

Small hidden fears. Mountains out of molehills.

I bring peace to every corner of my life.

Hives Testimonials

Date: 06/14/01 Thu 10:08:37 EDT From: Mat, Provo, Utah,

To: Bob Butts,

Let me add to your testimonials. I have tried for years to find a way to get rid of my hives, which I have had for years on end. I have visited every type of doctor, from traditional to homeopathic to accupunture, and have nothing to be of help. I have tried fasts (drinking only water and apple juice) and they helped more than anything else ever had. After doing some food restriction diet tests, I determined foods weren't involved. So, about three weeks ago I decided that maybe the drinking during the fast was what made the difference. I drank approximately 16 cups (128 oz.) per day. My hives were gone within two days and if I keep up the water drinking, the hives are staying away. Water, baby! That's the thing! I was just introduced to your site today. Thanks!