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The more you read about the CDC, the more you realize that they work for big business and not for the public....

" The CDC spends a billion dollars to promote vaccines and $30 million dollars to look at the safety."

Chemicals commonly used in the production of vaccines include a suspending fluid (sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein); preservatives and stabilizers (for example, albumin, phenols, and glycine); and adjuvants or enhancers that help improve the vaccine's effectiveness. Vaccines also may contain very small amounts of the culture material used to grow the virus or bacteria used in the vaccine, such as chicken egg protein.

Today, through immunizations given in the first two years of life, we can protect children from 16 diseases, preventing 33,000 deaths and 14 million illnesses per year. [The statistics are totally made up. And that is one heck-of-a-lotta shots! And they didn't include ALL of the side effects of these vaccinations! - bfg]


A study in Arch Intern Med 2001 Jan 8;161(1):15-2, Anaphylaxis in the United States: an investigation into its epidemiology, concluded with “The occurrence of anaphylaxis in the US is not as rare as is generally believed.  On the basis of our figures, the problem of anaphylaxis may, in fact, affect 1.21% (1.9 million) to 15.04% (40.9 million) of the US population.”  PMID 11146694

It is estimated that up to 12 million Americans have food allergies, .... Cached - Similar pages

Food allergy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It has been estimated that in the USA, food allergy is responsible for 30 000 anaphylaxis episodes per year [21], leading to 2000 hospitalizations and 200 deaths.

New Study Indicates Food Allergies Send 50,000 Americans to the Emergency Room Annually

Seems like there are quite a few people who don't believe the statistics presented by the CDC... or the government entities from other countries:

CDC Lies About Flu Statistics -- Proof at Flu Vaccine Adverse ...

CDC Lies About Flu Statistics -- Proof at Flu Vaccine Adverse Reactions.... The lie that the CDC offers -- 36000 deaths per year -- is the most blantant... - 67k

Medical Lies by the CDC

Not forgetting that the CDC knowingly lies all the time (e.g. every year, as clockwork, with flu death stats), and at the top of the medical cartel they... - 27k - Cached -

"Furthermore, much depends on how statistics are gathered. Until recently most autopsies on infants were carried out in a haphazard fashion. Often, no autopsies were performed. Now, in most parts of the western world, strict criteria are applied and autopsies performed by specialist teams. Many cases that previously would be considered as qualifying for the diagnosis of SIDS are now excluded. This artificially reduces the incidence compared to pre-autopsy and specialised consideration times. To accurately follow recent trends one needs to look at the overall infant mortality rate. This is the bottom line and cannot be easily manipulated."-- Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p178)

"How do you react when your own government lies to you systematically about life-and-death questions? As I have noted earlier, the answer is political action in the state legislatures, and one weapon in the hands of the public is an understanding of the pseudo-science and pseudo-epidemiology represented by articles like this one."--Harris Coulter

"Most of the cheats in science are MDs."---Linus Pauling, twice winner of the Nobel Prize

"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way....... I think that no person would permit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation if they would really know how they are made, what they carry, what has been lied to them about and what the real percent of danger is of contracting such a disease, which is minimal......And according to those figures as compared to those from the Encyclopaedia Britannica for that same year they had inoculated (in Africa) according to their statement, twenty million people more that the total population, every man woman and child of the countries in question. Now if you can lie so crassly and have enough people to back you up about lying about how many you inoculate the question may arise of have you inoculated any at all? Did you use the same …..what did you do? We don’t know anything they are saying be cause they are lying from the moment go. So you know you really have very little frame of reference excepting that there’s something very fishy in the whole process."-- -Dr Eva Snead

Vaccination The endless stream of lies told by powerful people in positions of great public trust is horrifying. [Media Oct 2006 Wakefield] VILIFED by the MMR zealots

DPT vaccine lies

[Big whopping lie.] "Yes. I think any of the vaccines we have today have been tested and proven to be safe, and the credible studies don't show any relationship between vaccines and permanent injury. So we favor this and we know that unless we have vaccination rates that are in the 90 to 95% range we are not going to prevent epidemics from coming into this country of measles, of polio, from countries where these diseases are still endemic. So its very important that we vaccinate all our children."---- Dr. David Tayloe, President Elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics 

Some years ago much was made of two deaths from measles in Dublin. I tracked down the cases and found both children were already seriously ill before they contracted measles. But I was able to find this out only because of the openness of the Irish authorities. When a measles death was reported in Britain a few months ago, I was refused further information on the phoney grounds of 'confidentiality'. I was not planning to reveal the child's identity - only his general medical state - and the officials involved knew this.  Creepier still was the carefully organised and mysterious attempt to scare me in to silence by sending me phoney letters from non-existent mothers claiming their children had nearly died because of my columns. Supposedly, the invented mothers had not given their children the MMR because they had read my articles, and the fictional children had then been seriously ill. [Media June 2006] If MMR is safe, why the lies and paranoia? --Hitchins

