
Are you an emotional eater?

Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed?

Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re full?

Do you eat to feel better (to calm and soothe yourself when you’re sad, mad, bored, anxious, etc.)?

Do you reward yourself with food?

Do you regularly eat until you’ve stuffed yourself?

Does food make you feel safe?

Do you feel like food is a friend?

Do you feel powerless or out of control around food?


Overeating vs. Binge Eating

Both may involve mindless behavior. You eat too much without thinking about why. But there are real differences. General examples of overeating are:

When you eat too much because of a stressful event such as a romantic breakup, it's sometimes called "emotional eating." Examples of binge eating are:

6 Reasons You Binge

Binge eating disorder can stem from many things. 

The habits you learned from the people around you may influence the way you eat in general.

Try these tips to avoid food binges:


Unknown Cause of Weight Gain

  Millions of Americans are struggling with weight gain and yet what’s really behind this pervasive issue is still unknown in conventional medical and alternative health communities. Almost exclusively, you’ll hear weight gain blamed on slow metabolism, overeating, too many carbohydrates, or a lack of exercise. These are common theories but they’re just that: theories. They aren’t the real reason there’s an epidemic of mystery weight gain across the globe. 

Despite the theories and promises of trendy fad diets everywhere you look, it’s the liver that holds the answers to your questions about mystery weight gain. It is not as straightforward as burning more calories than we consume. Many times, people are following a trendy diet and exercising regularly and are still gaining weight. It’s critical to have great compassion for those who are struggling with their weight and to understand what’s really going on so we can help end the shame and judgement many overweight people experience.

The True Cause of Mystery Weight Gain

If you’re gaining weight, it means your liver is sluggish. I have a whole chapter on mystery weight gain and another chapter on sluggish liver in Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease. While two other factors, the thyroid and the adrenals, can often be involved, weight gain is really about what your liver is up against. 

When someone can eat all the junk food she or he wants and not gain an ounce, it’s because they have a liver that hasn’t yet hit its fat-storing or poison-storing limitation and therefore functions at a faster pace. That doesn’t mean their liver isn’t overburdened or overstressed. You could be thin and still have a liver illness developing or a liver complication that’s causing or will eventually cause symptoms.

What could be overburdening the liver you might ask? Liver Troublemakers. That’s the name I have given to the hundreds of different toxins, pathogens and pollutants we have in our livers. We have all been exposed to many of them over our lifetimes and even before we were born we inherited them in the womb because they’re passed down from generation to generation in our family lines. Even the healthiest babies are born with livers that aren’t functioning at 100% because of these Liver Troublemakers (unfortunately it’s more like 70% at most.) To discover what these troublemakers are, where they sit in the liver, how they damage the liver, how long it takes for them to leave, and how to support your body and liver to remove them, you can read Liver Rescue.

Ideally, the liver would be strong and uncompromised enough to process fats, toxins, and hormones with ease, neutralizing and getting rid of the toxins altogether while only holding on to high-quality fats and hormones that could be useful to your body later. The reality is that for most people, the liver simply has too much to do and the liver can’t process fat as well as it’s meant to, so fat cells begin to collect in it at a more rapid rate. The liver becomes so congested internally that fat builds around the outside of it, with pre-fatty and then fatty liver developing. Fat cells then begin to accumulate in the intestinal tract, and eventually, the heart and arteries get saturated. Weight starts to cling on around the waist. 

This is just one side of mystery weight gain. There’s a great deal more to understand that I cover in Liver Rescue so you have a complete picture of what is happening when you’re gaining unwanted weight. 

The Adrenal Connection

One of the reasons that the liver begins to breakdown is an influx of adrenaline in the bloodstream. As life get busier and more stressful, adrenaline is pumped through the body in increasing quantities. No longer is this an issue solely restricted to mid or late adulthood with the many responsibilities and stresses this time of life holds. Students are becoming burnt out earlier on in their college careers and are taking a year off or dropping out of school completely. Even medical students are choosing to forgo residencies due to increasingly high levels of stress. 

