot Forward


Source: alive Encyclopedia of Natural Healing.

Heather Picotte uses her interest in writing to educate others about natural health and healing for both humans and animals. She lives in Winfield, BC with her husband and their cat and chickens.

Source: alive #255, January 2004

Soda Pop And Health: The Overlooked Link

Soda pop and health are most definitely related. You may be surprised to learn that soft drinks actually alter your body's chemistry. This is due to the ingredients. The fact is that your body works to keep it's pH in balance. It does not function well if it is too acidic and the same if it is too alkaline.

Your body will use minerals to keep things in balance. If you consume acidic foods for instance, your body will release minerals into the blood stream to neutralize the effects of the acid. All this is done without any active attention from you. This is very relevant because phosphoric acid is an ingredient in soft drinks. It is there to provide an acidic condition so that the carbon dioxide can be instilled more easily without a lot of pressure.

So... When you consume soda pop, you have introduced a highly acidic substance. I remember a school experiment where we dissolved a piece of steak in coke. Very successfully, I might add. Your body uses phosphorus and calcium to build and repair bone. It works to keep the balance perfectly. So when you introduce the phosphoric acid from soda pop, it must be neutralized. The minerals used to neutralize are calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium. First what is in the blood is used. If this is not enough, the body must release more.

Here is where you see the soda pop and health effects. Calcium is released from bone to correct the acidic condition. But how much? That is just it. The body will release calcium in anticipation of more acid coming in. So, it often releases too much. Now, this excess must also be dealt with. Some excess calcium is excreted in the urine. If this is all the excess, great. But, more than likely more calcium must be handled. So it is deposited in the body. The deposits in the kidney cause kidney stones. Deposits in the joints lead to joint disorders including osteoporosis, bunions, gout and bone spurs. And the deposits in the arteries would be calcified plaque. The loss of potassium and magnesium used to neutralize the phosphoric acid can adversely effect the heart, leading to heart disease. These two minerals are key players in heart health.

The other ingredients also have soda pop and health effects...

The sugar causes your body to react with the release of insulin. The glucose balance must be also kept. It is a strain on the gland to constantly meet the demand. Do you think the trend of Diabetes could be reversed simply by limiting sources of pure sugar? I do.

Then there is caffeine. An ingredient that causes addiction and product loyalty it seems as well. Without the sugar and caffeine one would certainly be able to taste instantly that this drink is not to be consumed.

Please do not consider the diet drinks a viable substitute. Aspartame has its own list of side effects and adverse health effects.
What you can do...

Stop drinking soda pop and then watch for the improvements in how you feel. You will find out how soda pop and health are connected for you. I would suggest just cutting it out of your diet in one swell swoop instead of cutting down. After all, how likely are you to just have a sip? No, it is probably easier to do it fast.


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