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Childhood Vaccinations Hoax - Not Effective and at Worst, Harmful
[documented by JAMA]

The reality, as documented by the American Medical Association's own journal (JAMA) in the January 1999 issue, is that there is no connection between death from infectious diseases and vaccinations; that's right, "none". -

I received the following from a doctor who questioned the above quote:

"The first thing that I noticed on your webpage about vaccines is a quote from naturalnews saying that JAMA published in its January 1999 article that there is no connection between vaccines and deaths from infectious disease.  I found that odd, both because there is a well-studied connection between death rates from vaccine-preventable illnesses and vaccines, and because JAMA doesn't have a "January 1999 issue".  It has four issues for January 1999.   I looked through them all, found only one article regarding infectious disease, which says no such thing as "there is no connection between vaccines and infectious disease deaths".  (Why would physicians and scientists recommend vaccination if there were risks but no proven benefit?)  Actually, the article, although not specifically about vaccine-preventable infectious disease, does mention that there was a decline in polio deaths after introduction of the vaccine. [Actually, polio did not decline after the introduction of the vaccine. They just call it viral or aseptic Meningitis. - bfg] Even though you are quoting correctly from your source, the source you have quoted is either misquoting their source in error, or just basically lying and attempting to mislead people.  (They maybe should have misquoted a journal that wasn't so easy for anyone to search!)" - Dr. KH

7/25/2009 - So I wrote to the author of the quote and questioned it. Here is her response:

"The mortality data came from a JAMA article that had nothing to do with vaccinations.  It was about mortality rates from infectious diseases during the 20th century.  I compared vaccination inception dates with information from that article, and then made the observation that the claim of vaccinations saving us from these diseases is false.... This article link includes a link to the JAMA article online, if you wish to see it:"
Regards, Heidi Stevenson

"The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization."  - page 230

1. There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."...

2. It is commonly believed that the Salk vaccine was responsible for halting the polio epidemics that plagued American children in the 1940s and 1950s. If so, why did the epidemics also end in Europe, where polio vaccine was not so extensively used?... Think of it! For 30 years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease.

3. There are significant risks associated with every immunization and numerous contraindications that may make it dangerous for the shots to be given to your child...

4. While the myriad short-term hazards of most immunizations are known (but rarely explained), no one knows the long-term consequences of injecting foreign proteins into the body of your child. Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making any structured effort to find out.

5. There is a growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced...

...Meanwhile, because routine immunizations that bring patients back for repeated office calls are the bread and butter of their specialty, pediatricians continue to defend them to the death.

The question parents should be asking is: Whose death?

---- pages 231-233

"How to Raise a Healthy Child... In Spite of Your Doctor" by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

Since vaccinations have become standard medical practice, it is true that certain illnesses have decreased. Those illnesses decreased 95% BEFORE the vaccinations were introduced. Now that we have so many vaccines - we have more illness than before but it has changed form. Now we have allergies, asthma, autism, and who knows what else - caused, aggravated and/or made worse from vaccinations.


[Dr. Bock has not even considered the possibility that the vaccines have ingredients that are "secret ingredients". My hypothesis that I have not been able to disprove is that vaccines cause allergies because they have peanut, wheat germ, soy, etc. oils IN THE VACCINES! -bfg]

"Th-1 cells. These immune system cells are involved in immunity that is performed by the cells themselves, known as cell-mediated immunity. They attack pathogens directly, or send messages to encourage other immune cells to attack. They do this even when the pathogens are already lodged inside infected cells.

"Th-2 cells. These immune system cells also attack pathogens, but in a different way. They do it by producing different messages that encourage other immune cells to produce antibodies. These antibodies then attack foreign substances, including bacteria, viruses - and also allergens. Th-2 cells do not enter infected cells.

"Because these Th-1 and Th-2 cells work together, it's important that they stay in balance. But this doesn't always happen. Quite often, in may people, there is a skewing of this balance, with an increase of Th-2* antibody production, and a decrease in the activity of Th-1* cells. This skewing can be caused by a variety of factors - including, of example, stress, and yeast overgrowth - but the primary factor that now appears to cause this skewing toward Th-2 dominance is the presence of toxins. Mercury in the body promotes excessive activity of Th-2 cells. So does lead. So does aluminum. These heavy metals aggravate and overexcite the immune system, resulting in allergy, impaired immunity, and in autoimmunity, in which the immune system inadvertently attacks healthy tissues and organs.

"This skewing of immunity to Th-2 dominance makes it harder for people to fight off the viral, bacterial, and fungal infections that lie within their cells. It makes them prone to many common illnesses. The excess activity of Th-2 cells also triggers an overactive immune response, which can result in allergy and autoimmunity."

[This is by far the best book on this topic that I have come across. I highly recommend it to anyone who has one of the "modern" illnesses.- bfg]

From Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies by Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Cameron Stauth.

And check out the 1918 Flu Epidemic

BL Fisher Note:

The number of American children suffering from life threatening peanut allergies has doubled in the past five years and the number of Americans with food allergies has risen from 6 million to 11 million. This runs parallel with the doubling of asthma, learning disabilities, ADHD; the tripling of diabetes and a 200 to 7,000 percent increase in autism in every state in the U.S. during the past 20 years. As more and more vaccines are mandated to prevent more and more infectious diseases in early childhood, more and more Americans are stuck on sick. So the pharmaceutical industry produces drugs and vaccines that medical doctors sell to patients to try to "cure" the chronic illness that vaccines and suppression of all infectious disease helped to cause in the first place. What a racket.

Comment from a physician-friend:

I also really dislike that anti-vaccine people constantly say that doctors are "intentionally making people ill so that we can profit from it".

First of all, it is not true.  I did not suffer through four of the hardest years of my life in order to harm people for a profit.  I care about people and want them to be healthy.  I make a salary - that means I have no financial incentive to give medications or vaccination to people.  Even if I got double the money if I were to harm people, I would not EVER intentionally harm one of my patients, and I find it offensive that people claim that I would.  The science right now suggests that certain treatments improve people's health, so I follow the science and do what is currently accepted as the best medical practice.  Physicians administer vaccines to their own children, not because we want to "keep them sick" or "make a profit", but because the scientific evidence shows that it is the best thing to do.  - Dr. KH

My Comment: You make a salary. It would be better for the health of the country if that were the case for all physicians. But also there are medical bean-counters who will be looking over your shoulder. Records of every drug that you prescribe is now kept in computer databases that is often shared with pharmaceutical companies. If you get off the accepted norm of prescribing drugs, you may find yourself subject to investigation. Your office could even be raided like Dr. Wright's office was. (FDA with guns, seized his records and supplements and no charges were filed.)

And how can you as a physician prescribe drugs in your patient's best interest if the drug companies are allowed to have secret ingredients? And when science is nearly totally funded by drug companies who will bury any studies that are detrimental to sales and not fund studies that might show that the drug has detrimental side effects, how can you make an informed decision when the information is lacking?

And when there are inexpensive remedies that are better than drug treatments or surgery, how can you recommend them when it is not taught at medical school. (An excellent book is Why I Left Orthodox Medicine: Healing for the 21st Century by Dr. Derrick Lonsdale.)

The Anti-vax groups are looking at history. Vaccinations were promoted by doctors in the past knowing that people would get sick. The death records were falsified and reports in the news were suppressed. (Gee, things never change. Same thing happens today!)

The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations

Anti-Typhoid vaccine causes a worse disease which the doctors name paratyphoid

Medically-made epidemics--court cases

Falsified death certificates and medical records

Swine Flu--Another Medically-made Epidemic


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