
Dear K__ --It's me again-- Am thoroughly enjoying the Zapper. Have been appreciating the difference in my eyes, which have plagued me with sties ( styes ??) for years, off and on. The customers at my jewelry store were getting used to seeing me in sunglasses, as sometimes one of my eyes would be swollen shut in the mornings. We are not doctor-oriented, so have been battling the problem naturally. My eyes are open a lot wider, like when I was younger, and had a strange white "shield-shaped" thing pop out of my lower lid when I applied a little pressure to a red spot on the lid this morning. Attached to it was a small amount of off-white "stuff", but the first part of the "thing" was very white, and hard. I also have had something that acts like a "jumping nerve", in my left eye...off and on for the last month or so. Have not had that since I started using the ____ Zapper a few weeks ago...I naturally have a lot of energy, but now do not come home late from my jewelry store exhausted. That's really nice! Emily Aug. 3, 2007

Good morning, I noticed something interesting and wanted to tell you about it. I have had astigmatism in one eye, also eye floaters. I have only one eye floater left. It is a big one, but when I close my eyes I can see it has a tail that looks like the an insect wing type of composition and it is overlapped on itself. Probably dead. BTW, i am 5 months into the program Doc Sutter has, I got my zapper from you just in the last month. Also, after doing a zappins session of about a half hour, I feel this hot feeling in my eyes, then they feel really dry for a few minutes. Then this straightens out. The astigmatism had been getting worse over the years, but now, when I take off my glasses, I can notice almost no overlapping of images. Neat, huh? Don't know if it is the combination of deworming and cleansing and zapping or what. Just noticed this since I have done a few zapping sessions. Also my opthalmologist said I had the start of cataracts that really haven't gone anyplace in the last 4 years. However, I am wondering, since I can see so much better, if this is having an effect on the cataracts, too. They didn't seem to bother my vision before that I noticed. I know that is a progressive thing, but it does appear that I can see better. Have you ever heard of this? Nice things happen with all these programs. Maybe I will post this on Doc's forum in a while Gloria H. Feb. 25, 2008

Thank you for your prompt reply, K__. I just received them [the pair of footpads ordered separately a few weeks after his zapper purchase] today and tried the footpads. Works great, so far my vision and energy has increased a lot in the last couple of weeks. Thanks, Stephane Sept. 27, 2007

... I just needed a bit more due to the eye thing and judging from the fact my vision is better, all floaters are gone and the strange visual episodes I was having are gone, I would have to agree with Ken that the _____ Zapper is stronger !! p.s. the blurred vision i had is the kind you have even with your glasses ON, kind of like you know something else is going on there, not just tired eyes, like there's some kind of film over your eyes that is different from the usual tired eyes ...

Monique Aug. 18, 2005

Oh my God!!!!!!! This thing is amazing, ... my vision has improved, my color blindness has partially left, (this is really wild, I feel like a new baby seeing everything for the first time) ...


Hi D__,

I am amazed with the _____!! As I knew I would be.

The most amazing thing to come so far was with my right eye. A little history first, when I was in utero, the nerves behind my eyes did not develop and attach to the back of my eyes so I was born blind in left eye, no straight ahead vision with peripheral intact, and the right eye only has straight ahead and nor peripheral,..... that is until this week thanks to the _____. I am developing some peripheral vision in my right eye!!!!!!

I have always been told that together, my eyes as a pair made just one good eye. Both eyes have lattice and macular degeneration, which causes holes in my vision, and constant floaters. In the past four days the floaters are not near as prominent. Now I think all of this speaks strongly towards the _____.


I want to thank you for producing these life-giving devices. I started using my zapper about 2 weeks ago...I have already cured the following ailments: ...eliminated floaters in my eyesight. My optometrist said that there was no way to get rid of these floaters!