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Tolerance Lost 2 - Dr. Andrew Moulden

Will write an intro to this section as some point....

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 1 of 19   [5:35]

Volume 2 “Seeing is believing”

Watershed strokes are a form of lack of oxygen delivery to the tissue where two different vascular or blood vessel distributions come into an area of the body. And they’re areas of tissue that do not have an overlapping blood supply so if you block off one, all the tissue in that area has no other collateral circulation to come in and pick up the slack. So there are many various areas in the body that are in vascular watershed distributions and they are the most susceptible areas of tissue in the human body that can be harmed by this blood sludging process as a function of zeta and as a function of mass.

frostbiteBy example, if you ever had frostbite before, you find the things in your body that most often get frostbite are the tips of the fingers, the tips of the ears, the tip of the nose, and your toes. Anything that projects from the body in the outer areas are in end vascular territories, meaning that’s the end of the blood supply where the flow pressures are the lowest and where the blood flow is going to spin around and come back up the venous side and go back to the lungs and go back to the heart. These areas have low flow but more particularly, many of these areas also don’t have a lot of collateral circulation coming to them because they’re also the end vascular territories. [1:38]

And even in emergency medicine when we give special injections to take away pain, we sometimes us a drug called epinephrine which actually causes blood vessels to actually constrict really tightly, and unfortunately, we don’t use epinephrine on anything that projects to the end of the body, the nose, the toes, the fingertips, because these areas are susceptible to having a lack of blood flow by closing down the vessels. Now the same process is happening in response to the zeta end mass and the watershed vascular areas are importantly and most critically adversely affected.

Now when you have strokes you can have a T.I.A., which is a transient temporary ischemic lack of oxygen attack. And a transient ischemic attack usually lasts for twenty-four hours and then the partial blockage of blood flow goes away. But again, any area in a watershed vascular territory is most susceptible to these temporary blockages of blood flow. And we also have something in neurology called a rind or a rind R I N D. And that is called a reversible ischemia, again the word meaning lack of oxygen delivery, neurological deficit. And that is something again that emerges generally from lack of blood flow, or lack of usage of oxygenation, or low oxygen content in the body. And the neurological damage can be temporary and it comes back. Reversalist ischemic attack, transient ischemic attack, and these things can become permanent which is a complete stroke and it can be large vessels or micro vessels.

And again, the micro vessels, you have six hundred thousand miles of these throughout your whole body which is 95% of the blood vessels in the body. We cannot see them. They’re microscopic. And when things are happening down there you can have adversity to every system in the body. So that will be important information to know.

stroke and mini strokeNow this next slide here is showing you on both sides here, these colored areas of the brain. I put this in for you to get appreciation of it. The colored areas were created by a tissue doctor who’s looking under a microscope and found that different areas of the human brain have different cellular structures. And he coded these areas, the system, by coating the different cellular structures in terms of their arrangement or in terms of the cell types in these areas. He is a man by the name of Broadman. So we call it the Broadman classification system.

So Broadman’s classification breaks down the brain to differences in cells across the whole three-pound breadth of this brain that we have. And then also the functional doctors who look at the functions of the brain and try to localize that to various areas of the brain have also coded it up as well. And say well, language production goes here, language comprehension goes here. Speech repetition goes here. Preceding faces goes down here. And so you can functionally localize a map of the brain or you can map a brain out in terms of its cells. But the critical thing is understand, that although the brain is one homogenous mass, a three-pound gelatinous mass in your brain. You’re gonna have to put your hand in and you wouldn’t feel anything because there’s no pain receptors in the brain. We won’t do that, but, um.. by analogy. [4:45]

So when things are happening to the brain substance itself it gives off no pain sensation so your body doesn’t know things are happening there. So like a heart attack, when you have lack of blood flow to the heart, you get a lot of pain there because lack of oxygen creates chemicals that signal pain in your brain, that says there’s something wrong. And that pain we usually deal with morphine but the brain, when there is no blood flow to some areas of the brain, there are no pain receptors there to signal the body that something’s wrong.

We’re kinda blind to it, not only externally from medical devices and tools to see in technology adversity here from ischemia, or lack of blood flow and oxygen. But actually your body is unknowing that this is going on. So you have no idea that you are actually having a lack of oxygen to the brain when this actually happens.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 2 of 19  [6:00]

End Vascular Territories

cellular localizationFunctional localization, cellular localization, and certain toxins, and certain substances, viruses, bacteria, or their byproducts have affinity to go to certain areas based on kinda like a lock and key mechanism between the key fitting through a certain group of cells. In this way different groups of cells within the broader classification of the brain will be susceptible for certain bugs or certain viruses or certain toxins or certain foreign proteins and others. And those areas then will be set up to be damaged by this ischemic process that is set up by mass and by zeta and we’ll get to that later on in the slides.

If you look here as well, here’s a cast of the human body completely in its vascular network. I was looking at the human physique and entirely by lighting up all the blood supply but we see how complicated a system this is. And this is only the larger part that you can see. All the micro vessel, tiny, tiny invisible pathways in which all the oxygen gets delivered to your body to make you be able to function to do the things that you do. You cannot see that at all. If you cause lack of oxygen or blood flow to the bowel, it is painful. It’s called ischemia. It’s a stroke to the bowel or the small intestine. Like a stroke to the heart is a heart attack. Like a stroke to the brain is a stroke. And ischemia can happen to the liver and kidney. All organs, even your skin. Ischemia here creates gangrene.

By example, some patients who have diabetes, they have black toes. And we end up having to chop their feet off because of the gangrene that’s actually developing there because certain bacteria like to grow in a low oxygen environment. And that is a stroke to the skin of the body. Stroke is a generic term for lack of oxygen and this is the cause of all these adversities from these toxins in the environment as well as from the vaccines as they are currently being constituted and given in this one-size-fits all form. [1:58]

IMAM-12 Cranial Nerves

blood vessels are works of artThis slide here is the key blood vessel coming up to the brain stem. This is critical to much of the features neurologically, we’re going to get into, that we see as a function of the sludging process in response to the toxins we are putting into the body, specifically the vaccines, specifically the cause of autism spectrum and neurological disorders. This is called the basilar artery. And the basilar artery is a single large pipe coming up through the bottom of the brain stem down the back of the brain. It’s fed off two vessels coming off the aorta called the vertebral arteries. They come up here and form into one vessel. This major pipe comes up here and sends small little fingers off there that goes out and perfuses all of the back part of the brain. It’s called the posterior or back circulation and many of the controls of all the nerves that control your facial structure in terms of its sensation, in terms of its motor functions, in terms of moving things from A to B, and much of your senses from hearing and balance and taste are all served by twelve nerves. We call them the twelve cranial nerves. And how we are actually being able to be shown now, that wait a minute, ladies and gentlemen, we have a serious global problem with the way we are using the vaccines as we are currently doing.

Many of these cranial nerves are being adversely affected in subtle ways which we are going to show you through the rest of this video series in this section of what we do. And a lot of those features are coming from blockages, of blood sludge in these small vessels and arteries, watershed areas in the brain stem coming off the pipes from the basal artery. [3:52]

There is one more path as well, you can basically see this is lighting up the entire vascular network. It’s art actually. And it is complicated. And you can see why it can be random to a certain extent or what areas are hurt for some individuals but the bottom line – watershed in vascular territories, no collateral circulation, these areas are critical for being adversely affected.

Here we have now just looking at the brain, blood flow coming into it. And the bottom part on the right side you see blood flow coming up to the outer part of the brain. On the slide next to it you see clots being formed there and the clots have actually blocked off blood supply and this becomes a problem for oxygen delivery. And this way we can see it. Large vessels. Many times you cannot.

Again, we are now looking at the blood supply to the area of the brain, these are the metered vessels coming off this circle of Willis. You have the anterior cerebral arteries going to the front of the brain. You have the middle cerebral arteries going towards more the middle parts of the brain. And you have the posterior circulation from the basal artery giving oxygen to the back of the brain and down deep in the brain stem. Now that area is critical for all things that keep us alive. We call it vegetative functions, respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, are all controlled in these areas of the brain stem. And we will get to this and we will show you a few cases that all these children of sudden infant death. They suddenly stop breathing in their sleep. Unfortunately, this is a massive zeta problem in the blood supply in the posterior circulation leading to sludging, forward blood flow. And when you knock off both the left and right areas of the brain controlling respiration. A person just stops having ___ for breathing and they die. And that is the cause of these problems but it is also the cause of autism and neurodevelopmental disorders and much of ____ which we will get to in the rest of these slides.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 3 of 19  [8:38]

No Collateral circulation hardest hit areas

stroke in a child's faceThis slide here shows all of the twelve cranial nerves going through the head. There’s twelve cranial nerves coming to here, there’s some ways the neurologists and physicians can actually see them. And see how functions are actually occurring. There’s all the organs you see here. There’s all the distribution. You do not need to know all these specific nuances. However, I’m going to show you several of them which you can now see and now we’re going to give you through this DVD series, a thermometer you can use at home to look carefully at your children and do what the doctors, unfortunately, have not been doing. Because as you will see, when we show you the patients here today, in this video series, you will see that some of the features when they happen you can’t see them with your own naked eye. These are medical emergencies. Your child is having silent ischemic strokes and you did not know. If the physicians were doing their job properly and looked at the children neurologically before they put a vaccine in them because a vaccine is like a surgical procedure. Had they been doing that and brought the patient back a day or two afterwards, the features you now see the doctors would have picked this up a long time ago, and they would have said wait a minute, we have a problem here.

That’s unfortunate, we can’t correct what we have done from that perspective but we can do things differently in the future and I want to give you the tools so you can see for yourself and be able to monitor your children in ways that you can actually see something is going on or your child is not complaining, or your infant is not complaining, and if you are an adult and you are not complaining, and let silent damage happen to your body. It’s a medical emergency and how it can be treated. [1:40]watershed areas of brain

Here we have a series of the arterials on the very top here, the flat plate, and beneath you have the pipes coming down here which are penetrating arterials. You see the small finger branches coming off. These small fingering branches are the critical areas that are losing blood flow in the sludging process from M.A.S.S. and zeta and immune hyperstimulation. You can see it here. In reality in the real world, we cannot see this going on and because we cannot see it, we never know what’s happening. But it’s causing profound damages to the body and the brain and impairing function and behavior, and emotions and sensation and all the factors neurologically we describe that separates us as humans from the rest of the animal kingdom in very subtle ways.

And at the bottom part there you saw two examples of stroke.

So this slide here is very very critical. This was published in the medical journal Stroke by Torvick. And the outline you see here the hatched areas across this brain. Now the brain is focusing, looking this way, and the eyes would actually be right in front of the brain and the temporal lobe is down here. But the gray hatched areas are areas which are common watershed vascular areas for all of us, by and large. This is a commonality through the top of the brain, kinda like an inverted C. This is the area that tends to be damaged in Alzheimer’s disease. And there is a reason for that. And down in the lower part of the temporal lobe here is an area that many autistic children have problems with processing the faces, and integrating things they see in the environment, and focusing in on certain features, this is a watershed area. And back in the image here is called the cerebellum. And the cerebellum is responsible for coordinating motor movements. It responds to tracking objects in space as well as to adjust to your physical posture relative to things that move. Coordination problems are common in children, in a certain extent, we now begin to see the neural sciences that also in some subtle ways the cerebellum is involved in attention of all things. And so you can see how all these different areas, vascularly are separated from each other. There’s some commonalities, however, at the individual level. There will be individual differences and variations and because of those individual differences in the blood watershed areas in vascular territories, and the degree of collateral circulation to these various areas, you can get a whole range of no deficit to profound deficit, and everything in between. It’s in the same pathological model of causation.

