Frequently Asked Questions

About  Our Products (Note - this was taken from another website. We DO NOT SELL ZAPPERS!! This is just informational so you can read what some people claim. Be sure to read the disclaimer on this website!! - bfg) and how they Work.


If the light doesn't come on when a new 9v battery is installed, return the zapper for a free replacement.

If the light comes on but there's no current from the pennies, return it for a free replacement.

When the tongue is touching both pennies there will be a strong tingle when the battery is fresh. A voltmeter will show around 5 Volts.


When the light goes dim or no longer lights up there is still enough current to kill parasites, but it's best to put a fresh battery in. Just unscrew the back and put the new battery in the clip.

My zappers all use standard 9v batteries. An alkaline battery will last for around 100 hours of zapping; a non-alkaline one will last about 40 hours.


Cuts, scrapes, wounds, infections, etc., heal rapidly  Eliminates sinus infections quickly  Stops toothaches  Quickly removes (even chronic) pain  Flu and colds gone  Improved mental clarity  Improved sleep (better dreams with [Zapper])  Stops ulcers  Dead tapeworms in the toilet after a week or so (with some people)  'Social menace' status because of flatulence for a day or so  Warts shrink and disappear, especially fast with children  Tumors disappear (faster with [Zapper])  Carpel tunnel syndrome gone in a day or so Yeast and candida-type fungi gone quickly  Eyes less bloodshot  Skin tone immediately improved  Helps remove heavy metals and organic toxins ([Zapper])    Establishes normal pH within a few days (most cases)  Acne disappears in short time  Psoriasis disappears in a fairly short time ([Zapper] works best)  Earache disappears  Improves organ efficiency (when [Zapper] is placed over organ)  No more PMS  No more migraine  No more depression (most throw away the brain drugs)  Stops itching, even from bug bites  Ringworm gone the same day Scabies eliminated in one day  Stops dandruff  Breathing improves  Better joint mobility   Less body, breath and foot odor      NOTES: Worms disintegrate quickly after they're killed, so you won't likely see dead ones unless they're expelled shortly after they die or if you're having a colonic irrigation at the time. If flu or cold symptoms continue after a day of zapping, you're probably experiencing the effects of food poisoning or mold from stale household air (which is why this often happens in the winter and goes away in spring, as soon as the windows are opened). Dr. Hulda Clark explains this in her books.


Proper liver function and health depends on the adequate production and flow of bile. Flukes and liver stones impede bile flow like gravel in a garden hose.

According to Dr. Hulda Clark, who introduced the zapper to the world, nearly all North Americans have intestinal flukes in the bile ducts of their livers. These worms secrete a hormone which keeps the ducts constricted so that they won't be expelled.

Cholesterol crystals form around fungi in the ducts and gradually become stones, often the size and color of peas. The number of stones can be quite high because of the presence of the flukes and widespread yeast (candida-type fungi) in the body.

A day or so of zapping kills the flukes, but extra measures need to be taken to expel the stones. Dr. Clark's liver cleanse (if you don't have one of her books, contact me for the instructions) uses Epsom salts to greatly, but safely, dilate the bile ducts of the liver and gall bladder so that the stones, even up to a half-inch in diameter, are painlessly expelled.


A few years ago my friend, James Hughes, who had also begun teaching me about the uses of subtle energies, suggested putting a couple of crystals in the zapper. The increased efficiency and pleasant feeling that resulted was apparent to many people. James later suggested coloring the crystals red and purple, which made the zapper work even better.

There isn't an explanation for this in conventional terms, but the effects are real. My impression is that crystals act as an organizing, harmonizing bridge between the person and the circuitry of the zapper. Also, crystals work with whatever types of energy run thru and/or around them and seem to cause a synergy to take place between these energies.

Round amethyst (purple) and garnet (red) gemstones have a much stronger effect than the larger, double-terminated quartz crystals, so all of the zappers (including the regular model) have these now.


Orgone is the name that Dr. Wilhelm Reich gave to what others have called "ch'I", "ether", "life force", "animal magnetism".' etc.

Dr. Reich was the first western scientist to develop technology around this energy. The way he came to this is fascinating and will no doubt be taught in schools after the censorship regarding his life and work has ended.