My personal position with regard to immunisation is that I believe parents should be able to make an informed choice.  I believe that that is impossible, because most doctors have no idea what the full information is.  They THINK they do, but they don’t.[And that is exactly what I found out with my study about the connection between vaccinations and food allergies - the doctors have NO IDEA what is in the vaccine! - bfg]   They recommend what they are told to.  The information given to parents is carefully crafted to ensure that parents are too scared not to vaccinate.  What is presented is usually accurate, but not truthful, because the information lies by omission. 17 years in this domain has also taught me that people believe what they want to believe.  This applies to journalists, scientists, doctors and parents. Vaccines and the Immune System by Hilary Butler

"There are two reasons why people perpetuate a lie, even if they are not the original creators of it. Some do it out of ignorance or carelessness. Others do it deliberately with full knowledge. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether facts are falsified deliberately or out of ignorance. Whatever the case, it is important to set the record straight when distortion of facts perpetuate a lie, especially when the lives of human beings are at stake.....Paul Offit attempts to rewrite history when he argues that the DPT vaccine does not cause brain inflammation and permanent brain injury in some children....Offit is entitled to his own opinion but not to his own facts. We have only ourselves to blame when we believe everything he says." - At Risk: Truth About Vaccines, Lawsuits & Shortages by Barbara Loe Fisher

"The facts and figures of the medical profession, and of Government officials, in regard to the question of vaccination, must never be accepted without verification."--Alfred Wallace 1898

"The (smallpox) unvaccinated Gabriele did not become ill as the vaccinated Waltraut.  This did not agree with medical opinion.  In their Textbook on Infectious Diseases, the authors GSELL and MOHR reproduced a photo of the two girls, but without their heads, and claimed that the girl with considerably more pustules on her body was the unvaccinated Gabriele, the girl with the less pustules the vaccinated Waltraut.  It was however exactly the other way round:  The unvaccinated Gabriele was less ill than the vaccinated Waltraut."--The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---Dr. med. G. Buchwald  ISBN 3-8334-2508-3  page 81.

While we’re on the subject of statistics, perhaps someone could explain the meaning of the figures in the table for Measles Notification: England and Wales, By Age Groups, 1989-2006, that appears on the Health Protection Agency web-site. This table shows the number of measles cases notified (excluding ones at Port Authorities, to exclude the bias of people bringing measles into the country from abroad) for 2006 as 3,739. Why is this figure almost 3,000 more than the figure quoted by the HPA and repeated in the articles of Fitzpartick and others? Dealers in Second Hand Words by Martin J Walker

Merck continued to supply the infant hepatitis B vaccine,  which was contaminated with thimerosal, a mercury preservative, for two years after announcing that it had eliminated the toxin from the  vaccine. How America Was Blinded by Merck's Vaccine Lies

"It is a problem for me that I am part of a profession that is systematically lying to people. "--Dr Mark Donohoe (Vaccine video)

"If you want the truth on vaccination you must go to those who are not making anything out of it. If doctors shot at the moon every time it was full as a preventive of measles and got a shilling for it, they would bring statistics to prove it was a most efficient practice, and that the population would be decimated if it were stopped."---Dr Allinson

"Whatever explanation you consider most accurate the unavoidable fact is that the government (in the form of the DHSS) has consistently lied about the whooping cough vaccine, has distorted the truth and has deceived both the medical profession (for the majority of doctors and nurses who give these injections accept the recommendations made by the DHSS without question) and millions of parents."--Dr Vernon Coleman MB 

"It now transpires that during the Clinical Trials children did in fact suffer severe and irreversible brain damage as a result of the Pertussis Vaccine and accepted as such by Medical Experts appointed by the Department of Health........It is now an established fact that the present figure now stands at over 900 which is an absolute disgrace in a civilised country."--M Wain

"As officials repeatedly have lied about the relationship of squalene [squalene is one of the ingredients in vaccines that does not have to appear on the package insert - bfg] to gulf-war illness, Insight has pursued the truth, uncovering HIV tests for an AIDS vaccine using the adjuvant."-- Insight

"A glance at these figures (skin complications of vaccinations) indicates something of the enormous reporter or observer error that must exist.  It is impossible to believe, for example, that there were, in Germany, only 1.8 cases per million showing a non-specific rash when in a London borough there were 8,800 cases per million."---Sir Graham Wilson (The Hazards of Immunisation p235).