So, whether you have attention deficit disorder, a specific learning disability, autism spectrum, Asperger’s, social problems, memory problems, attention problems, concentration, sensory. The whole gamut or range of possible problems as well as range of severity just because you have is a function not only of the vascular networks but also the pathological processes happening when it happens in development, how long it lasts for, whether it’s reversible or irreversible, waxing or waning, or permanent or non-permanent, and how long it lasts. Those are a huge number of variables. That it is difficult to predict any way that we use science for. Science cannot predict things in a consistent way [4:56] __________ ways, when the very thing it is trying to measure, we call these dependent measures, varies by so many variants. We cannot control for it. And that is why we find nothing. We don’t really know what to define as our measuring point. Which is why a lot of this has been difficult for us to find. stroke areas of brain

This slide here describes Transcortical Motor Aphasia. A famous neuropsychologist first published work on this stuff, and we realized that a transcortical motor aphasia, big fancy neurological terms, is due to a stroke but more specifically Norman Geschreven, the first to really report the areas of the brain that were responsible for this and why it was happening. This is something we see in all the autistic children, by and large, in varied degrees.

One is speech production is gone. They’ve lost the ability to make meaningful expressive speech. But comprehension is intact. You can ask these autistic children to do a task for you and they comprehend you and they follow through with it. But, however, there is another area here called the repetition area and the repetition area, sometimes these children, individuals can repeat back to you almost like echo like format. Parrot, if you will. They can repeat back exactly what they heard. However, they cannot make that sentence on their own, by their own volition.

And this is called transcortical motor aphasia when you lose speech production, you retain comprehension, and you retain varying degrees of speech repetition. Now the only way we can ever create that behavior syndrome in the human brain is by damaging the small blood supply. Because up here, the speech production areas are in a watershed vascular area. Exactly what Torbeck’s article describes, and other neurologists and behavior neurologists, and neuroscientists have confirmed that this is going on. So if you damage the microvessel watershed areas from the brain here, you lose speech production but you retain speech comprehension, and you retain to a certain extent, repetition sometimes.

There is no other way to cause this. So if you see this syndrome in individuals you cannot say the genes caused this. You cannot say anything else caused this. The only way you will commonly cause, by and large, in the brain is messing around with the blood supply. Bar none.

So, conclude, autistic children seem to have some problem of blood supply based on the behavior syndromes we see. That is the power of neuropsychology. That is the power of lafoccial localization. And that is the power of integrating these two together. But there are some exceptions but not when you put a lot of people together. So now we are focusing on blood supply. We recognize that.

This slide here is looking at blood supply to an area in the middle part of the brain called the thalamus. This is very important for autistic children. This is important for schizophrenia as well. The three fingers of blood vessels you see coming into the area, these are called the ventriculo strays arteries and vessels. They’re also called the stroke arteries of the brain. There’s reasons for that but it comes from a large pipe to a smaller pipe with a big chain of pressure coming down into these things, and they tend to be very susceptible to damages. But why I have this slide here for you, is the two small vessels up front of the thalamus, the thalamic arteries, these are very, very critical, when you block off the end vascular territories to these in adults when they have strokes. Sometimes you can get a clot coming off the neck arteries and come up there and they block there. This is profound thing and the next slide you’re going to see from me is very distressing and I apologize for that

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 4 of 19   [5:19]

Central (thalamic) Pain Syndrome: “Don’t hug me, inconsolable, walking on toes, sensory overload, disrobing explained”

When these vessels are blocked off at the end vascular territories in adults, it creates something called a thalamic pain syndrome. Or it’s also called central pain syndrome. And unfortunately in the thalamus all the gaiting mechanisms are translating sensory input from upper parts of the brain to make sense of what you hear and see and feel. It’s processed through here and because these end vascular territories in the thalamus get blocked off there by sludge, by M.A.S.S. and zeta and vaccines, toxins, heavy metals, infectious diseases. Or embolic strokes chunks coming off the carotids in an adult. After this happens then the sensory perception in the brain changes relative to light touch. Things that the body used to perceive as being pleasurable, if I was to rub your skin, hug you, touch you, we tend to do this as consoling as one human being to another. We would do something pleasurable to a person we see in distress.

Unfortunately when these areas become ischemic in subtle ways we cannot appreciate touching the skin becomes very very painful. Perception of the brain, searing pain, burning lancinating pain. And the whole sensory apparatus has changed. So that we see in adults. Now, when it happens in children especially infants, they’re pre-motor, they’re pre-verbal, they’ve just arrived on this planet and they are trying to decipher what this world is all about. When you hit these areas by sludging the brain with ___ and zeta, and there is no oxygen to these areas. They have ischemic damage there. Touching their skin, hugging them, rubbing them, putting clothes on their body becomes noxious is distressing to them. And sometimes after vaccination your find children are inconsolable so inconsolable. They’re bicycling their feet in their cribs. They can’t seem to settle. And they are in distress and they are crying a lot we call them difficult babies. And we always thought historically you know children who are autistic are asocial, they have some lack of desire for cuddling or being close to human beings because when we hug them or hold them they go limp and go backwards like this. And we thought there was something being damaged to the brain to affect sociability.

child - anything touching skin is painfulBut if you look at this slide here. This is a young child with a 1964 rubella birth defect evaluation project in the New York University Medical Center. And these children who are pre-natally exposed to rubella we have already showed you in previous slides are having ischemia, blood supply blockages in various parts of the body. But the neurologists back here in this time, who saw this child, Dr. Meeker of Pearl Arthur in Texas, he looked at this child in this picture___ this child actually wore out the hair in the back of his head as he ambulated across the floor in this very unusual posture. If you look at his feet very carefully the feet are converted out so the souls of the feet are not touching the ground. His arms are being held up off the body in a very specific way. And again his arms are not touching his skin. He’s arched his whole back up off the ground as well. And again if you look at it from the perspective of he’s got thalamic pain syndrome from the sludging of the blood. This infant is doing everything he can to decrease the numbers of stimulations to his skin for a reason. We don’t know what that reason is and the doctors back then thought there was something unusual with his neurological system. The virus and infectious disease messed that up.

When the child could actually ambulate across the floor in this position and in a coordinated way pass objects from one hand to the other back and forth in this posture. That tells us something completely different. Looking at it now from our understanding of the process causing these neurodevelopmental disorders, this child, like the autistic children has had damage to the small vessels going to the thalamus, and actually now with sensations to the body that normally we would think would be pleasurable is causing him a lot of pain. The brain down rates after a while and this becomes noxious and not fun any more. And the children just want to do things to get rid of it. [4:10]

He will start walking on his toes to reduce the sensory stimulation through the feet. They may not be able to tell you why because they realize that this is more pleasure sensation to the brain. And they may rip their clothes off. And this is not social deviance. Even the clothing touching the skin is causing serious pain as they get older. It’s distracting because the pathways in the thalamus is responsible for this information getting out. Anything the children can do decrease the information becoming overload to the brain they will do. And unfortunately when these areas have been damaged, even though they are no longer painful anymore as they grow up and get older, these things can still be distracting for them and they just rip the clothes off and not because they’re deviants because it’s an adaptive behavior in response to the brain damage that occurred as a function of M.A.S.S. and zeta, sludging of the blood, ischemic damage in critical function areas with the brain.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 5 of 19  - [1:56]

ALL Vaccines – LOOK causing Ischemia

Now, how do we put mass and zeta and the sludging blood into perspective so you can now see it for yourself.  And I’ll say this to you as you can see for yourself because when you see a bunch of people from autism, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, sudden infant death, Gardasil death and adverse reaction, Gulf War Syndrome, and even people who have actually been exposed to infectious diseases, before we put them in needles, and mandated that we all have to have them.

You will see here, that all these individuals exhibit the same neurological damage irrespective of the eventual diagnosis, irrespective of the range of nothing to death across all vaccines, across all infectious disease, across all diagnoses, across all age groups, this is a generic response of the human body. And the implications of what you perceive neurologically, is that we’ve got this whole vaccine solution absolutely wrong. It’s got really not much to do with specifics of the body. We have a generic response in the human body to foreign things put in and that generic response is causing disease and disorders. All disease and disorders. As you will see in the range of damages, you’ll see in common from all these vaccines.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 6 of 19  - [3:11]

Clinical Signs – IMAM-12 Cranial Nerves Four 6.13-3.16-3.19 Seventh Signs

This child here is showing you the eyes. The eyes are very critical to your ability to see neurologically, the twelve cranial nerves to the eyes. Because you have three cranial nerves controlling the eyes. There are several muscle groups controlling the eyes in various ways but this is critical here. The sixth cranial nerve out here and here called the abdusens moves the eyes laterally towards the temples. Looking left. Looking right. So outside here the sixth cranial nerve moves the left eye out this way. And the sixth cranial nerve moves the right eye out this way.

nerves to the eyesThe fourth cranial nerve moves they eyes down in towards the nose, looking down towards the floor kinda cross-eyed looking down. And all other movements of the eyes are the third cranial nerve.

eye on right offSomething very very important to recognize here neurologically is that the controls for the six nerves looking left and looking right are in an end watershed vascular territory in the brainstem. Meaning that if you decrease flow going through blood flow through the brainstem coming off that basal_ artery, anything decreases flow, the vessels furthest from that flow source are the first ones to dry up like a river bed and not get proper flow for them, and they don't get any oxygen. And unfortunately the nerves controlling the side of the eye looking right, eye looking left, they're in exactly that kind of vascular territory. So anything that sludges down the blood flow decreases blood flow through this area at a local level, these areas are most susceptible to being harmed first. And this is what we see. For many people.

You'll be able to see it in your own children as a function of vaccination within hours and days and exists there to this day. All vaccinations. Six nerves are being affected, the eye slightly deviates in. That throws the eyes __ being conjugant looking left and right. They're kinda being held together so they stay together, move together. And when this eye started deviating in a bit. Or this eye started deviating in a bit or worse, both eyes start deviating in a bit. This is more times than not ischemia to the brain happening silently. It's a subtle neurological sign. And it's there for many. It always has been. These are strokes. And we will show you how it's happening. Why it's happening. And we'll see later on in sudden infant death, we realize, oh-oh, these controls here for the left and right movements of the eye are right beside the centers in the brainstem that control automatic respiration. Breathe in, breathe out. They start silently blocking off blood flow to these tiny invisible areas. Both sides of the brain, eyes turning in a bit. They're right beside the areas controlling respiration and getting ready to have sudden infant death and this can happen in his sleep without the neurological features. And so left sixth nerve, fourth nerve, everything else is the third.