The reason that stress and adrenaline are so toxic is that they cause the liver to become overburdened. Add to that the high-protein and high-fat diets that are highly popular and normal today and the liver is put into further distress. Whether you’re plant based or love animal foods, high-protein diets (which are also inherently high in fat), are problematic for the liver. No matter what the fat source is—animal protein, soy, nuts, avocados, oil—too much of it burdens the liver. The ketogenic diet is especially problematic. Why? When you eat a high-protein and high-fat diet, your adrenals flood adrenaline into your bloodstream to help your liver disperse fats. Your liver needs this help because bile, whose job it is to breakdown fats, is weakened when your liver is under stress. If your adrenals do not respond with aid, excess fat in the bloodstream can lead to stroke or heart attack. This extra adrenaline, while corrosive and damaging, is your body’s way of protecting your life. 

Healing the Liver

In Liver Rescue, I dive into the many troubles plaguing the liver and the solutions available to recover its health and help the Liver Troublemakers leave. The key is consistency; supporting your liver with plenty of fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables—16 ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach and my Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie are two options that can help you jumpstart the process. In Liver Rescue, I share exactly how you can support your liver with specific foods and supplements (including suggested dosages.) The book includes information on how to use these foods and supplements for best results. I also offer you my Liver Rescue Morning and Liver Rescue 3.6.9 Cleanse which are life-changing ways to support and detoxify the liver. This isn’t the same liver health information you might read or hear elsewhere. It’s highly advanced and detailed information that can bring back your liver’s health and help you truly recover from dozens of symptoms and conditions. 

For those who have already been applying the information I share in Liver Rescue and my other books, rescuing the liver takes time so do not be discouraged. This means that weight gain can continue for a period when you’re doing the right things because the liver was already under such distress that it needs time to adjust and heal before the weight can start to leave. 

Additionally, when we have viruses, bacteria, toxic heavy metals like copper, aluminum, or mercury, and other Liver Troublemakers sitting in our livers, recovery time increases. This is due to the fact that, when our livers are inundated with fats and our bile is weakened, viruses and bacteria take advantage of this dip in our immune systems and strengthen (you can read Liver Rescue or any of my books to understand why you might have these pathogens in your liver). If you suffered from acne as a teenager, for instance, and continue to see occasional outbreaks when you are sick or around your cycle, this is because acne is caused by the strep bacteria, which continues to sit in the liver long term producing more symptoms later in life. The same is true for cold sores and HHV. Other viruses, like Epstein-Barr (which has over 60 undiscovered strains), are also rampant, biding time, and straining the liver. All of these factors plus more I discuss in Liver Rescue play a part in the condition of your liver and the symptoms and illnesses you have now or could have in the future. 

Our job, then, is to take care of our livers in the way they need on a daily basis. Then you will be healing every day, even when you can’t yet see or feel it. This includes limiting fat intake, whether it’s from plant or animal sources, to give your liver a break so it can work on other important roles aside from processing fats. It also includes eating the healthy critical clean carbohydrates I discuss in detail in Liver Rescue that our livers need to replenish vital glycogen storage and heal and prevent countless conditions. It’s so important to understand how your body works and what it needs from you so you can protect yourself and your loved ones now and in the future. I highly recommend reading Liver Rescue so you can empower yourself with the truth and become an expert on what your body needs to heal and feel its best. I’m with you and I believe in you.


The Metaphysical Reason for Weight Gain

There are a lot of metaphysical reasons why people gain weight, There are little elementals called overeating elementals who can take up residence in the solar plexus area. Once you have a thick coating of these going on, your cravings for food (especially food that will cause you to gain weight) intensify. By energizing this area with a colour called electric violet (deep violet with gold sparklies running through it,) you can expel these elementals, and you'll notice your cravings starting to fade. If you've been overweight for many years, you may need to do this energy treatment for several months, several times a week. For long-term, life-long problems, you usually need complete healing and repair of the solar plexus and adrenal chakras (mini-chakras which sit over the adrenal glands.) Holes or rips in these chakras allow these elementals to enter in the first place.