"They (Merck) told her that she was the only person who had ever phoned....she said that when her doctor phoned, he too was told he was the only person in the world that had ever called, and when each of the doctors of the other nurses called in, each was told the same thing. I also called Merck...and they said------"Oh Dr Hyde, you are the only doctor in all of Canada that has ever contacted us with such a complaint."---Dr Hyde

"Dr. Katz committed perjury before the House Government Reform Committee several months ago when he emphatically insisted twice that the whole-cell pertusis vaccine is not  given in this country anymore."-- Michael Belkin

It now seems we have discovered a Second Polio Deception and it is not Splendid! It seems we have exposed this nonsense of 8-10 cases of vaccine associated Poliomyelitis (VAP) each year’ for what it is and as the saying goes we seem to have opened Pandora's Box. We also wonder how a figure of 8-10 VAP per year can be arrived at when there are in a full 5 years over 1,695 events (330 events per year) with unknown recovery status. How can any figure be valid with so many unknowns?

"There is no link between measles, measles vaccine or MMR immunisation and either Crohn’s disease or autism,"------Sir Kenneth Calman.  But one of his own experts says: three-in-one vaccine may cause autism

"Mr. Charles Fox, a medical man residing at Cardiff has published fifty-six cases of illness following (smallpox) vaccination, of which seventeen resulted in death. In only two of these, where he himself gave the certificate, was vaccination mentioned."--Alfred Wallace 1898

"Mr. Henry May, Medical Officer of Health, candidly states as follows: "In certificates given by us voluntarily, and to which the public have access, it is scarcely to be expected that a medical man will give opinions which may tell against or reflect upon himself in. any way. In such cases he will most likely tell the truth, but not the whole truth, and assign some prominent symptom of the disease as the cause of death."---Alfred Wallace

"The anthrax vaccine was approved without every doing a controlled clinical  study. There is no long term safety data on the anthrax vaccine. The government admitted this in congressional hearings. It is a distortion of the truth to say there is substantial safety data."--Bart Classen

"The efficacy of common vaccines may be greatly exaggerated. In a 1998 study, it was stated that "investigator bias probably has overestimated the efficacy of most vaccines." Clinicians' compliance levels in monitoring illness in vaccine recipients varied widely in trial protocols. "Less compliant investigators were far more likely to report  data making vaccines appear more effective against mild or moderate disease. Our data suggest that observer compliance (observer bias) can significantly inflate calculated vaccine efficacy…it is likely that all recently completed efficacy trials have been affected by this type of observer bias and all vaccines have considerably less efficacy against mild disease than published data suggest" (Pediatrics, vol. 102, no. 4, part 1, October 1998, pp. 909-912, reported as news release, "Clinical Trials; Vaccine Efficacy Overestimated…," posted December 2 to Vaccine Information and Awareness electronic mail discussion list [], 9:42 a.m.)."-Laura Ruede

"When your article (danish MMR study) was published I was contacted by outraged vaccine victims from around the world. They pointed out that  your study was financed by the CDC (ardent pro-vaccinators) and the NAAR (who receive funding from vaccine manufacturers). I was told that your study was blatant fraud and an attempt to write an alibi for yourselves and your colleagues now that autism has reached epidemic proportions. "--Alan Rees

"According to government, measles was a threat to national interest, claiming more than 40,000 lives every year (a statistic which is laughable since most people who get measles stay at home and treat it and the majority of sick people go to private clinics that do not keep records this figure was of course trumped up). This of course is a questionable statistic since the majority of deaths in Uganda are not registered and few parents remember any measles death. No point in registering a person once he has died. Forty thousand people are far much less than those killed in Uganda annually due to the civil war, dwarfs the figure for malaria, which kills a child every five second and for which governments is happy to ignore.......The forcing of them to take a vaccine against a disease they know to be harmless and which they know how to cure in its harmful state was seen as government hell bent on killing its own population for the benefit of commanding whiteworld. All village people know that once you have recovered from measles you will never catch it again, but here they were telling people to vaccinate even those who have recovered from measles. "-- Kihura Nkuba 2003

"Then suddenly the deaths from Salk vaccine ceased to be reported. In a letter published in Defender Magazine, the writer stated: "I am informed by someone who works in a newspaper office that much of the bad news concerning the results of the Salk Program is being censored and deleted out of the news to keep people complacent and acquiescent.""--Eleanor McBean