 Let's have a look how this plays out. Let's look at a few more slides.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 7 of 19

Neurobehavioral Testing

This is how we test the eye movements as neurologist. We get you to follow a finger, look left, right. We generally go in an "H" pattern: up, down, across, up, down. You follow the finger and you actually move the eye through all cardinal gages. Now it's important to look at how the eyes are moving, together or not together. Can they go through all the different ranges of gaze. When you go through that "H" pattern, you've got to go through all cardinal movements of all these three nerves of the eyes. And the slide beside here basically shows you that the third nerve, going to the middle parts of the eyes pulling it in. The sixth nerve on the outside, they act like a yoke, that actually hold the eyes together when you move them. Kinda like the yokes you have for ox. The eye moves left, or you pull the ox left because they are both yoked together. They go together in tandem. They work together. And that is set up that way neurologically, where the nerves fire down here and contracts the muscle. Muscles turn things together. They are supposed to be together. You want your eyes to be together because you want to be seeing left and right. We're not lizards. We can't look in three different directions at once. It would confuse our brain. Everything would look blurry and it wouldn't make sense to us.

However, when you start damaging subtlely by lack of oxygen to the core neurological mechanism of the brain that maintain the yokeness. The muscles are still intact. However the neural inputs coming into the third and sixth cranial nerve on the inside and the outside are not equally the same strength. And what happens is that the stronger muscle, the third in this case which has not been damaged, is overpowering the outside muscle of the eye. And it is actually pulling the eye inward. And you can see this in transitions of gazes which happens very subtlely. And you can see this at home with your own cameras. Put a camera on your child after vaccination and you will see. If you slow it down and you follow transition of eye gaze from one extreme to another. You can see one eye might start getting faster than the other and it was not there before the child got vaccinated. These are ischemic strokes.

adult, damage 6th cranial nerveHere is an example now of an adult whose had severe, complete damage to the sixth cranial nerve. If they look straight at you everything looks OK. That's the top slide. But look at the bottom and the person is trying to look off to the right. The one eye can turn in without a problem because its third nerve is intact. But the sixth nerve is responsible for pulling it out this way and it's not there. So the affected eye is not turning out to the side. That's a complete sixth nerve palsy. This is obvious for us to see as neurologists and we can't tell which eye is actually messed up unless we actually follow the gaze as it moves back and forth because looking straight ahead at you, the eye can actually deviate in which is the eye affected. Moving cross gaze like this, the transitions allow us to see degree of damage, the range of damage, the completeness of the damage, as well as subtle damages that were not there before. As so these are ___ go on.

Here's another example of and ___ or sixth nerve palsy. Now I want you to look specifically right down at the slide in the middle here off to my side. That actually says looking straight ahead. Looking straight ahead, forward gaze. I'm trying to focus in on you. Looking at you right now. If you look at my eyes very carefully, they are both looking straight, they're both even, they're both together, and the degree of space between my eyes and my nose and the whites of my eyes is relatively symmetrical. However, when you have subtle lack of oxygens, stroke damage, ischemia to these areas of the brain controlling these movements, that when the sixth nerve of the end watershed area becomes weakened, in terms of its neural input, then even looking forward that eye that is affected will slightly deviate to the middle because the stronger third nerve on the inside is pulling it harder and it's not balanced out properly. And it'll give you a sort of easeltropia in medicine and many autistic children have this phenomina. And medicine's philosophy is cut, burn, or poison. Well, that's how we've been doing things. But we've been fixing this problem by going in and actually lesioning the muscle or weakening the muscle so the eye actually straightens out. Doing surgery correcting a problem we caused with our own chemicals that we inject in the body not fully comprehending or understanding how the body's immune system works. And how the body is electrical as well as chemical and not understanding that, unfortunately, it's been a huge oversight in medicine and caused much unnecessary disease and suffering and disorder. That we now are in a position of understanding, move forward start helping and start healing __ cause.eyes off completely

Again another slide if you keep looking at how the eyes can move back and forth. You can see how the eyes can be thrown completely off in sync moving through the various cardinal gazes. [4:45] And these are just examples of the degree to which things can be derailed neurologically. These three nerves, the sixth, the third, and the fourth. The sixth, the third everywhere else, and the fourth down here are very, very important for neurologist to see, and the nutritionists to see, and doctors to see, if neurologically things are intact.

As physicians, we're trained to look at the gross neurological exam of the three cranial nerves. We do it in a way that is very cursory. Even in the emergency departments, we do it very fast. We've learned that yield is very minimal unless you are a neurologist to begin with. And so the pediatricians and the doctors who are actually giving the vaccines to people really do not have the training or knowledge of the brains anatomy and physiology and the neurological signs that are both subtle and complex. That may be saying to them before their very eyes, there is a serious problem here. They have neither the knowledge nor the tools nor the appreciation nor the direct day to day experience to know what's before their very eyes.

And, unfortunately, as you will see here this information of the dangerousness of the vaccines and the one-size-fits-all since the beginning of Edward Jenner's time, 150 years ago, has been flawed, and causing damage. And it was right there before us for us to see all along. Now, when you see it and you now know it and that's where it is. And that's the beginning of change. And that's when we start to say not going to do it this way any more gentlemen. Let's not do it anymore. We  now see it for ourselves. We all become physicians.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 8 of 19 [6:08]

Microvascular Cranial Nerve (CN) ischemic strokes Palsies (paralysis)

This slide is a very very imporant one. This slide is from the North American Neuro-Optalmalogy Society which is neuro neurological, optalmology meaning eyes, and it basically describes the various causes we've accepted in medicine for the third, fourth, and the sixth cranial nerve. The Roman numerals on the top third fourth sixth. Now look at the percentages here. These are the things we know and accept Mainstream Medicine we all say this is what causes these problems.

Sixth cranial nerve outside, eye turning in. Third cranial nerve eyes turning other ways, conjugate movements being thrown off. And fourth cranial nerve problems moving the eyes down and in. Any of these problems. What are their main causes? Well, we say other for things that we have no idea. But we have specific things we go into and we talk about. We say look the very top of this causal mechanism to create these small subtle palsies we call in neurology. Which are subtle neurological signs. They're showing these features of these nerves being thrown off. They're strokes. We call it vasculopathy or pathological changes to blood supply, strokes. And in the category above that unknown. Well, it's likely most of those are strokes, too.

child - eye turning inAnd when you look at this. When you see a child who's three months old or six months old or eighteen months old shortly after his measles/mumps/rubella vaccination or he dies of sudden infant death after vaccine and they're showing these subtle cranial nerve palsies. Eye turning in. Becoming disconjugate. Dropping the corner of the mouth which is a seventh cranial nerve problem that we will get to in a second. These features are only created by ischemic vascular damage. And you go through the differentical diagnosis of what could cause these problems in these children who have now autism or learning disabilities or died of sudden death. What can cause these strange palsies that we see. Well number one on the list is vasculopathy, ischemic stroke. Top one probably ischemic stroke as well. But you go through but it can't be an aneurism because we would see that in our angiograms. We know it's not an aneurism. And we know it's not a tumor, we didn't see a tumor there either. And we know it's not syphilis. This is a sexually transmitted disease. And we know it's not multiple sclerosis in these children. So what are you left with? The clinical signs are there. The neuropsychological profile of transcortical motor aphasia is there as well. Vascular, vascular, vascular and temporally linked. Vaccine, boom, it's there. You see it for yourself. It's proof causation. Do not let them tell you any differently, you will find no neurologist and no physician and no pediatrician and no Paul Offits of the world will be able to stand you and look you in the eye and say Dr. Moulden, and your knowledge is incorrect because they will be flying in the face of hardwired core knowledge in medicine that is irrefutable. There is no other way to cause these problems in the sequences we see but by damaging the blood supply when that's time linked to the giving of a vaccine. And we see it for all these people. All diseases post vaccination or toxin. Proof causation.after Gardasil

This slide is more detail. It's going through how the palsies occur. The bottom line is these are ischemic strokes most of these palsies. And when we have several palsies developing, the eye turning in, the eyes becoming out of sync up and down in vertical gaze, the corner of the mouth dropping, differences in transitional gaze back and forth, the eyelid drooping and things you cannot see. We'll show this to you today. All these features, all of these features tell you, it's not just one area of the brain or the body. These are multiple vascular areas being hit. ___sequential process is very fast. All these parameters are core in neurology to figure out what the possible pathological _____ is causing these damages. Nothing else has the tempo sequence. These are strokes. Nothing else causes it. These are strokes. These are strokes to end vascular territories in multiple vascular distributions. That means it's not just in the brain, ladies and gentlemen, it's throughout the whole body. Silently or clinically apparent. And these are medical emergencies. That we have been causing for all.

Here now we get into the next clinical neurological sign that you all need to know because you will now see it. When you look for it subtlely, carefully.These folds coming down in the corners of the mouth caused the nasal labial folds. This is classic adult neurology. Go ask your doctor. If you go in there one day, your face is nice and symmetrical, these folds are nice and smooth, and then all of a sudden they're not. They're asymmetrical, one's dropping, the other one. Can only be caused by a stroke again. That's the seventh cranial nerve.

baby having damageAnd so there are various signs we can actually see that in the facial structure, just by looking at a person. You don't need science. You don't need statistics. You don't need randomized double-blind control placebo trials, to see what's before your very eyes. They cannot lie to you and say this is not real because unless you say it is science, they cannot convince you that what you see with your own eyes is not true, then it can never happen. You will see it for yourself. I will show it to you today. You will go back in your children's photographs and videos through the course of their life and actually link that with the time they got vaccinated and you'll say Oh my gosh. That happened to our children, too. It's happened to all of you.

The slide that we just showed you is, by and large, bell's palsy. The ___ at the forehead comes out of sync as well as the lower face comes out of sync. And that's because the outside nerve, the nerve outside the brain has been damaged. Damaging the nerve to the seventh cranial nerve, outside the brain, drops the corner of the mouth and takes away the wrinkles on the top of the forehead. ___

Here is a slide of a baby who is having damage to the nerve outside the brain that's affecting both the corner of the mouth as well as the forehead and eye. They eye cannot completely close here and the corner of the mouth is down. These are damages to nerves outside the ___. We call it Bell's palsy, it can happen from infectious disease. They don't know particularly how or why but welcome to the rest of Western medicine.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 9 of 19  - [8:59]

More harm than Good

 We don't know how or why many of these diseases you get occur, but we give you drugs to treat them anyway. And unfortunately in many respects sadly the way the drugs are being constituted sometimes they cause more harm than good as well. Because if you try to treat something without knowing how it's caused, it's kinda like trying to put water on a fire without knowing how it's fueled. And sometimes you'll but water on an electrical fire and you'll make things worse.

Ask the doctors, do you think you might have made things worse? No. Ask them what caused the disease. They'll say they don't know. Ask them what drug they use. They'll say we'll give you this drug. Ask them how that drug works. Not entirely sure.