The Spiritual Reason for Smoking Addiction

A smoking addiction operates in a similar way in the body. Smoking elementals are these little curly critters that hang out mostly in the throat chakra. With a thick coating of these, you'll have troubles beating that smoking habit. Again, energizing the area with electric violet will expel the critters and start clearing out your desire for smoking. It can take many treatments for a lifelong smoker.

There are also other issues involved for a smoker, because often the person has had lifetimes in which smoking tobacco was a holy act, a method of connecting with the spiritual realm. Native Americans and people who have had lifetimes as Native Americans can feel an especially strong pull toward tobacco, and it's less of a physical reason for them and more of a metaphysical yearning.

Tobacco is a sacred herb which helps people connect with the realm of spiritual guides, angels, and deceased loved ones. When a person smokes, their energy field goes through a very specific series of astral shifts. Think of this as like a combination lock that gets opened in a certain way. This process of opening can help the person access the psychic side of their nature and engage more fully in contact with God/Goddess/Great Spirit in its many manifestations.

Tobacco in itself is a good thing, a marvellous herbal tool Nature has given us to help us to activate our psychic side. The problem is that we can start to crave the wonderful feelings that tobacco gives us when our energy field shifts, to the point where we want to feel this all the time. That's where addiction sets in. Lifelong smokers have energy fields that are out of balance because this psychic switch is always "on," and eventually, the energy system of the body can't handle this. The body isn't meant to be in this psychically heightened state all of the time. So other illnesses can creep in the longer a person stays out of balance.

Periodic, conscious, and intentional use of tobacco for sacred ceremonies is a blessed thing.

Trying to maintain that state all the time, through regular smoking, however, isn't good. Your body will be on overdrive from the energy shifts it's going through all the time, and eventually, you'll have health problems because of it.

The smoking elementals that can take up residence at the throat don't show up if someone just uses tobacco periodically as part of their spiritual practice. They do show up, however, as soon as you start smoking on a regular basis. These little smoking elementals also hang out in smoke-filled rooms, cigar bars, and they sit on ashtrays! If you've ever been "icked out" by an ashtray when you sat down at a bar and a full one was sitting right there in front of you, you'll know what I mean! Clairvoyants like me will see these little squirmy grey things crawling all over the ashtray. They look very much like physical parasites look under a microscope. It's all the same energy.The main key is that anything done to EXCESS -- i.e. drinking, smoking, overeating -- creates problems in the body and starts manifesting as imbalance in the chakras. Over time, the chakras degrade and get cracks and holes in them, and then the elementals start coming in for a feeding frenzy. They are there to feed off the energy of the chakra, which is already weakened. So it's important to learn how to banish these parasites from your body. We all get elementals in our bodies and energy fields, depending on the environment we spend time in and the habits we engage in. So learning how to clear out our auric fields and physical bodies of these parasitic energies becomes a key component of maintaining physical and emotional health.

How to Heal Yourself of Food Cravings or Smoking Addiction

Anyone can learn to bring the colour of electric violet down into their hands. Here's what you do.

1) Invoke your idea of God/Goddess/A Higher Power/the angels/etc. Ask for their help. Ask them to help you to attune to the healing colour vibration of electric violet.

2) State your intention for this healing (ridding yourself of smoking or eating addiction.) A clear intention helps to focus and intensify the results of the healing.

3) Start breathing in the colour of electric violet. Some people will feel this energy just light up in their hands. Others may bring it down through the crown chakra (I don't recommend this, though. Electric violet is extremely powerful and can make you a bit dizzy if you bring it down through your upper chakras. It's best just to visualize this energy coming into your hands.) If you're a Reiki practitioner or someone who already knows that they have "healing hands," you'll definitely feel your hands charge up right away. You'll feel them get warm and you'll sense the loving, powerful properties of electric violet. For those unfamiliar with energy work, you may have to meditate for a while until you feel you're in the "zone."