Orgone is present throughout the universe as energy, life and matter potential. Dr. Reich developed a way to accumulate and concentrate this healing medium. The accumulator can be contaminated, though, when 'dead orgone' is present. Dead orgone is neutralized by running water & Dr. Reich's 'cloudbuster' was able to remove it from the environment and channel it into running water. He used his cloudbusters to normalize rainfall and remove smog from the atmosphere.

More recently, someone found a way to generate orgone. 'Generate' may be an inaccurate term, since it seems to me that orgone is rather brought in from a hyper-dimensional source this way. Orgone is the medium through with radionics works and is not electromagnetic, therefore isn't bound by time or space considerations as EM energies are.

A customer of mine had told me that the orgone generator he bought from, for $500 was nothing but metal particles in epoxy. I made one and found that it put out a great deal more energy than the orgone accumulators that I'd made. When I added quartz crystals, lining up their axes with the length of the generator it put out even more energy, which could be consciously directed.

When I added an orgone generator to the zapper it make it work even better and caused much more rapid healing, pain relief, increased psychic perception and a mild euphoria.

Orgone can be seen against a monochrome background (blue sky is best) when your mind is in an alpha state. It's seen as tiny currents that appear and disappear within a second or so. Some are darker than the background, some are lighter. This is similar to what you'd see from the effects of straining on the retina; the latter traces the blood vessels on the retina, but you'll find that the two processes actually look very different.

If you wonder how you'll know when you've reached an alpha state, find one of those posters that look like a lot of colored dots which reveal a 3-D image after staring at it. When the image appears, you're in an alpha state. Or (not recommended) take a psychadelic substance. I don't personally use them because they take away one's volition, making one very suggestible. Psyops, etc., which are in place and fully functional, actually make the use of these in America quite hazardous, psychologically.

Orgone generators can't be contaminated. In the presence of dead orgone, for example: in the close vicinity of nuclear reactors, which typically produce enormous amounts of deadly orgone, the generator greatly increases the output of orgone instead of being weakened. It also absorbs and sort of 'disappears' deadly orgone.

The healing properties of orgone generators have planetary implications as well as Personal ones.


Putting a small orgone generator next to the body has the effect of an acupuncture treatment. An energy-sensitive will see the aura immediately brighten and enlarge, and the uneven, darker parts of the aura will even out and brighten in a short time, which indicates that the energy has a balancing effect, even intelligence. Parasites and toxic materials apparently rely on their 'dead orgone' components to do their work, and this is easily neutralized by an orgone generator.

Orgone is the matrix from which all matter and energy in the universe are generated. Dr. Reich, in his earliest studies of this phenomena, showed that simple life forms spontaneously appear from 'nothing' under controlled conditions.

Though we've found orgone to be mildly effective in detoxifying the body, the [zapper] has proven to be much better at this. I think the mobius coil excites the cells to release some of their own energy potential, which process has been called kundalini. Because of the innate cellular intelligence of the genetic cellular coding, a subsequent coordinated effort seems to be at work that results in a detoxifying effect.

The coil generates and broadcasts what I'd term 'chaotic energy' at a 15 cycle per second frequency. Since chaos is a characteristic of the energy potential of orgone, and it's known that the more chaotic the beginning of a creative process is the more ordered the outcome will be, the integrating/modulating effect of the amethyst and garnet crystals probably allow this energy to be sent in a form that's acceptable to the genetic intelligence of our bodies. This certainly isn't the last word on the process, but the [Zapper] works, which is what really matters.

Two incidents drove that point home for us (as well as many anecdotal reports from customers):

When our zapporium was parked by the beach at Port Aransas, Texas, during a severe red tide we were finding breathing to be difficult because of the large volume of toxic gases in the air. Putting a [Zapper] on immediately allowed us to breathe without difficulty and we had no symptoms the following morning. Without the [Zapper], I'm sure we would have had the typical headache, or worse, that follows being exposed to those gases.

(2) Right after the last exposure to chemtrails around Feb. 7, 2001 (Ft. Pierce, Florida), we felt congested. Putting the [Zapper] on immediately eliminated those symptoms but they returned daily for several weeks, each time being stopped by the [Zapper]. I'm assuming that this batch of poisonous organisms were plant-based (likely mycoplasma) since they didn't disappear in a day or so as before. The pennies on our [Zapper] turned black in the beginning of that period-an unseen effect before this-and we've been unable to remove all of that from the pennies to this date, March 13, 2001. We remain symptom-free, though.


