
The super little tool has been so effective for me since I purchased it. I recommend it as a preventative device to any person even healthy people. I was once sick with constant chest pain and headaches, I virtualy gave up on myself until I purchased this ____zapper. And yes the salt does make an enormous difference. Before I was told about using salt with the zapper I got nothing but poor results with my first zapper I purchased (from another company). Now with the salt solution I know it's hasta la vista baby for any parasite. Thank you for producing such an effective device. T.C.

K__ Here is an update with the _____ zapper. Before getting the zapper, I had a pain in between the ribs (just below the left breast). Upon receiving the zapper for the first day, I chased this pain and it seemed to go around to the back of the shoulder blade. The next day, I can feel the "echo" of where the pain was in the rib cage. I continued to zap and after 3-4 days, there was no pain in the rib cage or around the shoulder blade. (Lymphthatic?) I still continue to use the zapper to get rid of any headaches which I have. eg. after a stressful day. Much of my headaches I have had in the past seem to accumulate at the base of the neck. This is where I apply the copper tubes. After a session, the headache dissappears. There must be more to the zapper than just killing off parasites. There are times in which my body is giving me a big thank you after going through a zapping session. There is a special restful or at peace feeling after I do a zapping session. Any research done in this area? I have also noticed that my skin seems to be clearing up as well. Dale K. Jun. 13, 2007

Dear K__!

Thanks a lot for your email. Something wonderful happened to me today, which I want to tell you about since you take such great interest in my health (for which thank you very much indeed). For the last 2 months I have been extremely bad off (this was the bad news, the goods news will be coming later). My energy went low again, and the paralyzing symptoms which seemed to have gone or decreased to chronic pain in my head from September-December 1998 seemed to return slowly again.

From April to December I started having a terrible pain in my head. The pain seemed to get worse every day, and the last 4 weeks the pain has been completely intolerable, as it has been chronic for most of the day and late evenings. Apart from 1-2 IVCs from October-February I was off the weekly IVCs I had from June-October 1998 because of the cost (100 USD each), and I was off DMPS and DMSA because I got sick of them (I was sick of the last DMPS too). The last 3 days I have been out of my mind, because I have been running out of good ideas of what to do in order to improve my bad health condition, and everything seemed hopeless.

I have been crying a lot lately, out of mere desperation because of chronic pain and symptoms repeating themselves and getting worse, instead of getting better. And everything in my house has been in a mess for a long time, because I have have had no energy to keep the house due of constant pain in my head an other mercury related symptoms. However, with no income since Dec. 97 and up till now I could not afford to go on with this expensive treatment any longer (DMPS were 110 USD each and IVCs 100 USD each), so I found myself forced to find new ways to improve my health.

I decided to see a chelating agent using acupuncture and herbal detoxification (he is half the expense of the chelating doctor using DMPS and IVCs. I consume a lot of C-vitamin powder daily, however). However, I could not get an appointment with the latter until end March, and with the pain in my head and various other symptoms I did not know how to survive for so long. In my desperation I started reading Hulda Clarks book "The Cure for All Diseases", and I started implementing her ideas immediately.

Up till then I had not succeeded to make your zapper work, because I had not found a store where I could buy a 9 Volt plug. I have been trying several shops without result. And when my energy is low and I do not succeed in spite of several attempts, then I tend to resign for some time (that is probably the way it works for everybody!). However, now I have bought a 9 Volt battery and started zapping by the book 3 days ago. After two days my headache changed. From constant pain, the pain suddenly got worse, then it suddenly stopped for 30 min., then it returned and so forth for 2-3 hours. After this my pain was gone, and it has not returned for 24 hours now. The same happened to my right hipbone, which has been out of order for years. Suddenly, though I was standing still, my hipbone began aching and acting in a very peculiar manner, as if something drastic was going on inside my hip This morning I woke up totally fresh and free of pain, as if I had been relieved from some very heavy burden that I have been carrying for years.

This has given me great hope, that by following Hulda Clarks recommendations I can diagnose and eliminate the source of parasites, which I feel sure are causing most of the remaining symptoms. I will still go on herbal chelating, continue to zap, and do the herbal kidney and liver cleanses recommended my Hulda Clark, and also follow her and your recommendations on eliminating the environmental pollution in food, detergents, cosmetics etc. I feel that I have taken a great step forward by recognizing the importance of all the things Hulda Clark state in her book.

It gives me confidence that I will cope very well in recovering this year. I still have the root canal in the upper front tooth, which might be the cause of the pain in my head. However, examinations will be made by two more specialists and an expert in Chinese medicine to see if they can find any infection around the tooth. I would like to feel sure that the tooth is the real cause, before extracting it and replacing it with a bridge, which will involve totally 3 front teeth (not least because of the cost of the bridge: approx. 3,000 USD).

However, the parasites causing the severe pain in my head may also derive from our cat. When I started reading Hulda Clarks book I realized, that the years we have had troubles with worms in our family coincide with the years we have had our cat. Actually we never succeeded of getting rid of the worms, they kept returning all the time. Perhaps some worms have evolved and found their way to my head. According to Hulda Clark this is another explanation for my severe headache. However, zapping removed the pain immediately after 3 days.

Edith before 2004

For the past 2 years i've been getting migraine headaches, many things can trigger them, can be working at the computer for 10-12 hours; or it could be something i ate, or simply not getting enough sleep. i get them so bad i have to turn off my lights and tv because any light makes it worse, i take 4-8 advil to relieve them. I am currently on phase 1 of 3 of a heavy duty 6-month program for killing candida throughout my body and sometimes get migraine headaches as a result of the massive die-off. Anyway, the other night I had one such migraine one and normally i would take 4-6 advils just to be able to get enough relief to be able to go to sleep, but this time I decided not to take advil and used the _____ Zapper instead. I did 4 cycles of 10 minutes (with a 30 minute rest period in between--these cycles are mainly because I am not good at keeping time for 7-20-7-20-7-20). BUT by the 2nd cycle i felt a bit of relief, i still felt the pain, but it was DULLED PAIN, not sharp like usual and by the 4th cycle I was able to sleep without discomfort. The _____ Zapper completely eliminated my need to take the advil.

I just love the capability of the _____ Zapper to plug into the electrical socket and also the option of using a battery. I use the battery when I have to sit at my desk and answer phones for my job because there's no electrical socket there; and then I use the electrical plug when i zap in my room laying down relaxing. Monique Nov. 22, 2006