4) Then use the palm of your hands to beam this violet energy at the area that is affected (throat chakra for smoking; solar plexus and adrenals for overeating.) Depending on how powerful you are with energy work, you won't want to do this for long. Just a two minute "squirt" will do! Visualize the elementals on that chakra clearing out and being taking off to the light by your angels and spiritual guides.

5) Remember to ask that your angels and spiritual helpers clear out all the debris, removing the parasitic energy from your space -- otherwise that stuff will still be around you in a cloud and could later re-enter your auric field and chakras. You also want to pray that all of the accompanying thought forms and emotions (which are the "glue" that holds these elementals in the chakra) be removed. That part consists of all of your mind patterns, emotional loops, and negative mental programs which draw these elementals to you. You'll want those removed, too. It's equally as important to treat both the physical part (these elementals in the chakra, which are parasites) and the mental/emotional part (the thought forms and emotional patterns which need to be released.)

6) Notice any effects you feel. If you're doing this on yourself, you may want to lie down as you do this work, because electric violet is an intense purgative colour. (You can also use it to clear a room out of discarnates or negative beings.)

7) Sit with the energy as God/Goddess/Great Spirit and your spiritual helpers clear you out. If you fall asleep, that's okay. Remember to give thanks to that Higher Power afterwards and to close down the healing circle. Many people forget to do this. Healing sessions always work best when you invoke the help of that Higher Power at the beginning and then give thanks and close off that energy at the end of a session, otherwise you can go around feeling trippy or out-of-body because of all that higher dimensional energy still zipping around.

That's it.



Overeating where the cause is spiritual in nature

In the absence of access to subtle-knowledge we can safely conclude that the cause of overeating is most likely to be spiritual after physical and psychological causes have been ruled out. When a ghost or departed ancestor begins to eat through the person that they have possessed, the person can become a voracious eater.

The following also need to be kept in mind


Candida overgrowth and overeating

Candida has the unique ability to change shape in order to protect itself from harsh environments. It responds to a shift in temperature or acidity levels by transforming from a rounded yeast cell into an elongated hyphal cell. These elongated cells have the ability to permeate the gut lining, causing leaky gut. Once in the bloodstream, Candida can invade other tissues. This means that Candida can quickly transition from a gut problem to a full-body problem. It can colonize the skin, mouth, ears, thyroid, reproductive organs, or elsewhere. For this reason, symptoms of Candida overgrowth can be experienced in many different forms.


Victims of childhood sexual abuse are far more likely to become obese adults.

One analysis of 57,000 women found that those who experienced physical or sexual abuse as children were twice as likely to be addicted to food.

Researchers are increasingly finding that, in addition to leaving deep emotional scars, childhood sexual abuse often turns food into an obsession for its victims. Many... become prone to binge-eating. Others willfully put on weight to desexualize, in the hope that what happened to them as children will never happen again.  But research shows that in general, childhood sexual abuse might be a key predictor of obesity and overweight in adulthood. More importantly, experts say, this disturbing connection suggests it’s fruitless to treat eating-disordered patients without investigating and addressing potential childhood trauma first.

Women said they felt more physically imposing when they were bigger. They felt their size helped ward off sexual advances from men.

Trauma that occurs during critical periods in the brain’s development can change its neurobiology, making it less responsive to rewards. This anhedonia—a deficit of positive emotions—more than doubles the likelihood that abused children will become clinically depressed adults. It also increases their risk of addiction. With their brains unable to produce a natural high, many adult victims of child abuse chase happiness in food. It’s this tendency, when combined with what many described as a desire to become less noticeable, that makes this group especially vulnerable to obesity.

These women’s stories suggest that obesity is not what it seems. Given how it increases obesity risk, preventing child abuse could be considered a public-health measure on par with mandatory calorie labels. Doctors may tell overweight patients to diet and hit the gym, but if they’ve suffered childhood trauma, their bodies might be actively working against them. Worse still, the patient might—consciously or otherwise—have a dark reason for remaining heavy.