You kinda have selective attention for doing things good but you also take responsibility for the possiblity of not having complete knowledge that sometimes you may cause more harm than good. And unfortunately in many ways vaccines are the epitomy of more harm than good but the best intentions which we keep commercialized. Which is where our problem is. We should ___ come out of it. And come out of it now. _______ And I'll show you how to do that. [1:13]

Brain Damage 101: Hold them accountable

Here is the magical elixir that will now open up your eyes. Say "Wait a minute, this is brain damage, ladies and gentlemen, from all these things for all of us for everybody. This is the power of anatomy and electrical wiring and function of the brain relative to blood supply and relative to the clinical neurological features you can now see.

strokeWhen you damage inside the brain, the blood supply being sludged small ____ there. We can't see this on CT scans or MRI's or angiograms or fancy neurological tools. We figure I can't see anything you're not having a stroke. It's microvascular. But when this goes on silently and no signs whatsoever on neuroimaging tools that doctors rely on to see if everything is ok or not, when this is happening, when you have a stroke to the area in the part of the brain that controls the lower part of the face, up high in the brain, the corner of the mouth drops a bit or the folds in the face become asymmetrical, one flattens, loses its bulk, its tone, its power. Now if I want to be fancy with you and if you guys really want to argue with me that it's not going on. Something simple that you can do. You can put electrodes on the corners of the cheeks and the corner of the foreheads and you can measure impedence and muscle activity before vaccination and go back again and measure two or three days afterwards. You will find a significant difference in the degree of muscular contraction and background electrical noise in these areas as a function of vaccination for many people. And you're not even seeing any symptoms. It's silent. But it is lack of blood supply to the areas of the brain especially in those ___ autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, Gulf war, Gardasil, death. Some children alledged shaken by their parents. All the same process in major diseases anyway. Here's the

Corner of the mouth drops. Forehead is OK. That is only caused by a lesion to the brain. It's called posterior internal capsule and it's an end vascular territory. When that happens and you see this happening, bare none, without exception, 100% of the time, no one can argue it whatsoever. You've just caused brain damage in that individual. It can be completely apparent and it can be subtlely inapparent. but the bottom line is the degree of the drop of the corner of the mouth or the flattening of the fold here says nothing about the breadth of the damage going on. Because here is just a window into the whole body and brain of what's happening in all the blood supply for all the body. It's not just specific to the brain in one particular area. It's happening everywhere. And we see this happening. we also now know oh-oh, we are sludging the blood up in multiple areas causing ischemia, lack of oxygen, and functional derailments and damaged tissue and __ impairments and disease and disorder. That's not genetic. That's acquired. See this drop, you will see it in a bunch of the slides I will show you today. Subtlely happening. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. You'll see it profoundly. You'll see it subtlely. All autistic children, neurodevelopmental disorders, ADHD, adverse effects from hepatitis __ vaccine, influenza, anthrax, Gardasil, all of it. DPT, MMR, all of it. Because it is a generic response. When the body __ foreign stuff put in it. It's a function of M.A.S.S. and zeta. And to a certain extent water. That's our first step to helping. We'll get to that.

lesionThis slide makes it very very clear. I'm pointing out exactly in where the brain. The black arrow here now shows you where the lesion is. It's very tiny lesions to the descending track which goes down and crosses over to get to the corner of the mouth on the opposite side of the body. A little lesion here or a big lesion, you drop that corner of the mouth and it could be dropping or you could smile and you could see assymetry with the smile is not symmetrial. you'll see the lips will be slightly off in terms of the smile. All these subtle features. From profound to imperceptible. They are there. And if you blow up the faces very large and look at before and after, the individual becomes their own case control. Johnny did not have these neurological damages before, on day one. We vaccinated him. Johnny now has them now on day two and three and six months later he's diagnosed with autism. Or three days or nine days later, he stops breathing. That's proof causation again.

This is no different from taking an x-ray of your arm, no broken bone. I take a baseball bat and I hit it. I take another x-ray, the bone's broken. Therefore, I assume, conclude, baseball bats to arms in babies or others breaks bones. Proof causation. If I look at your neurological functions, like the arm, I hit it with a needle. Before it was normal. Hit it with a needle and now it's broken. Same conclusion, ladies and gentlemen. The vaccine caused that problem. And we know the problem can only be caused by blood sludging which we now see. ___ with autism we will see it as well. Big problem.

Those who have caused this problem for you are responsible for it. Those who have profited off this problem for the world, will have to come to the rescue to help fix the problem. They've made all the resources from it controlling our industries, we made a mistake. Those who made the mistake should be held accountable because we need the resources of everything they've taken. Not just causing these disorders and diseases, blaming you for the problems. Putting some parents in jail accusing them of actually harming their children when really their products did and then selling you products for profit to treat symptoms of the thing that they caused. That's not humanity for my books. And I am sure there are very humane people out there including the Gates Foundation who will come forward and do what's right for their fellow man to fix what we've done to each other.

SanjeeThis is a stroke. Alright. We'll go to the next slide and we'll see where we're going here. This is more detailed, what's going on. Look at the bottom line here. This is called upper motor neuron lesion meaning it's up in the brain, dropping the corner of the mouth, subtlely making assymetrical folds here. These are only caused by strokes, by and large. And it's an upper motor neuron lesion means it's up in the brain. It's not out in the periphery. We're causing brain damage. The number one, a cause, of a stroke. Google it. Look it up. Everything I'm telling you, you can find on your own. I'm just putting it together for you so you can put the pieces together yourself. And stand up for your rights. And your health freedom. And your health and wellness.

There's another way we can look at the seventh cranial nerve, we ask the patients to puff out their cheeks like a fish. And when they are symmetrical and the cheeks come out no problem we see that symmetry. And this is normal. The seventh cranial nerve seems to be intact. Again, some people who have actually had damage to nerves. You can actually have dropping here or one cheek won't puff properly. There will be subtle flattening of the muscle tone. No different when ___ stroke on one side. You lose the tone in the muscles of your arm and your leg and it becomes a little bit weaker and not well formed. And we feel the bulk, the tone of the muscles. It tells us to the degree to which the nervous system is attached to that. And when you cut off the nerves, or neural input to the area, by a trauma or by vascular damage or by ischemia, then the bulk and tone slowly disintegrates over time. It becomes less. It becomes flabby and one arm's larger than the other because it's getting constant neural input.

The fascial muscles are no different. And you find over time several years later, that individuals who have had these subtle damages, you can see, looking very carefully, that you'll see that one side is flatter than the other because the muscle tone here has actually flattened out because the input coming here is not as strong as the other corner cheek. No different than one eye turning in compared to the other, because of the neural inputs to the muscle here is not as strong as the other muscles elsewhere. These are signs that we see.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 10 of 19  [4:45]

4th Cranial Nerve Vertical gaze

4th cranial nerve lesionsNow this is a new brainguard measure I have not shown before either on the Internet or discussed in public but you all might well as now see it. Sometimes you may find that your children, those who've been injured by vaccines including many of the Gulf War vets or some of them anyway. They kinda tilt their heads left or right. ____ _____ ____ them. But the fourth cranial nerve, the one's controlling down here, play a certain degree of roll in the eyes in being vertically in line with each other. Being in the same horizontal plane. So like the sixth cranial nerve ischemic lesion bringing the eye in __trophia, that's vascular damage but also it makes the eyes sync left and right. So one gets over faster than the other because the yolks on these two eyes are not moving the eyes together as a whole.

The forth cranial nerve when you ___ one of those, subtlely by blood sludging from MASSes, zeta and vaccines, and infectious diseases and other causative agents, that the eyes become out of sync in the vertical dimension like this. And that's very confusing to the brain. You get double vision. You may not even have double vision but the bottom line is when they do come out of sync it affects the way the brain is processing information.

30 seconds movieSo the way to compensate for that when these things subtlely come out of vertical dimension especially when moving, is a person tends to cock the eye a bit. When they are looking straight ahead, you may see one eye elevated compared to the other and when the person looks left or they look right, they can either enhance the degree of the vertical displacement or bring it back in line. But how these individuals try to fix this problem is that they tip their head away from the side of the lesion. That helps the eyes line up for the visual input coming into the eye. So you see looking subtlely, you will see many of these people. And you will see in the videos we'll show you of the Gulf War vets as well as autistic children they turn their head now a bit. It's unconscious to them. But they're doing it for a reason it's unconscious control that you try to align the vertical ___ especially when they switch and actually focus in on something.

You will actually see, you will see in the videos, their eyes are off. They're off kilter. And if you catch it snapping a picture, you can now do this at home as well, with all these little cameras that we all have. Just like this. Take a little Sony camera. You have a 30 second clip here. Turn your camera on. Hold it down for 30 seconds and record for 30 seconds or a minute, and just watching the person that you think is having these problems, who has these difficulties with neurodevelopment, ischemic strokes, or vaccine damage. Here now. Click it down. Throw it on your computer. Play it back nice and slow and watch frame by frame by frame. And you will see slowly what you can't see in your eyes because the transition of the eyes are happening very fast. All of a sudden you can pick up, the eyes are completely out of sync, vertically this way, horizontal this way, transitions as well as in the eye blinks which were symmetrical before like windshield wipers going back and forth in tandem. And all of a sudden they're not doing that anymore. Those are vascular damages. These are strokes from vaccines. Same as the analogy with the x-ray. The arms not broken. Baseball bat broken. Neurologically intact. Vaccine. Neurologically not intact. One of the tools to see for yourself now. Very simple. You all have it. Proof causation.

Baby M - Sudden Infant Death

This slide here is a sad story. This young baby M from Orange county California was the final piece of what I was looking for in the medical evidence to sink this ship to say all right this is definitively a problem of blood flow. Baby M died several days after DPT vaccination. The doctors said no cause of death. He went into stroke. He went into seizures. He went into coma, stopped breathing and while in the hospital. Even after he died, the police came in and was ___ the parents for having abused this infant because when the doctors said no cause of death but we will see in this video series the cause of sudden infant death. Why it happened. The neurological features you can now see sudden infant death issues happening before it happens. And that means you can intervene. But if you know the tools to intervene. You all have thermometers at home to check the temperature, while you don't have the neurological skills to see things that you really can't appreciate now to realize a medical emergency is happening and you can forewarn it and advance diagnose things, something that we haven't been aware of before, is the first step to intervening before it is too late. And we will help you with that. And baby M helped you with that.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 11 of 19  [7:45]

Blood products and flow

too many white blood cellsThis here now is basically we are getting into parts of the blood supply. The blood, your body is 80% water, and in the blood of the body you have formed cells, red blood cells which carry oxygen, white blood cells which respond to infections and foreign things in your body, and platelets the small of all these formed products. The platelets are involved, by and large, in healing up the holes and damages. They cause clots to form by a certain mechanism. They only way clots can form and they do that to help fix up damage and to patch. Your own body's ability to create bandaids from inside the blood vessels to stop bleeding.

If you look here the constituents of how much all these products in your blood represent. Plasma, the fluid portion of the blood is a vast majority of it. The red blood cells a smaller portion and less than 1% less than 1/10 of a percent are the white blood cells which are physically bigger than all the other forms of cells in the body and they are all a part of the blood and blood flow. These things have to be flowing naturally_____ job.

But what we're seeing later on, one of the problems here, is that these white blood cells are actually physically bigger, like golf balls. And the red blood cells which are kinda like little disks that go to the side and can fit through small pipes but white blood cells cannot get down there. They don't bend. They cannot bend in half and they cannot bend their shape to fit down small, small pipes. So to a certain extent this is part of one of the problems leading to ischemia and strokes in response to immune hyperstimulation but also that's one piece, there's some more features to it, the other piece is the zeta which is the electrostatic charge around these foreign particles. These things are in your blood and moving through your blood freely.

This slide here, ladies and gentlemen, this is where all these problems lie, autism spectrum, sudden infant death, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, seizure disorders, gulf war syndrome, dementia even. The whole range of these seamingly diverse categories of disease. All come back down, multiple different trigggers, common physiological mechanism involving M.A.S.S. and zeta, the cause of these problems. Sludging in the blood and this knowledge has been known since the 1900's. 1903, more specifically in peerical observational data, published peer review, over 16 years of looking at salamanders, frogs, gerbils, medical students, monkeys, every mammal known. Thousands of experiments. See for yourself this sludging problem is a big problem in all these diseases. Can't emerge from that problem. This is a problem with fluid dynamics and fluid flow in a complicated ___ blood flow. Now, you will see it live.

