Cystic Breasts

"You mentioned IODINE. So many women (myself included) have painful cystic breasts. Is iodine the remedy and why?

JW: If you have enough iodine, it makes your estriol levels (estriol is a hormone) go up and that protects against breast cancer.

"...Acutally, if you take the right amount of iodine your fibrocystic disease will go away no matter how bad it is. I learned that from Dr. John Myers in the 1970s, and it works every time... swabs their vaginas with iodine. Thiry minutes later the women come out .. only one half hour later, the breasts of these ladies were perceptibly softer... you do that twice a week until the fibrocystic disease goes away... Generally, it's six weeks to three months... However once the fibrocystic disease is gone, a woman can... safely use a total of 10 to 12 milligrams of a combined iodine/iodide preparation daily. ... Lugol's Iodine, the tablet... Iodoral... Although breast tissue is more iodine dependent, thyroid tissue is more iodide dependent. " - Dr. Jonathan Wright

Breakthrough by Suzanne Somers pages 38-39