Chrohn's Disease

Hi! Well, I must say I'm excited about my results so far! Tomorrow will mark the fourth week anniversary of zapping, and I have begun to see drastic reductions in the pain and cramping from Crohns. I am also having almost exclusively solid movements now, versus one solid movement per month (maybe!). The one thing I am surprised about is that my nose is still running pretty consistently. I was hoping to see signs of my incessent allergic reactions go away, but maybe these are truly allergic? Or maybe there is still a bunch of parasitic junk in my system that is being expelled via mucus? Anyway, I intend to recommend your _____ Zapper to everyone I come in contact with, although everyone seems to want to turn their nose up at the whole idea. My brother says it's "all in my head". I told him I don't particularly care - it works either way! Thanks a million, Steve before 2004


I bought on of your ____ Zappers back in October and wanted to give you an update, and see if you had any suggestions. First off, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease around 1996, after about 4 years of uncertainty as to what it was. I had exploratory surgery in 1992 and they removed a 2 inch section of small intestine. They were never certain from the pathology what it was. It wasn't until an allergist prescribed Humibid, which it turns out over a period of time, will cause irritation to the digestive system, when Crohn's flared up in full force and was detectable via upper GI (in Crohn's lab in NYC no less!) Anyway, I got the zapper in October, and shortly after, the pain and cramps were reduced from a 7,8,9, or 10 (10 being "shoot me now - please" to virually 0, meaning I still have discomfort, but mostly forget about the disease.

Thanks a bunch, Steve before 2004

Hi K__ ...You made my day !!!...My brother told me about this months ago and he gave yours [your zapper] to a friend...and this person had a lot of things happen to him ..I'm trying to remember a was his arthritis (he's 48 or younger) cleared up totally...he can finally move his fingers without it hurting...he also had very very bad sinus problems...those are totally gone...I know there were many more things, but his face looks so much younger also... that person also gave this to some others and so did my brother...and one person had Crohn's Disease...that is now gone...another had a rash on her leg the size of a hamburg and they were going to go to U of M because no one could do anything about it...its gone...and this was a young girl...

Thanks for helping so many people...I hear story after story from my brother Bruce...he's helped so many people with it...

Thanks K__ Sandy Dec. 1, 2004