MASS Hypoxia induction

[on screen: White blood cell in laminar blood flow, inside a blood vessel. White blood cells stick and roll along blood vessel walls when immune stimulated. Too many white blood cells ticking impair blood flow and oxygen delivery.

As blood flow diminishes, the white blood cells are no longer propelled forward. This causes stasis and hypoxic tissue injuries.

A white blood cell rolling along vessel walls in response to a foreign substance recognized in the nearby tissue or blood vessel wall. White blood cells lock down at a blood vessel area near the immune system stimulating foreign substance.

White blood cells escape the blood vessels by squeezing between endothelial cells lining blood vessel walls to attack foreign substances. This can make blood vessels "leaky" especially under chronic immune hyperstimulation.

White blood cells are too large to squeeze through end capillary vessels. If foreign substances are in the micro circulation, the white blood cells must attack these areas by aligning along the outside capillary vessel walls.

Hypoxia, blood sludge, low zeta, immune hyperstimulation, frustrated phagocytosis, ischemia, perivascular "attack" by white blood cells along outside walls of microvessels causes capillaries to become blocked, plugged, and hypoxic.

The damaged microvessels close in order to prevent bleeding into tissue (hemmorhagic transformation). This renders some tissue areas without blood supply or oxygen.

Hypoxia causes seizures acutely from low oxygen and repetitively from low oxygen and scar tissue in the brain from low oxygen delivery, tissue damage, cell wall instability... Oxygen is required for stability.]

This slide here, basically is looking at a white blood cell. Now, this is looking inside the blood vessel walls themself. So your are actually seeing a white blood cell. White blood cells usually flow straight down the blood vessel pipes. However, when they're stimulated, something foreign's in your body, whether it's a toxin, whether it's a chemical, whether it's a heavy metal, whether it's infectious disease, whether it's a bacteria, parasite, fungus. It does not matter what it is but it's in the body and in the tissue, then it sends out chemical signals that the white blood cells realize. Wait a minute, there's something foreign in my body. I gotta go attack that and get rid of ti. The white blood cells are kinda like garbage compactors. They scent out what doesn't belong there and go find it. But for them to go find it in the tissue, the white blood cells have to come out of the laminar flow of the arm of the blood supply because everything is flowing down the pipes nice and fast. They have to break out of that blood supply and slow down. Put the brakes on and start rolling along the inside walls of the blood vessel walls. And by doing that, it's kinda like they put velcro little feet up there and they sorta by attaching on to the blood vessel walls which also put their own velcro catch out there. They roll along the inside of the walls and they ____ find the point where the foreign object is that they are going to go get. They lockdown. And when they lockdown ___ can release chemicals and squeeze out of the blood vessels and go out into the tissues and go find this foreign agent that they actually want to get rid of. This whole rolling process. The white blood cells can do this rolling as a function of the blood flow behind them. Start slowing down the blood flow by having too many white blood cells there.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 12 of 19  [7:44]

Population based design hides harm

Alright, so here we have a basic book on the neurological evaluation of infants and children. See what the book is. If you don't want to take my word for it, I'm telling you, go get the book. And see that these things that we're talking about in terms of neurological damages to the human brain that we're seeing after vaccinations, all vaccines, are standard core neurological features. All the doctors know this information. Unfortunately, some of the symptoms and features were subtle and difficult to pick up. But again this is more powerful than the population based statistics that we use in science to say something is good or bad for you.

The population based method goes out there and takes a thousand people in one group and gives a thousand people drug A. And then the other thousand people in the other group get a placebo or water or sugar pill and when they do that they didn't go look after having been on that drug or sugar pill for a period of time. And they compare the incidence of the number of cases of adversity or benefit in those two groups. And they look for them to be statistically significantly different from each other. Fancy words just using mathematics and laws of probability to determine whether or not something has happened different between the two groups.

When you do that, using the population as your normative data, important information for individuals is lost in the averaging out and you do not appreciate truth. You do not appreciate adversity. And sometimes you don't appreciate benefit either.

The problem here is with large variability and inconsistent numbers, and not affecting everybody in the same way, and everyone is being harmed but not in the way you are actually measuring, you never find the truth that way. And especially in the environment, there are things in the environment that can cause the same damage or problems as the actual drug that you are giving one group but you won't find differences that way either. You're kinda comparing apples with apples and concluding there's no oranges. Your conclusions are correct, there are no oranges. But the conclusion is meaningless relative to what's truly going on in the population you are studying.  [2:12]

The more powerful way to look at events that happen bad or good as a function of things we give to individuals or withhold from them, is to use the individual as their own case control. In science we call that a within subjects design. We measure the person before, we do something to them, and we measure them afterwards. And the degree of change in that individual is what becomes our measure of what's important. Now what happens to the whole population as a whole. And that way, becomes a very powerful way, to pick up these adversities from vaccines. And now it's conclusive, ladies and gentlemen, without a doubt. None of them are safe the way they are currently constituted and being deployed. [2:52]

Because looking at it this way, you will find that there will be subtle changes in one person, large in another, but the bottom line is you will be able to see change now relative to the individual. And going out now and saying, well, we've given ten million vaccines to the world, you know, they're good for you. That logic is not going to follow through any more. You cannot allow them to continue on with that logic because that logic has caused more harm and pain in the history of history, recorded history to mankind on a global scale. All future generations on this planet will look back on us that we're in the dark ages. What were we doing in this enlightened period of time with all the resources, and tools and technologies we have.

We have done the most decimation not only to each other but to this planet in the last hundred years, in the history of history. And it can change. But the change starts with awareness. And the change starts with you. And the change starts with you finding within yourself the courage to stand up, stand out, be heard, and not take it anymore. And that's what we've been asked to do. And that's what these DVD's are, to help empower you. [4:00]

The Body Electric and split brain

So here's a quick slide of where we started when we first came out with our information. We were given a couple of our neurological signs of this brain damage happening from vaccines from blood sludging and ischemia, micro vessel strokes. And this just shows you of the brain has different little cables in it. Between the cables there's a potential gap, and chemicals cross that gap. But for chemicals to be released across that gap, an electrical charge comes down, the axon, the pipes of nervous tissue. And so this gets the point across to you that our bodies in function as well as in creation are both electrical and chemical entities. And we've been focusing all on the chemistry and completely ignoring the electricity.

Our bodies are like miniture universes and solar systems and they have to follow the laws of the universe the same way that governs the gravity around us. The same laws apply to us. And we've been messing with those laws with how we've been trying messing around and play god with the chemicals and the building that we thought we'd go out there and manipulate the immune system which we have no idea how it hopefully works.

And unfortunately, as you will learn through this DVD series, is that our medical models are wrong, and when our whole medical model is wrong with western medicine, the Louis Pasteur germ theory model, which was wrong or incomplete would probably be more appropriate. Everything we've done has been incomplete and focusing on chemistry at the expense of electricity, we haven't kept the whole system in balance. And we're going to rebalance that for you and I'll start with the 80% of what your body is composed of, and that's water. And we test the water that you've been drinking as well. We'll fix that.

This next slide here is dealing with all these cranial nerves again. This is a blown up picture showing you all the twelve cranial nerves going to the face. So the twelve cranial nerves go from the brain stem off to various structures from the shoulders up. And the other nerves come up through the back to the spinal cord. All these different functions, from your tongue, shrugging your shoulders, turning your head back and forth, blowing out your cheeks, closing and opening your eyes, moving the eyes back and forth, taste, hearing. All these functions are part of these cranial nerves. These cranial nerves are the window with which we use with brainguard to be able to see the subtle neurological damages. And the power of neuropsychology, a fancy thing we do in psychology to measure functions of the human brain is that your brain is split in half. One half on this side. One half on that side. It doesn't mean you're a half-wit, it means your brains are designed to have backups. If you lose one part, at least you've got another one. You've got two eyes. Lose one, you've got the other one.

Thankfully in creation we have redundancy that we can actually lose one area and the other one picks it up. But in the brain, when you damage one side of the brain but not the other relative to functions that are on both sides of the brain, this creates the asymmetries for the lack of togetherness that we see, neurologically in the features we see in the cranial nerves. One eye turning in rather than the other one. That means one side of the brain is being damaged. Both coming in means both are being damaged. And then the eye turning in and something else happening over here and over here. These are different areas of the brain being affected geographically. It tells us it's a systemic response. It's a fast response if it's happening acutely. And it's happening in different areas of the brain on different sides which is creating differences that we cannot measure and within a subjects design before and after some intervening event, like an infectious disease, like a toxin, or like vaccines as they are currently constituted.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 13 of 19  - [12:55]

Microcirculation Units

 This is a micro circulation unit. The red side is where the blood cells are coming from the heart carrying oxygen and the blue side is where the oxygen has been removed from the cells and the red blood cells are going back to the lungs to drop off carbon dioxide, pick up oxygen to come around again to go to the tissue. I'll say this again. This is very, very important, these numbers. You have 600 thousand miles of microcirculation capillary beds in the body. These are the critical areas for dropping off oxygen and keeping you alive on this planet. If you are interfering with flow of blood cells through these microcirculation units, you're interfering with oxygenation and toxin removal from the body. Its acid/base balances in very small areas and we call it the pH or potential hydrogen. It's basically how we measure acid/base balances in the body.

We cannot see this in a proof or blood sample taken from your arm in the doctor's offices because what's happening here is not a reflection of what was happening down here. These capillary beds represent ninety-five percent of the blood vessels in your body. They only contain 5% of the circulating blood at any given time. 95% of the blood is outside of these areas and these areas are crucial areas for life function and sustaining health and wellness. Messing up flow here and the system may look together as a whole. We look at it as doctors in blood pressure and looking at your blood in these big large pipes. But we cannot see down in these areas. And these areas are critical and it's kinda like this area here is like the forest. And all we've been looking at as physicians is the trees because all we can do is see trees. And this is critical.

So as blood flows through these areas, some channels can become temporarily blocked. They have little sort of plastic bands that can close them off in certain areas, redistribute blood flow to other areas as well. But the critical thing is the pressure differential between the blue side, the venous side, and the red side, the arterial side, there is a very small pressure differential between there. The pressure of the venous side is lower. The arterial side so blood keeps flowing that way. If you start clogging things up which the white blood cells will do under hyperstimulation on the blue side. Then you have backup of pressure and changes in pressure differential and blood will actually flow backwards and that means you're not getting any oxygen to the tissue and for the brain, that's very, very critical because the brain can only go four minutes without oxygen before you start having irreparable damage that impairs function. We used to think of it as irreparable but we'll have some tricks for that down the road as well.

