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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I have a whole website devoted to CFS.


A refusal to change. Fear of the future. Not feeling safe.

I am willing to change and to grow. I now create a safe new future.


DATE: December 17, 2007

Email sent to water cure lecturer and friend to humanity, Jim Bolen thanking him for his help. Recovering from a caffeine ruined life.

Jim I can't thank you enough for giving me the information I have been needing the past several years. As a 45 year old woman with four teen girls and in the peak of menopause (after having a complete hysterectomy) I have had such a lack of energy and so chronically fatigued I could barely stand to do anything. My activity level was almost completely non- existent. I had gained almost sixteen pounds after the surgery and was already overweight prior to that . My self esteem was beyond repair or so I thought. I informed you that I had been taking synthroid for an under active thyroid for years and on top of that I am quite blind without my glasses. A condition I was told, by an ophthalmologist, as soon as you hit 40 your eyes just go. Basically I just thought okay I'm 40 and it's just down hill from now on. Now 45 I had just given up on myself (thrown in the towel) coming to grips that this is how it's going to be.

Surprise! After taking your suggestions my life is so significantly different. Wow~ I never could have seen myself waking up and cooking breakfast, putting the laundry in, packing the lunches, folding the blankets, making the beds and all before the kids bus came. You see that would have taken at least 2 hours -minus packing the lunches just to wake up and sit and drink my 3-4 cups of coffee before I even got started. Cooking breakfast consisted of pulling yogurt out of the frig. (how things have changed).

I thought I needed all the caffeine I'd been drinking. Coffee in the morning and Pepsi's the rest of the day just to stay on my feet. Well after listening to what you had to say I thought to myself "This makes perfect sense". Yes I was apprehensive at first but something inside me said after all what did I have to loose. More than anything I was curious and decided to give your suggestions a try. I'm really glad I did.

The results were immediate. I couldn't believe it! To be totally honest I was cheating with the coffee still ...down to just 2 cups in the morning but I felt different. After about 2 weeks I went to one cup and then one day I woke up and started cooking breakfast and putting the lunches together and forgot to make my coffee. It wasn't until the second load of laundry did I even realize it. When I did~ a big smile came over my face, I haven't felt like this in years. From that day on I knew it was only going to get better. I was still concerned about the weight though. I hadn't weighed myself in quite some time and decided I better check to make sure I wasn't gaining. To my surprise I had only gained 2 pounds but I thought my clothes felt loose and heck I feel good enough now that I COULD even exercise. Imagine that.....Exercise. Just the thought of exercising was enough to convince me I absolutely needed to adjust my water consumption for good. More water it's as simple as that.

On top of all this, my vision improved dramatically....

Juanita Howell, Michigan

Date: May 5, 2001

From: Dr. Gregory Young


To: Bob Butts & Connie Giblin


Hey you guys!

I've just visited your great web site and read all about the water cure! What a great job you've done in supplying all this valuable information! I heartedly agree with the good Doctor (what a great story!), and have been an advocate of "Hydration Therapy" (I'm not sure if he or someone else is the author of it here in the west) for years as the "first therapy" that should be given in all circumstances, and continued throughout life. I further believe that because amino acid metabolism is so heavily skewed because of dehydration, we need not only liberal amounts of salt every day, but also a supplementation of Free Form Amino Acids as well. I promise you, that you will feel the difference!

By the way, this idea that we should all be on low-salt diets is a misnomer caused by published research done back in the 40's on southern African-American Males, who had difficulties tolerating salt. Unfortunately, the results were applied to the entire population (wrong!) resulting in many white Americans now suffering from chronic fatigue and Epstein-Barr Syndrome.

Luckily just a few years ago, John-Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, discovered that most chronic fatigue symptoms disappeared within 1-2 hrs after being given ordinary table salt (sea salt would have been better), and that chronic fatigue was generally caused by chronic low levels of salt in the body, and yes, systemic dehydration!

Small world isn't it!

Look forward to speaking with you again.

The following letter is from a woman whose brother was cured of chronic fatigue syndrome by greatly increasing his intake of water. Her letter was written to a government researcher, whose name we shall keep confidential:

From: M. H. Potomic, Maryland

My 36 year-old brother has suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for one year. He has tried everything including vitamin therapy, acupuncture, bed rest, various medications, special diets, etc. Some of these treatments seemed to help but the symptoms returned. I mentioned to a doctor friend of mine, Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, that my brother suffered from CFS and how much his life changed since the symptoms appeared. He told me about his research and suggested that my brother increase his water intake. He spoke to my brother every day, long distance, to encourage him. My brother gradually increased his water intake based on these daily conversations. Within two weeks, he was better, within four weeks, he was even better. My whole family was amazed that he could be so much better with something as simple as WATER. Four months later, he is doing extremely well.

My brother finds that when he adds alcohol to his fluid intake, the symptoms reappear. The alcohol had a dehydrating effect. It seems unbelievable that something so simple could have an amazing effect. I would love to see you do some research on this simple effective treatment. The CFS sufferers in the nation would be most grateful to you to spread this information. I would be most interested in your comments on Dr. Batmanghelidj's book.

Editor's Note: The government researcher was NOT interested. He scoffed at the idea that something as simple as water could cure this condition. We called M.H. ourselves. She told us the following:

"My brother was 36 years old and perfectly normal and then one day he had all of this pain in his arm and chest. He thought he was having a heart attack. He rushed himself to the emergency room, but doctors thought it was stress. Then, he went to ten different doctors, tranquilizers, etc. with no help. They thought he might have Lyme's Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, or whatever. They could never find anything wrong with him. This hit the man and he was in bed, he couldn't work, he couldn't do anything. He lived his life waiting to go to the next doctor. Dr. Batmangehlidj called him every day for two weeks and he started improving on the water.

It has now been about the two-year mark and the man is 75% his old self again. He is now out in his motorboat, driving fourteen or fifteen children and adults around, water skiing, boating, up and down the waves, picnic lunching. He is just unbelievable. This is a guy who had chronic fatigue syndrome and he gets mad because he is feeling tired after this."


"Almost every patient suffering a chronic illness has excessive amounts of gallstones in the liver."

page xi,

The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse by Andreas Moritz