I think this is partly because the mobius coil makes up the 'other half' of the subtle energy components. Orgone is brought into the body by the generator, but the mobius coil stimulates healing energy that is latent in the body itself.

The coil is made along the lines of a mobius strip and was originally developed to neutralize the effects of harmful electromagnetic energies in one's personal environment. We discovered that it has a powerful healing effect on the body, at least in the presence of an orgone generator, and we added it to the zapper along with a powerful rare earth magnet.

The magnet seems to concentrate and focus the orgone deep into the body, which perhaps accounts for the [Zapper]'s ability to tone and heal parts of the body over which it's worn. This probably also accounts for the T's enhanced pain relieving ability. I've come to believe that the therapeutic effects of magnets is due to the orgone they project, not so much because of their induction of electric current, which is almost unmeasurable, therefore not significant. Unlike subtle energies, electric current seems to be beneficial only in measurable amounts.

The [Zapper] causes much more rapid healing and pain relief than the orgone generator alone brings, and has demonstrated many other benefits, including the ability to neutralize and eliminate organic toxins and toxic metals.


Low frequencies, in general, seem to be more effective at getting the electric current through the skin. It's the current that kills parasites, so more of it will kill more of them and quicker. All of our zapper models now use this frequency. This also allows us to use less current than some zappers which have higher voltage and/or are plugged into house current (the frequency of house current is harmful to the body and is transmitted through the zapper in this case).

15 cycles per second is a 'feel-good' frequency as well, which encourages us to wear our zappers more. Metaphysical considerations indicate that it has a consciousness-raising effect, which probably helps to counteract what is being done to 'urge' us to move in the other direction ;-)


Suppressed research has shown than fungi are responsible for both of these conditions. Since all zappers easily kill fungi, it's not hard to see why they cure these illnesses.

Fungi are the most widespread parasites in the body. Parasites, generally, are in colloidal suspension in body fluids. But they are positively charged, so would not be able to live in a healthy body, which is negatively charged.

Nutrients are all carried in the blood as negatively charged colloids. When they encounter the fungi, their energy is 'eaten' by the parasite and minerals fall out of suspension and form spurs, while the bone and joint tissues for which the nutrients were intended gradually become depleted and weakened.

Zappers quickly kill fungi and other parasites in the blood, lymph, cerebro-spinal fluid, etc. and thus normalize the pH of the body, which is another way of saying that it re-establishes the slightly negative charge of healthy tissues. A lower pH, or positively charged environment in the body, results from the acidic secretions of all parasites.

When this has happened, nutrients reach their intended destinations and balance and healing takes place.

The pain of arthritis is quickly removed by the [Zapper], though the complete reversal of arthritis takes some time. Pain elimination also gives increased range of motion in the joints.

High blood pressure is caused when the body sends cholesterol to coat fungal lesions in the arteries, as one would patch a punctured inner tube. This keeps happening as long as the fungi are forming more lesions and after awhile there's so much cholesterol in the arteries that they have lost their flexibility and their inside diameters are greatly reduced.

Killing the fungi with a zapper causes this process to reverse. The body knows how to dissolve and remove the cholesterol over time. As this happens, blood pressure gradually returns to normal.

  ANTIBIOTICS are the primary cause of fungal infestations. This is because all antibiotics are, themselves, derived from powerful fungal toxins and encourage the growth of ALL fungi in the body. Killing some bacteria, which is the only thing that antibiotics are able to do, is just the process of eliminating the competition, as fungi and bacteria are both parasites. Using a zapper does all that antibiotics are intended to do, but with no bad effects.

In countries where the population doesn't have access to antibiotics the incidence of fungus-related diseases is almost non-existent. That's why Eskimos can eat whale blubber and Nigerian cow-herders can live on whole milk and neither population has high cholesterol levels.

'Health Insurance' is my newest oxymoron.


Food sensitivities generally disappear in a day or two. Most people call these allergies, but true allergies are more severe, I think. Please let me know whether your zapper stops your allergy.