Anyway, so, this microcirculation unit is critical and blood sludging and slowing the blood flow is happening in these small areas when not affecting the rest of the body and we're completely oblivious to it. We call it aging. We call it disease. We call it disorders. We call it a whole gamut of damages to human physiology and dogs and cats. Because the same thing that is happening with humans with the vaccines is also happening to our companion pets. And we have all that data, too, and we'll show it to you in a future series. [3:24]

M.A.S.S. M.A.Z.E. Disconnection syndromes

So, the damaged caused to the brain from the sludging process leading to autism, and Asperger's, and ADHD, and sudden death, we call it MASS Disconnection Syndromes. And a disconnection syndrome is when the various tracks in the body are actually like cables, like Christmas light cables. They're spanning through all over the place so the brain has cables going within it on one side, between the two hemispheres this way, going down through the nerves to the face, going down through the nerves to the body and going up the other way. These long cables, they are the conduits through which electrical charges pass down. The electro chemical signals go to make you move, think, process information, connect with the world, speak, touch, taste, hear, how to balance, know where you are in space, track things in the environment. All these functions including the functions of walking, talking, sitting, standing, development, if you will.

All these functions are critical to unfolding based on these cables. When you have small blood sludging in some of these small blood vessels, you are not having any oxygen to some of these small cable areas. You get little knicks in these cables. Kinda like short wiring, much like for your Christmas lights. And you have lights not lighting up the way they are supposed to in the right sequence like they are supposed to do. Some are not lighting up at all. And some you can't get the signal down to them. And by example not being able to speak after a stroke {4:53] in an adult or autistic children. The cables are disconnected because the small areas, as we say in medicine called enoxia, which is a fancy word saying "no oxygen". The no oxygen to that area it changes its acid/base balance. It changes oxygenation and the tissue doesn't have the option to perform its functions and you have little cuts in the cables and they cannot perform their function. You are basically cut off, an integrated way of working in the world which is autism and many of these different disorders. Tissue can die. Tissue can degenerate. Tissue can not form. And in this case, areas can be disconnected from each other which is pretty much, much of the symptoms we see in the autism spectrum and neurodevelopmental community.

We've called it the MASS MAZE. And MASS MAZE basically means the MASS exoxia spectrum syndromes which is MASS and also means lack of oxygen. And MAZE is we call that MASS exoxia, lack of oxygen. Zeta encephalopathy. And zeta is a piece of the problem here in terms of the electrostatic charge of particles in your body. They're very critical as a function of what we put into our body and what we are exposed to in the environment. And there are ways we can go expose our body in the water we drink as well as the environment to fix this problem so we're not likely to sludge in response to all these things we are exposed to now in ___ society.[12:55]

Zeta Potential Electrostatic Charge and blood sludging

This slide here describes pictorially really briefly what zeta really is. Zeta is an electrical charge around all formed particles. It's called the slipping plane. And it's kinda like having a force field around any piece of mass that by virtue of that force field. It actually serves to repel itself from other substances or particles around it. So by example, if you have two magnets and they're the same charge, they want to repel each other. So all the red blood cells in the body, we'll see them in some of the slides we will show you later on in this DVD, they have this field around them electrically that helps keep them repelled together. That is the cardinal issue of being in wellness. Not one infant person born in this world not exposed to anything has any of these blood cells coming together because being held apart in suspension. It's called colloidal suspension in blood flow allows these things to move smoothly through the tubes, the small tubes that they have to get through. Drop down the electrostatic charge around these particles and they start clumping together, and clumping together in clumps and clots and concretions of particles. It's hard to move concretions through small pipes designed to handle only one red blood cell going through single file at a time.

And this is part of the problem with the sludging of the blood, especially in areas where you have pipes coming down and doing a complete turn. You've got this kink in the pipe going this way. You get single cells going down around that corner, no problem. But because of gravity and how the way the pipes are formed up. You start clumping things together because they lose the electrical charged forcefield around them and they get stuck in the bottom of the pipe and they can't get around there. And all tissue perfused by that can also be susceptible to enoxia, lack of oxygen, hypoxia, low oxygen, ischemia, lack of oxygen delivery and these are all words that we also use to describe stroke. [8:15] And these are strokes.

Again, here is zeta potential again. So zeta is where you see the two double lines coming out to here, on the outside. It's the outer slipstream area of electrical charge around it. In chemistry and physics we call this valence, the outer electrical charge around particles. And you can have a plus one, a plus two, plus three, and from the point of view of human health and wellness and avoiding this blood sludging problem which is causing alot of the things we're talking about, it's important to be more towards the negative side in this charge and not the positive. Things we are doing in the environment, more specifically the aluminum we've put complex in these vaccines with. It has sixty-four times the clotting power than entities that are not positively charged like this. And this is where the problem is. It's not really infectious disease. It's the way we've sorta messed around with zeta and the immune system by MASS and we'll explain those as well. [9:13]

Blood vessel anatomy, healing, balance, what's in a disease

This next slide here as well is basically ripping apart one blood vessel so you can see what it looks like: the inside parts, the inside lining of it, and the individual cells come together like scales on a fish, they create a solind infrastructure like the inside of a garden hose. All the inside cells come together they lock up and they create a formed solid structure, well potentially solid. There are spaces between cells. Kinda like the scales on a fish. And these create tubes through which everything can flow including the plasma. But the cells are held tight together but they can be bent out a bit and allow certain substances and fluids to squeeze through them. And if you increase the pressure too much, then you actually have leaking through these small vessels and we call that edema in medicine or we call it leaky gut syndrome when these problems are happening in the gut. Because the fluids can actually squeeze out through the spaces between these individual junctions of cells. Because all these individual cells create a formed tube and those cells can be pulled apart or even held tightly together based upon many functions not chemical, electrical but also structural biomechanically by what's in the tissue and fluid around like a basket pushing down or pulling apart. And when I punch you in the arm and the tissue has to repair itself, the vessels become a little bit more open and let the white blood cells go out of the area and fluid spills in the area, and you have swelling. While swelling happens in the arm, it will happen in any damaged tissue. It's part of the repair process. And the repair process for healing, unfortunately, for all of us, has been derailed as a function of all these things we've been exposed to in the environment, including, unfortunately, the vaccines as currently created. And when you do that and you damage different organ systems, you impair the body's ability to heal itself because the repair mechanisms rely on signals that have to be in a certain harmony. And if the harmony is not there, it requires all organs to be working in concert together, then we cannot fix and heal tissue the way our bodies were created to do. And that's what we're calling disease these days. And that's what we're giving drugs to go fix symptoms. Symptoms do nothing. Get down to the cause. Find the root cause, common denominator for everything. Take care of that. All this other stuff goes away.

Whether I cut you, whether I burn you, whether I drop a car on your leg. these are all different causes of damage to tissue. Irrespective of the cause of the damage, your body will fix that tissue exactly the same way. And it just stands to reason that irrespective of the trigger that caused damage to our bodies that we're having disease and disorder there must be some common mechanism of tissue repair and there may be some common mechanism of causing disease. And we believe we've got that understood now in terms of MASS and zeta as two critical parts that we've missed in western medicine. And now that we find that there's a common denominator and no matter what the trigger is for many diseases that actually is leading to disease. It's a one-stop shop there as well to prevent, give or take, however, to fix the damage already done is more of a complicated process to do because you're dealing with fixing the whole ____ system. But knowing what the cause is gives you the idea for rational prevention and recovery and targeted treatments that deal with the whole system as a whole and we're going to get to that in the new year, we are going to see how we can recover some of these people who cannot speak and have all these health problems and see if we can't do it the right way and none of this involves pharmaceuticals, surprisingly, naturally, you know it can be done when you know it's a natural problem.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 14 of 19   [3:14]

Tubes in Trouble

Alright, so this slide here is just looking through a blood vessel as well. Notice how the red blood cells are like disks, like UFO's and the white blood cells are like golf balls. The size differential plays a role in some of these problems when we get down to the microcirculation units because the size differential leads to problems where red blood cells can get down certain pipes and the white blood cells cannot. There's things that are changing the blood flow, blocking off the blood vessels and actually attacking the blood vessels from the outside which causes alot of disease to microcirculation units that we cannot appreciate and we do not know what is going on.

Non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, Sir Issac Newton is responsible for many of the physical laws that we have, including the laws of thermodynamics. Sir Isaac Newton got his name attached to non-Newtonian fluid dynamics because fluid like the blood does not follow the same principles in thickness, or we call it viscosity that most fluids do. There's rules and mathematics describing it are not as predictible as Newtonian fluid, so this is just a fancy name that can be referenced in this individual who described for us that blood flow and things that are fluid like don't have a constant viscosity, up or down to certain principles different from what we normally consider.

This slide is important as well because here we have cut a blood vessel in half and we are looking at the center pipe. The center pipe of the blood vessel is called the lumen and that's where everything flows through. And the outer wall the endothelium actually the cells align it one cell thick. The endothelium creates the lumen. And there are muscles around that as well. The blood vessel can contract and expand to about 2-1/2 times the size of the red blood cells without losing the tightness of its junction, any larger than that, it starts getting a bit leaky because there is a certain limit to what it can expand.

But when you look at the slide here we've got arrows pointing out to where the arrows go. On the sign where the gray picture is, you see the part where the lumen is. That's the part where blue represents the opening pipe. But above these cells of the endothelium there's a kinda like an oil slick, we call it glycocalyx. And glycocalyx is kinda like the slime coating on a fish that it makes this whole area smooth, Teflon coating, if you will. Things don't stick to it, slides right by. But an appreciation of how tiny of an area this truly, truly is. It's a very important slipstream effect on the blood vessel walls that prevent things from clotting and make sure things flow nice and smoothly across. Damage the glycocalyx, you damage the slipstream and things can actually start clotting there as well. Another downstream effect of the problems that emerge as we have caused damage to MASS and zeta. So that's where we're at with that part.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 15 of 19  [4:37]

Zeta FLO2LIFE Colloidal Stability

 Here we have a picture of zeta. Alright, so, here we see two pictures of high zeta, low zeta and we use the charge by example. This is a very simple analogy for you all to get. And you've all seen it before. If you've ever stood in a room, in your livingroom, and you end up looking through a plate glass window, you're across the room and you look and you see all these dust particles floating across the sky or in the air around because the light is shining and you can see them. But they're all in suspension, and they're all individual particles separate from each other. And the reason why they are in suspension separate from each other is they all have zeta potential, an electrostatic charge around them that keeps them apart. They repel each other. But they get down close to the floor and when you get down real close to the floor, the floor has calcium in it. Calcium has a positive charge associated with it and the dust particles come together down there and they create little dust bunnies on the floor because they're being brought together. And this is basically the simple concept that a law of the univers that governs everything from the solar system, to moving fluids in our body, to dust particles in your livingroom, that the more negative the charge between particles, the more they are held apart from each other. The less negative they are, the more they come together. We call it coming together, coagulation, concretion, clotting, and things coming together in blood flow in small pipes designed to only have one cell come through there at a time, has to squeeze to get down through there, this will not go through. There is no blood flow through those areas. Those areas do not get oxygen the way they are supposed to, you end up having tissue damage and changing everything and it becomes a snowball effect because certain functions are lost, behaviourly, psychologically, or functions of various organs like the liver, the kidneys, the bowel, pancreas, and other vital organs of your body to maintain our health and wellness. Positive/negative charge. It's called zeta potential. [4:37]

And there is a way to make things more negative and we actually now have deciphered how to do this. And part of our ___ to help recover all of these people who've been harmed including the children and those who are having other diseases including cholesterol problems, high blood pressure. It all comes back to controlling the colloidal stability in the blood flow. Bar none, for everybody, and the water we are currently drinking the way it is currently constituted is contributing to the problem. Our foods, contributing to the problem, the canned foods, the way they are canned, contributing to the problem.