Past Life Regression - for weight loss????!

Believe it or not - but it is possible to remove obstacles for weight loss with past life regression, if subconscious sabotaging of your slimming efforts is rooted in past life trauma and deep seated belief that being slim and attractive can get you into trouble.  Viewing past life scenes and understanding of a limiting belief resulting from these memories can help to let go of this belief and negative programming.  I can also add post hypnotic suggestions of enjoying healthy foods and drinking plenty of water (which is very important for shedding pounds) in the end of the session. You still will have to change your eating habits and increase physical activity, but it becomes much easier, and you will be able to achieve lasting weight loss, as the true reason for being overweight will be eliminated in past life regression.

Subconscious desire to hold onto extra weight is often connected with starvation in past lives. Many of us lived through wars or famines or poverty, and died with a last  thought "I will never be hungry again" ... Remembering these situations in PLR, and reprogramming the subconscious mind with the idea that "there is plenty of food for every day" helps to let go the desire to stuff yourself with food as it might not be any food  tomorrow...

Holding onto extra weight can also be connected with rape or sexual assault in past life, this is especially true for women, as it only carries out into female lives (so far I have not have any male clients with this issue) . I had a female client who was a street portrait artist in 19 century London, very skinny teenage girl, and she was raped by a drunk man returning home after dark...she survived, and eventually happily married and had kids, but she was holding onto the memory of that rape, especially her feeling "I am so small and skinny, I can not fight him".   In this life her holding onto the extra  weight was associated with being strong and big, and able to protect herself.  Another client was a Native American maiden, living happy life with her tribe, and they were attacked by white people, who killed everybody, except for beautiful women and they were gang raped, and later killed.  She was holding onto belief "Beauty leads to suffering" as if she were not attractive in that life, her death would be more quick and  painless.. (You do not experience any physical sensations during past life regression, so even if the rape scene is experienced, clients cry and feel emotions, but no physical pain, and it is good to cry during PLR as it helps to release pent up emotions)

There are some very unusual past life situations related to weight gain sometimes...I worked with a female client who was quite large in this life - but in a past life she was a pretty and  slim Southern Belle in 18th century Alabama, who loved to write poetry, and was very well read, but her father did not take her intelligence seriously and was quite harsh about her desire to participate in male conversations about politics  or science, telling her something like "Occupy yourself with hair and clothes, this is more appropriate for a pretty girl"  She rebelled against her father and cut her golden locks, and refused to participate in balls and eventually never married and died a spinster. Her limiting belief was "Being slim and pretty leads to being misunderstood and patronized by men".

I can also lead you into "motivational lives"  to inspire you  to be more physical active  and discover hidden talents and abilities  in sports, dancing, hiking, swimming  in past lives and to find out what kind of physical activity would be the most enjoyable for you.  In one of my own sessions as a client when I wanted  to see a life related to my weight issues,  I was shown a life of a  temple dancer in Ancient Ceylon,  who was incredibly fit and flexible, and had fantastic posture. In one of the scenes she was standing in the King's garden with her hands on the back of a pet tiger - and I was just amazed by the way she carried her body and the energy flowing through her spine, and connection with tiger energy - I started using this scene for visualization after the session:  imagining myself standing totally straight with my hands on tiger's back helped me to control my posture and energy flow. I was also shown swimming to safety during a flood, as her physical fitness and swimming skill saved her life.  After that session I started using every opportunity to go dancing, and also paid attention to my posture and energy flow,  this past life also helped me to change my body image.  I lost about 20 lbs in 2 months after that session without any major changes in diet - just by going out more and dancing alone  at home  in front of a mirror...

If you struggle to loose weight and no matter what diet you use - you always gain it back,  and just feel stuck in overweight body, you might consider doing past life regression session and discover the true subconscious  reasons for being overweight  and the best ways for you to go about food and physical activities.  The session  will satisfy your curiosity about your past lives and will also remove subconscious obstacles for achieving fitness, and new motivation to create slim healthy body for yourself.