The [Zapper] will stop an asthma attack but I don't know yet if it will eliminate asthma.


There are currently two models of our zappers. All of them are in plastic boxes measuring 1" x 2" x 3" and have a switch, an indicator light, and two electrodes, which are pennies, glued onto the bottom of the box. They are all worn with the pennies against bare skin, preferably under the clothing for ease of use. Easy use is necessary, in my opinion, so that the user won't become discouraged before the job of killing parasites is completed.

Following is a brief description of each model and some possible explanations for their effectiveness.

REGULAR MODEL-contains a 9v battery and an electric circuit modified from the one promoted by Dr. Hulda Clark. There is an amethyst gemstone in the line to the positive electrode and a garnet in the line to the negative electrode. These have an integrating, modulating effect, according to extensive anecdotal evidence. It may not be explainable in conventional scientific terms. People who had been uncomfortable wearing a zapper without these crystals have said that the crystals make it pleasurable to wear the zapper.

I've chosen a frequency of 15Hz because low frequencies seem to be much more efficient than higher ones at getting current through the skin and because 15Hz 151515it produces a mildly euphoric feeling, which encourages one to use the zapper. All three models have this frequency. I also believe that this frequency and using a zapper, generally, expand consciousness.

THE [Zapper] has all of the above-mentioned features + a powerful rare earth magnet and a mobius coil. The magnet (of which the north side is facing the body) apparently has an affinity with orgone energy and amplifies orgone, directing it into the body in an active, clockwise-spinning vortex. This has a great deal more pain-relieving, energizing and detoxifying effect on the body than the Orgone Model. Again, the field effect of this unit makes it more effective for working on affected parts or the body if it's worn over or close to those parts. The mobius coil, which is in the line to the negative electrode, apparently wakes up latent energy within the body itself in a balanced, beneficial way. Some call this energy kundalini. Though kundalini can be destructive to the body and psyche if not controlled, the [Zapper] seems to have an integrating/modulating effect so that no harm or even discomfort is experienced. A session with the [Zapper] feels pleasantly stimulating to most people.


A basic truth is that most people (with age, this number increases) experience some degree of illness and debilitation from the presence of parasites in the body. Parasites are usually thought of as worms, but bacteria, viruses, and fungi are also parasites.

All of these are easily killed by the introduction of very weak electric current, and the majority of illnesses are caused by these organisms. It may be challenging to think of illnesses being cured this cheaply and easily. I use pennies as electrodes as a visual aid to help realize this fact.

I've yet to hear of anyone harmed by a zapper, but it's very important to use it at least 20 minutes for the first session. If this is not observed, the user may experience jaundice or any number of symptoms, which may be scary and uncomfortable but will not last long.

Dr. Hulda Clark explains it this way: it takes about seven minutes to kill the worms in the blood and organs + any viruses, bacteria and fungi which are exposed to the current. If the zapping stops at this point, the bacteria, viruses and fungi which were inside the now-dead worms, viruses and fungi which were inside the dead bacteria, and fungi which were inside the killed viruses will all be released into the blood. Some or most of these species of parasites may be extremely virulent when not contained in other parasites and the immune system may be challenged by them, resulting in unpleasant symptoms. Zapping for twenty minutes gets the whole range of these parasites, so all that remain are intestinal parasites, layered fungi, encapsulated bacteria, and viruses inside living cells. These can be eliminated by extended zapping.

The only other cautionary recommendation is to move the zapper over an inch or so when it starts to itch. This may be experienced for the first few days in most cases, if at all. After a few days of zapping there is no longer enough acid in the skin to cause this to occur and the zapper can be worn around the clock. My theory for this is that when enough parasites are killed the body resumes its natural, alkaline state, since parasite secretions are responsible for acidifying the blood.

Also, some parts of the skin are more or less acidic than others, so just find a comfortable spot to wear it as soon as possible in order to be able to wear it for extended periods.

Some people experience slight dizziness, nausea, foul-smelling flatulence, headache, etc., for a few minutes or hours after the first zapping session. This is probably due to the sudden release of toxins from dead parasites; the gas usually is from killed intestinal worms. Dr. Clark's claim that zappers can't kill intestinal worms is unfounded ;-) as the photo of dead worms on can attest. These were killed in the first 15 minutes of a colonic irrigation while a zapper was being worn.

