Female Problems

Denial of the self. Rejecting femininity. Rejection of the feminine principle.

I rejoice in my femaleness. I love being a woman. I love my body.



Fear. Denial of pleasure. A belief that sex is bad. Insensitive partners.

It is safe for me to enjoy my own body. I rejoice in being a woman.


"Cramps be gone. Fish oil supplements help relieve PMS cramps and pain, according to a study reported in The American Journal of ObGyn." Source: The Lark Letter, P.O. Box 2030, Forrester Center, WV 25438-2030, 1-877-437-5275

"For tender breasts: Take 100 mg of grape seed extract twice a day to help reduce painful swelling." Source: The Lark Letter, P.O. Box 2030, Forrester Center, WV 25438-2030, 1-877-437-5275

...Drinking even two glasses of soy milk daily for one month has enough of the chemical to alter a woman’s menstrual cycle, and although the FDA regulates estrogen-containing products, no warnings exist on soy or soy milk... Soy phytoestrogens are also known to disrupt endocrine function, may cause infertility and may promote breast cancer in women. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/Why-Silk-Soy-Milks-Parent-Company-is-Throwing-American-Farmers-and-Consumers-Under-the-Bus.aspx

Sometimes taking off jewelry will result in the woman getting pregnant (comment in an email)

The effect of Oil Pulling on a variety of diseases like skin lesions, eczema, tooth pain, throat, ulcers, bleeding gums, upper and lower respiratory diseases, allergies, asthma, gynecological disorders, piles, chronic dyspepsia, are surprisingly and unbelievably good, all this at almost negligible cost and with no untoward reactions. I, whole-heartedly and without any inhibitions, recommend OP to all. (Late) Dr. Nuthakki Venkateswara Rao, B.A; M.B.B.S; M.S; F.I.C.S; F.I.A.M.S; Member Central Working Committee, I.M.A, Guntur, A.P http://oilpulling.com/userexperiences.htm