So we are going to educate you with all these things and you decide whether or not you want to be a sludged blood person or a free-flowing person. And that is basically what it comes down to. Free flow - no disease. Sludged blood, you're in the whole realm of everything that we have diagnosed in western medicine - don't know what causes it. This is the cause. Bare none. And there are a few other things involved but it is the most common. And we've missed it. It's lost medicine. We know about it. We forgot about it. We lost it after the second world war. We went to chemistry and antibiotics. We thought we'd fix the world chemically and get rid of all disease. Well, we did not. We made a mess of things. That's why medicine is the number one cause of death. But we'll go back to where we were and start over again.

Here's another fancy slide, basically, now it's just more of zeta. So zeta, come together, pull apart. Negativity pull apart and we means in what we've created here in constituents and actually changed your water in a certain way. We know how to do it now, exactly, precisely how to do it for the physiology that helps create laminer blood flow and gives you more buffer range. You can handle more toxins in your body by ensuring that we've made things more negative for you. Now, the whole world is going to jump all over this and say oh my gosh, how to do this, how to make things more electrically negative. Do not be deceived by this stuff. There are people who are trying to sell you all kinds of stuff, and we hope that we will be able to give it to everybody for free because having right to access to water should be a fundamental human right, guaranteed for everyone in the world. And when we get to that point we'll insure that not only do have access to potable clean healthy water, water with the right electrical properties, copper conductive properties, and a fundamental right for everybody and every country on this planet. And ___ for fellow man. And we'll do that. But for now, unfortunately, we cannot afford to do that so we'll eventually get to that point as we all get awareness and come together and take care of each other for each other for the human race.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 16 of 19  [6:45]

Blood sludging: Congestive Toxicosis (Dr. Gary Tunsky' term)

 This slide, complicated slide, but we'll get to it later. Basically this slide is now showing you, by and large, the problem going on in the blood flow. These three slides together, one, two, and three, these are looking at the blood flow through microcirculation units. On the one side we have the arterial side. On the other side of each slide we have the venous side. And all the white connecting tracks between there are all the capillary beds. In the very first slide, we're looking at a slide of fluorescentlly labeled water plasma going through there. You see the plasma goes through every pipe and that's why you see all these lines lit up in these areas between the arterial and venous sides of the microcirculation units. That makes sense because fluid, there's no substance to it, ust water, will go through every pipe there.

In the middle slide in these three slides we only labeled radio labeled fluorescently the red blood cells, which have size and mass. They're smaller than the white blood cells so they can't go through every pipe, they're too big. But they go through most of the pipes and so what you see lit up in the middle part of the slide, is all the pipes that the red blood cells can go through. But if you look carefully you will see there are many pipes that the red blood cells cannot go through that water can go through and that's because the red blood cells are bigger than water and they can only squeeze down through certain sized pipes. {1:22}

And you go to the final slide and this is critical, you see the white blood cells, because the last slide is only lighting up the white blood cells and now we see oh-oh, white blood cells because they're bigger can only go down the center pipes the thoroughfares. And all the channels outside of the main thoroughfares the white blood cells cannot go down. So water goes through everything. Red blood cells go through many things but not as much as water. And white blood cells can only go throught he center pipes. That's good because white blood cells only have to get to the general areas and squeeze out and go attack something foreign in your body.

But here's the problem. If you mess around by hyperstimulating the white blood cells in the body that they start log-jamming up in these central thoroughfare pipes then any effect they create in that last slide all those dark areas are not going to get any oxygen because the red blood cells can't get down past these areas. And that's one of the processes that's leading to causing the sludging and poor blood flow and human disease in response to infections and response to low zeta. And infectious diseases can achieve both.

But again, the size differencial is important. Locking the white blood cells down in these pipes is important. Change the blood pressure, back up a flow, no forward flow and it's leading to lack of oxygen, strokes, microvessel strokes, human disease. [2:41]

Neuron, Aluminum, Dementia, autism hypoxia

Here we have a neuron, basically a neuron is a fancy word we have to say what all the nerves of the brain and the nervous system are. And these nervous system cells, the neurons, are what make us do the things we do in our interaction with the world around us. They are electrical. They are chemical. And they have gaps between their various processes that allows information to get transferred from one to another. [3:12] to allow us to think, act feel, perceive, process information. and do all the functions that our body does that we rely upon. A healthy bioterrain or internal environment of our body of which again 80% of this bag of electrochemical energy is water. We're not talking about water so it's the most important part. It's step one to health.

This slide here is a sad thing that we will get to in the future DVDs, relative to these series. Unfortunately, mild cognitive impairment, the precurser to dementia, dementia of the alzheimer's type. With all our baby boomers now coming to age and we have this large population now being the elderly population. I'm saying this kindly now because I'm soon to be older myself and I don't want to be called elderly at 65 but we have people over 65 years of age one person in thirteen now develops demential of the alzheimer's type. Those are atrocious numbers for the largest contingent of our society. Over 85 years, it's one person in three who has alzheimer's like dementia. You're losing your thinking and cognition and processing, ability to maintain your activities of daily living that allows you to live independently and enjoy life to the quality that you've enjoyed it.

These are huge numbers. One person in two, if you're a male will develop cancer. One person in three if you're a female. These are atrocious numbers. Western medicine has no solutions. It's almost as if someone figures if you get past this age, get off this planet. No one is helping us or you. We have answers and we have solutions. And part of the problem, part of the problem for all of you is this aluminum adjuvant that they put in all these influenza vaccines. They get all the elderly population, come and get it. We don't want you to die of pneumonia or influenza this year. Well unfortunately, aluminum has a coagulating clotting problem. It lowers zeta. It has 64 times capacity to do that. And this stuff hangs around in your body. This is part of the problem. And these problems also involve clotting and coagulation and coming together from low zeta.

Now, just to make the point very clear to you that is partly known. We've known in medicine and physiology what's going on. Putting together this whole piece of the disease for autism, and fortunately, it turns out to be the answer for many things is that what's going on in the physiology and chemistry. We don't know and we have this piece of information, that piece of information. You just get lost in the maze trying to figure what to do, what's important and what's not.

Here's an article directly from an neurology journal from 2006, very clearly, looking at the urine metabolites in individuals who have autism and autism spectrum. We find the evidence there in these children that there's a problem with the platelets giving active. Platelets are involved in clotting. First step in clotting in the blood supply. We find that there's a problem with the endophilium. Well the endophilium is involved with the lining of the blood vessels and we find that there is a problem with oxydative stress, lack of oxygen. Those three things that we find in these children. This is all symptoms of this types of disorders that we can now see relative to the autism spectrum. So it's known but what it meant in the global scheme of things is unless you know the cause, you're only looking at symptoms. We think we have cause.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 17 of 19   [9:50]

I am MAD and I am not going to take it anymore

 So this is where we are at with this. And this whole slide here is a complicated pathway for all the clotting mechanisms in the body. You don't need to know all these things. It's not necessary but keep in mind that when you form clots in your body. And we're getting clots after Gardasil, we're getting clots after anthrax. We're getting clots after DPT. We're getting clots after all these different infectious diseases, toxins, and otherwise. The whole process is clotting and and sludging of blood.

We all clot everyday in our blood. It happens all the time but your cells and the endothelium, lining of the blood vessels have the ability to turn these clots off very very fast. This is different pathways in the body they have different activators. And you see when you have multi different proteins and factors that all the individual steps along the way that either activate or deactivate them. And these can sometimes be nutritionally based. But you can deplete certain nutritional vitamins, like vitamin K in particular or vitamin C. You can now see how the whole system can be thrown out of whack or derailment by simply nutritional problems, problems in the body, foreign things in the body and it becomes a whole cycle here that you really can't figure out where the chicken or the egg came from. But by and large, without exception, leading to disease and disorders especially in neurodevelopmental disorders and diseases is coming and part of the process MASS and zeta and we're working through those here. {1:32] But ____, very complicated, and don't even know.

Now we come to the heart of the matter. You all need to walk away, run away from what you see here, screaming from the end of your streets, saying "I am mad and I'm not going to take it any more." You tell it to every person you see, water coolers and everywhere and let them know what you no know and you see because we are all being adversely affected by this.

We've been through this already. Seventh cranial nerve, dropping of the corner of the mouth. Then we see when the nerve is happening outside the brain. It's actually the forehead and the side of the mouth being affected and then we see here I'm giving you a few children to say this is normal. There is no damage here. So these children, you look at their eyes and you look at their smiles and you see everything looks to be fairly in line with them. Everything looks normal.

Now we start showing you things asymmetrical. First slide here, this young boy Gavin, sad story. The top slide here showing his face with the two blue hats on you see him on the day of birth, his eyes are looking left, his eyes are looking right, completely conjugate and tandem with each other. Full range of motion, both together looking in each direction. Faces are all smooth, good coloration. He was born on this planet, healthy young boy, destined to live all the hope and dreams his parents created for him to have a wonderful life. Unfortunately, day two after he was born, the mother got a vaccination because she didn't have any rubella antibodies on her body. We do this in medicine, and mom got her vaccination, and mom who had been breastfeeding up to that point, within four hours of her breastfeeding her son, after receiving her own vaccination, you see the first slide here, his face is all yellow, that's jaundice, something happened to his liver. The corner of his mouth is dropping down and the left eye is turning in. He's having strokes right now. Nobody knew this. And everyone says, well, he became autistic so we assume it happened from birth and he was like that, it's genetic. That was not so. He was not born that way. And he did not get vaccinated at this point, his mother got vaccinated which shows you the problem can be very very profound. Dropping the mouth, eye turned in. We will come to more slides to see what he is like today.

This young boy, Matthew, this is a sad story and this is a really important slide for you to grasp and understand what this is telling you. Because this problem with zeta and blood flow and these strokes, things that lead up to cause autism. It's additive. It's cumulative. It happens in spells boom-boom to get to a critical point and things break. The very first slide the top corner is Matthew, young healthy looking boy. Cheeks are nice and smooth and symmetrical nasal folds. Eyes are nice and even. This slide beside that again, nice smooth nasal labial folds. Eyes are nice and normal. The third slide in with the blue and red writing above it, look carefully. No one knew anything was going wrong with him at this point, however, you look very carefully. You see the right cheek is flattened out compared to the left. This is after a vaccination. We know this retrospectively. We didn't know it at the time. Parents didn't know anything was going on, he didn't complain about anything. The doctors didn't know anything was going on. He didn't go to the doctor. Life goes on as normal. Didn't know that anything was happening. So he had a stroke right there and nobody knew. A medical emergency. So no one knew, but then the slide on the top corner over here, he got better. The asymmetry went away. The bulk came back to normal. And in the slide beneath that in the far [right]-hand screen we now see again, the nasal labial folds are symmetrical. The eyes are pretty good. And then unfortunately, bang, he got hit again at 4-1/2 years of age. And the bottom corner here where you see him smiling, you now see the corner, this is this past year, the corner of the mouth is dropping down, it's asymmetrical smile. And in the more middle slide here he's wearing a helmet, he is having seizures now. He's had four ischemic strokes in the past 2-1/2 months. Neurosurgery does not know what to do with him. Hemotology can't explain what's going on. They put him on aspirin and he actually had another stroke, unfortunately, because they don't know what the problem is in physiology. Some things we do to actually handle these problems actually make things worse. In this case they did make things worse and not that you know about it. He has autism now. He's lost his language. This is a common problem for everybody. In his case many of the large vessels are boing attacked and harmed and actually we can see some of the damages happening by the strokes by the technologies that we have.