Some can feel, and even see, writhing motions around the abdomen in the first zapping session. This is most likely caused by dying, large tapeworms, which many people find in the toilet within a week or so after starting with the zapper. Most worms quickly disintegrate after death, since their skin integrity is mainly due to their positive electrostatic charge, which is reversed in the killing process. So the vast majority of people never see what they've killed in the body.

A very few people temporarily experience strong headaches and other bodily pains after zapping. Most people with Lyme disease have this reaction, which I'm told is the Herxheimer response. I know of only one person with Lyme disease who has persevered in using the zapper to overcome the disease. Though there was much pain for a day or so he was not harmed and was greatly improved immediately afterward. I think this is simply because he had gotten the rate of killing the viruses ahead of their replication rate. I think this is only possible to do with the [Zapper] for Lyme disease at this point.

Some people choose to wear 2 [Zapper]s at once. This may cause some bodily tremors, which are harmless but un-nerving. It does, however, speed up and intensify the process of elimination, which can be more un-nerving and should be done advisedly.


I'm not aware of any restrictions at all for using a zapper, dietary or otherwise. I do know that heavy smokers may not reach an alkaline state and may experience increased discomfort in the lungs, especially when using a [Zapper]. This is probably due to the [Zapper]'s effect of encouraging the body to eliminate toxic substances. Nicotine is also a strong acid which is always in smokers' blood.

If one becomes uncomfortable while using a zapper, turning it off will stop the discomfort immediately and it can be started again a few minutes or hours later without discomfort.


All parasites are positively charged (acidic) and in colloidal suspension in body fluids. A steady flow of electric current, which is pulsed through the skin by the zapper (steady current and/or non-square waveform current flow across the skin, not through it), quickly reverses the polarity of parasites, causing them to drop out of suspension and disintegrate. Shielded parasites, parasites inside living cells, and layered parasites (which are also shielded in a way) are all killed more gradually this way.

Electricity also invigorates living tissue when it's introduced this way (negative ions reinforce negatively charged-alkaline-blood and tissues), as does orgone and strong, north pole magnetic fields. Kundalini may be thought of as electric current generated by the cells themselves.


It's important to determine whether the zapper is working before using it.

First: the light must come on and flash intermittently. If this happens, I touch both pennies with my tongue, which must produce a strong tingle. One can check with a voltmeter-it will show around 5v with a new battery.

Next: put the zapper (pennies against bare skin) in a place in which it can be held by clothing, such as on the shoulder under the shirt, in a sock, bra strap, above the sacrum, or held in place by a tennis wrist sweatband or ace bandage. The [Zapper] and Orgone Model can be held against an affected area of the body with the hand to get full advantage of their field effects. Leave it there all day and all night unless it starts to itch. This is the aggressive approach. If it itches, move it slightly or to another part of the body until the skin alkalizes (see "INDICATIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS," above). Three weeks is usually enough time to cure nearly all conditions caused by parasites. Exceptions will be explained below. Daily, more moderate use for an extended period after that will guarantee that the pathways used by parasites to re-infect the body will gradually close. This is a very important consideration for sufferers of herpes simplex and related parasites. In most cases, zapping for an hour or so, morning, early afternoon, and evening before bedtime, is sufficient to rid the body of the whole range of parasites within a few weeks. After five years, I still wear a zapper daily for an hour or two as a prophylactic measure.

  DISEASE-SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS Most parasite-caused illnesses are treated by the above methods, but the few mentioned below require additional measures. These are listed as examples. I've witnessed hundreds of different diseases, many of which are considered incurable, which were routinely cured by ordinary zappers before I began adding the subtle energy components.

ARTHRITIS (ALL FORMS)-I've read some research that shows that arthritis is caused by parasites, mainly fungi. Fungi in the blood rob nutrients (which travel through the bloodstream as negatively-charged colloids), so that bones and joints are weakened and disintegrate due to starvation. Much of the mineral colloid that encounters positively-charged fungi drop out of electrostatic suspension and form bone spurs. The zapper eliminates most pain and inflammation immediately and gradually restores bone and joint health by killing the fungi. Wearing any zapper around the clock until this process is complete will greatly speed up the rebuilding process and keep pain from recurring. Wearing an Orgone Model and especially a [Zapper] over the worst areas will speed healing of those areas.