Japan's Health Ministry says the withdrawal of the MMR vaccine for children did not cause an increase in deaths from measles.   It followed UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's comments this week in which he cited Japan as an example of the dangers of not having the combined vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella. (ref):
"Urabe-strain MMR had been withdrawn in Britain the previous year for the same reasons (shamefully, the Health Department had known of the dangers when it was introduced) and replaced with an updated version. Japan, by contrast, switched entirely to single jabs. This has resulted, says the Health Department, in a measles epidemic in Japan and 79 deaths from the disease between 1992 and 1997. 
    On the face of it, then, this seems a strong argument for sticking with MMR. But Dr Hiroki Nakatani, director of the Infectious Disease Division at Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare, has a very different story to tell.
    He says that in 1989, when Japan first introduced MMR, there were 34 deaths from measles; in 1990, there were 53 deaths; in 1991, 39; and in 1992, 14.
    Then, in 1993, the Japanese government moved from recommending MMR to single vaccines instead. The number of deaths from measles per year has since remained at between 14 and 25.  So in fact, in the years Japan was using MMR there were on average rather more deaths from measles -- quite apart from the deaths and serious damage done by the vaccine -- than since single jabs were introduced."--

"This gives us great concern, because that is what we make immunisations from." (Dr Myron Essex, International Herald Tribune, Paris, France, November 11, 1985)

"We don't know how a Green Monkey Virus entered to many members of the world population at the same time (Dr Myron Essex, in San Antonio, April 23rd 1987)

CDC lies
"The statistic that is often quoted is that there are 25,000 kids infected with Hepatitis B.  After repeatedly asking the question as to how the CDC arrived at this number, Harold S. Margolis, MD, Chief of the Hepatitis Branch of the CDC finally admitted that 25,000 kids is simply an estimate.  They have no hard proof that there are definitely 25,000 kids with Hepatitis B."

Lisa F. Reiss

[Here is the lie:]  "Every year in the United States, on average.......approximately 36,000 people die from flu."  

CDC October 6, 2004

[Here is the truth;] Number of flu deaths 753 (2002) CDC

Every year, just prior to the impending "flu season," the CDC and their acquiescent media pawns terrorize the American public with false claims regarding annual flu deaths. The CDC boldly asserts that 36,000 people die every year from the flu. Such scare tactics are calculated to increase flu vaccine sales. However, according to the CDC's own official records documented in National Vital Statistics Reports, only a few hundred people die from influenza (flu) on an average year. And many of these deaths occur in people with preexisting conditions, weakened immune systems, and the elderly.

Annual Flu Deaths: The Big Lie By Neil Z. Miller

"They (CDC, ACIP and Merck) are passing off estimated, hypothetical numbers as actual cases. This is statistical fraud. In the financial world such mis-representation would lead to criminal charges. If a company inflated its earnings or revenues by 300% (as the CDC does hepatitis B disease statistics) and foisted those figures off as official data (and not some back-of-the-envelope guess-timate) - that company would be investigated by the SEC and sued by shareholders. Why doesn’t that happen in the medical world? There’s no regulator to keep the CDC honest. They do not say those figures are hypothetical estimates, they misrepresent the data. Go try to audit those 320,000 supposed new infections/yr. You will not find them. The whole exercise is designed to increase public hysteria about the risk of a low-risk disease so the CDC can extend it’s pervasive influence and Merck can increase it’s $900 million/year vaccine revenues."---Michael Belkin


I always know when it's flu season. First, the media begins its usual role as hyterical government press secretary, uncritically trumpeting the same cooked numbers about the coming flu epidemic. ... NBC's Today Show (10/6/04), warn that the flu kills about 36,000 people every year in the United States. .....It's a crock, a lie, and a sham; a conspiracy to generate fear and stampede people to use a vaccine of questionable effectiveness to the benefit of pro-immunization bureaucrats, and big pharma. Sounds harsh, but follow the math and the money.  When the major manufacturers of flu vaccine get together with the CDC in a closed door summit with the sole purpose of figuring out how to stick 185 million doses of a questionable vaccine into a population in which less than 1,000 people a year die, what should we call it? Yes, Virginia, it is a conspiracy. Luckily the conspirators are foolish enough to believe that their website is safely hidden amidst all the chaff of the Internet, or else, are so brazen in their contempt for the general population that they think we can't do a little math and conclude "The vaccine doesn't work, and the flu is a flim-flam!"  The CDC should concentrate on finding ways to lower the spread, working alternatives to vaccines, and ways to minimizing the severity of the flu, rather than pumping out fake numbers, creating an aura of fear and hysteria, and shilling for profits to huge pharma companies.

The Flu Scare Game by John Keller

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