But generally speaking, you will not see this and Matthew's case in and of itself shows you: (1) Look at the symptoms. (2) This is ________ autism. (3) It was caused by vaccination. (4) Western medicine doesn't know what to do with it. and (5) It's a cumulative problem. Every vaccine your children get this sludging process is happening. You can have silent damage today which we can see. And temporary ischemic attack. Damage caused, goes away. Damage caused, goes away. Overdevelopment as your brain is developing, the blood supply is also developing as well. And if you keep damaging the blood supply, it's kinda like building a house. You're not letting the pipes build up to help support it. So it gets to a point and this is what happens around 18 months of age. Where the brain area is ___  developed to light up the language and start speaking to these children and that would be wonderful. And for this to start speaking this area of the brain for it to become functional it needs more oxygen and unfortunately we kept crimping off the blood supply to it. And when it stands up and demands more oxygen the pipe's not there to supply the oxygen. And then the oxygen demand exceeds the oxygen supply and you have a stroke. any ____ on the body and you lose language. Because of the collective damage sequentially additively put up to that point.

And we see similar things in boxers, Muhammad Ali is a good example, we call it punch drunk syndrome. For some reason, many damages over a period of a long time add up and create damages in ways that we did not appreciate it. This zeta and MASS program is part of the problem. And the bottom line is the damage is cumulative, even when you don't always see it, and the doctor's gonna say he's fine, no adverse reaction. If the doctors and scientists and pharmaceutical companies have nothing to measure to show adversity happening to the body. They cannot see it. They did not know it's there, They cannot measure it. The damage is happening and you do not appreciate it. It's happening silently. Then they can never say this stuff is safe. Because they lack the tools and the resolution to see these problems happening in subtle incremental additive form. And ____ in crazy illnesses and diseases, that we go let the pharmaceutical companies to sell us more drugs to go treat the symptoms of those diseases. It doesn't cure anything. It just causes more problems than not. This is a problem.

This is Matthew again here as well. Healthy normal. Going to go through these again really quickly. Here normal. Again after one of his vaccines. No one knew this was going on. And then here recovered again. But some problems with language. Everything is back to normal again. And then the next slide we'll now show you again normal here and three months ago this is what happened to him. The vertical eyes are off balance a bit. The eyelids are off a bit as well. We can see more of these things in video but look the corner of the mouth is dropped down. This is a stroke without a doubt it is the same as the actual stroke patients that I showed you before. This is also autism. You can have autism showing these profound features. Autism is a collection of small blood vessels all over the brain and body being damaged in ways that don't always cause the ability to see through this window of oh-oh we see what's going on, it's happening. It's happening all the time. Collectively, additively, sequentially, we call it aging and disease but in this case, it is all these neurodevelopmental disorders. This young boy, neurosurgeons want to cut, drill holes in his skull, remove the temporal muscle, go plant it on the skull, leave it there for six months or a year, and hopefully some blood vessels will grow because they don't know how to fix this problem. They don't know what causes it. It can be fixed. We start them with our C-pan gels, water. Water. Because unless you first control the colloidal stability the right way, then you will not have laminar blood flow. This is a different means by which clotting and coagulation comes together. One one of those 4 or 5 strokes that we talked about earlier, that we didn't know exist.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 18 of 19   [2:22]

Water, Water, Water!

 Water, water, water is most important. Not any water. Not tap water. The water properly constituted and we know how to do that now. And we will make it available for everybody shortly. Here it will be available, on our site. We will want to give it free to the world. And we will show you the tools you need to make sure that what you're drinking is safe for you on the zeta potential side of this equation. And there are just a few things that are not easily, readily done. Bottom line is we've been doing it wrong, and unless you control the water, and control the ___ ability, you're going to be leading to problems.

Matthew, one of the first people we are going to try and recover. And we think we will be able to do it. And that will be a miracle that we look forward to sharing with everybody.

This is Sanjee, as well. Measles, mumps, rubella and autism. Well, fun is this. Now have a quick look at the face here. What's going on here. Right cheek is normal nice bulk and tone. Left cheek down. Forward eye ok, ladies and gentlemen, this is a stroke. Bar none. 100% of the time. You cannot argue this with me. You cannot argue this.

This is cost. This is all these children.

Let's have another look. This young boy from Canada. The slide on the right, the pre-vaccine photo shows his face nice and smooth, great smile. The slide on the opposite side. Look at the corner of the mouth, dropped down, now autistic after vaccination at five years of age. Language is impaired. social skills impaired. Learning disabilities. Attention problems. They say it's a coincidence. Gonna happen anyway. I think not. These were strokes. Parents didn't even take him to the doctor. They didn't think this meaned anything. Or the doctors saw it and let it go by, some strange problem. He lost his language and skills and cognitive functions and attention and learning skills from this vaccine in a silent way. Which you can now see.

Tolerance Lost Vol 2/3 – 19 of 19  [10:04]

These are Strokes & Brain damage

These are strokes, bar none, strokes 100% of the time. Clear when you see it. Next slide. This young girl from the southern United States. This is at birth, closely, thereafter, nice beautiful smile, symmetrical. Eyes nice and conjugate. Next slide we go oh-oh. something happened here after one of the vaccines. No one knew anything was going wrong. But we see a bit of asymmetry happening at the mouth. This is actually happening while the parents are bathing her in the tub. They didn't know. But you go back and look at the family photos, put it together with the vaccines. Oh-oh, there's a problem. Here she is going on later, here. Now this slide here and this slide later here is very important. This is two days after her MMR vaccine. Now you can't really see much in a photo from this far away but this is truly two days. Her mother's a nurse, she has meticulous records. We got it locked down. This is two days afterwards.

Now, she is out having fun playing with her brother but look at the corner of her mouth here zooming in. That left cheek has dropped a bit compared to the right. It's very very subtle. She is actually having ischemic strokes now from vaccinations. Here she is later on after that. You can see some of the problems going away. That tells us the damage is happening. We saw a bit of it. But it is happening silently throughout the brain and other parts of the body. And here she is closer that day. You look down very very carefully at this bright picture up front here. Holy smokes, you see the asymmetry now? That was not there at birth. That came there within two days of her MMR vaccine. She now has serious autism. She is struggling right now to regain her functions, her skills, her language, her communication. We impaired this girl's brain for life as we know it. We'll fix it. We did this. That is no different from anybody else. These are strokes caused by vaccination. This is a problem with zeta and MASS. That is without a doubt proof causation. We did this.

And you are going in everyday across this planet putting this stuff in all of our bodies. I'm going to show you a hundred more.

There she is again at four years of age. You can see where she is being whacked again, not only is the corner of the mouth dropping down. Look at the left eye lid. When the eyes are being whacked this way as well, not only coming out of sync coming in and out, but the actual eye blinks are coming out of sync as well. You cannot see that with your naked eye because the eye blink happens so fast, you can't see your own eyes blinking but if you put a camera to it, slow it down, play it back afterwards and you know when you played it before vaccines eyes were closing and opening up together like this and you find out afterwards that they're opening up like this. Proof causation. We caused damage. Beautiful young lady. We're going to recover her. And we are going to start with our water. And when we get the rest of the way she will be one of the first people to recover, too. That is unmistakable. That is more closer to today. The corner of the mouth is dropped. Corner of the mouth is dropped. It's an asymmetrical smile. That was not there from birth. That is not genetic. That's an acquired neurological disorder caused by ischemia, blood sludging from these vaccines. Same for everybody.

More of the same effect. And we'll go with one more here, slide here. We're going to go through another child. Looking pretty normal to us now. Go to the next slide, still looking pretty good. This is that last girl's brother. This is after DPT, vaccination. Mouth, smile, very subtle, asymmetrical. The eyelids became asymmetrical like he got snowed over by something. But you know he's just having a cold. Don't worry about it. He'll get over it. That's not true. That's not true at all. Transichemic attacks cause brain damage, permanent there. Well, permanent in the way we understand it right now. Perhaps not permanent after all. And we've caused this damage. He now has learning disabilities. He has speech impediments. He has attention problems to this day. All traced back to the original neurological damage.

Now here we have another child coming up here, now watch these slides coming up. Look at the eye turned in. Corner of the mouth asymmetrical. It's autism. This is vaccine damage. No different for anyone else.

Here we go as well. A child, three pictures here. And now we have again from birth. You look at the ____ picture again. See the eye turning in. And a bit of asymmetry of the mouth. It easier to see some of the subtle signs when you put a video camera and you slow it down. You can increase the size and measure differences between the two. We don't want to measure this stuff any more. We're sick to our stomachs around the world.

We're going into countries like the Dominican or other countries and go record before and after these children being vaccinated. And watch the ____ before our eyes. I don't want to see it any more. I don't want to experience it any more. I want the physicians to get out there and cry from the streets. Forgive me for what I've done. How may I help. And if you are affluent and have lots of money, you darn well should give it back to the people you've harmed. If you have any sense of humanity and accountability in your heart and soul, because we have caused this. As a species. Twelve species in the name of arrogance, in the name of profiteering, in the name of progress, and in the name of sin, for all these innocent people. but we can fix it. And we will. And you're gonna help.

The End

Music. Words on screen:

I lost the ability to walk and didn't learn again until I was 1-1/2 yrs old.

My family said I became "blank" and would hardly smile anymore

Mom & Dad took me places like the Zoo, but I wasn't interested.

MASS and zeta impair blood flow.

And the truth will set you free.

The Vaccine injury courts have already admitted their vaccines caused this Brain Damage (and ____) for Ben Zeller, July, 2008. What they did not know is that the ischomic damages Ben shows on his face after MMR are also on the faces of autistic children who did not have seizures. Proof causation. Proven __  _____.

Live blood flow to the brain. This is a non-invasive brain angiogram. This is the highest resolution contomporary....   

...medical imaging has to non-invasively monitor live blood flow through the brain. "I see said the blind man through he could not see at all."

MASS and Zeta occurs at 15,000 times magnification & at the angstrom level. Doctors cannot see the MASS/Zeta process as it is happening.

There is a way to see the impaired blood flow process, live, and non-invasively, after all vaccinations and immune hyperstimulation. [7:35]

Without using any technology, you can at least see some of the clinical effects of MASS & Zeta in yoursleves and your children - now and from decades ago.

This was a difficult one for us to explain in ____, they didn't get me.

I became fixated on the simplest things like tags from my clothes.

I started doing really unusual things like pull my ears, and twist my fingers...

... watch the same episodes of Franklin and Little Bear over and over again.

I would only walk on my tippy toes... The list is endless! But....

Through it all, my family never left my side! They never stopped loving me...

In fact they said I've taught them to be more patient....

....And how to love UNCONDITIONALLY!!!!

My parents are understanding of me, they insist on helping me, not changing me!

I'm non-verbal but I can understand! So they taught me to sign, now we can talk!

Rather than making me stop my flapping and spinning. They join in the fun!

I like it when they come visit me in my world... I feel less alone!



Many believe Vaccines are linked to Autism, Asthma, SIDS... and many others.

Many of which reported regressed speech and development soon afer vaccination :(

Isolation of speech syndrome in Autism - ischemia from MASS & Zeta - [is no longer a valid website]

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