ATHEROSCLEROSIS-The same research mentioned above showed that fungal lesions are present in all cases of atherosclerosis. This explains to me why Eskimos who eat whale blubber, Pacific Islanders who eat coconuts, and West African cowherds who eat butterfat, have no appreciable incidence of atherosclerosis. All of those foods contain much more than the recommended amount of saturated fats, which have been blamed for 'high cholesterol,' leading to atherosclerosis. Also, atherosclerosis was not widespread in western countries before the introduction of antibiotics, which promote fungal growth in the body. Daily zapping for an hour or more with any zapper on the market will lower blood pressure to normal levels in a month or so. I believe this is because when the fungal lesions are healed the body re-absorbs the cholesterol which had coated the lesions.

HIV/AIDS-This seems to be one of the easiest cures, as the virus is apparently not very resistant to electric current. I've never seen it fail to cure this disease, even when the customer were in very advanced stages (true in most cases). I only mention it because others think of it as incurable. An hour a day with an ordinary zapper is sufficient. I suppose an electric fence, touched lightly, once a day, would be even better, though less pleasant.

LYME DISEASE-As I mentioned, this problem is hard to deal with because the pain involved in the Herx response discourages the vast majority of people from 'doing what must be done' to cure it. I do believe that one [Zapper], worn round the clock for a few days will guarantee a cure. I believe that some parasites have the ability to dictate our behavior and appetites to some extent. This is the stuff good science fiction is made of.

CANCER-Five years of anecdotal information convinces me that most cancer can be quickly and easily cured by an ordinary zapper in three weeks or less, even in very advanced and aggressive cases. The exceptions are when radiation and/or chemotherapy have been used. I believe, as many others do, that radiation and chemo are more often responsible for death than the cancer for which they are prescribed. [Zapper]s are more helpful than a regular zappers because they speed up the reduction and elimination of tumors and stimulate a mild euphoria and more stamina.

GENITAL HERPES-This is the most virulent STD I've encountered. I've seen mixed results with the Regular zapper but I don't know how effective the zapper is since I haven't gotten anyone with that condition to commit to wearing it around the clock. It's similar to Lyme in its virulence. I'd like to know if the [Zapper] will eliminate it when it's worn around the clock. Genital warts are very easy to cure-takes 2 or 3 days of minimal zapping.

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS-Recently (fall of 2000), two people who had advanced MS bought [Zapper]s and committed to using them around the clock. Both of them experienced very rapid healing, including being able to walk unaided and without fatigue, regaining bladder and bowel control, and the elimination of brain lesions.

INFECTIONS AND INFLAMMATION-Although this is obviously caused by parasites (especially bacteria) I want to say that I'm not aware of any form of infection that isn't cleared up by even the most ordinary zapper, usually within minutes. Encapsulated infections take longer, even days or weeks, to eliminate, but the inflammation, pain and lesions associated with these begin to disappear immediately. This includes species of bacteria and viruses for which there is no known effective antibiotic.

  IF AN ILLNESS PERSISTS AFTER WEEKS OF DILIGENT ZAPPING, it seems likely to me that the underlying cause is pollution from organic toxins or toxic metals. Perhaps the zapper will routinely be used by health practitioners in order to narrow down the diagnostic procedure. In my experience, about 80% of illnesses can be cured by the zapper, leaving about 20% for which pollutants are responsible. Dr. Hulda Clark's clinical research is the best source of information that I know of on this subject.

Some sufferers of chronic illnesses, such as Lyme disease have been warned by doctors not to kill too many of the pathogens at one time because the sufferer risks harm by the sudden increase in toxins in the bloodstream. Using a zapper is self-regulating in this case, since the discomfort begins increasing almost immediately and the individual is free to stop using it any time after this starts. I advise discretion but also mention that it's possible that just wearing a [Zapper] around the clock might get them ahead of the parasites' replication rate, therefore curing the disease.

These Protocols were written at the request of an MD for use in a study at a medical school, along with some of my zappers. Needless to say, this school is not in the United States of America ;-)