

Hi K__, I just have to tell you how pleased i am with my zapper. It took me forever to decide which zapper to get. I settle on this one in the end. I initially ordered it to treat HPV aka (genital warts) I had never had any problems until I became pregnant and had an outbreak. The doctor said I could have had it for years with no signs until my immune system was supressed by the pregnancy ... Being a busy Mom of two I had not yet begun with my regimen when I was just stricken with clogged milk duct. The recommended therapy of vitamin C/ echinacea and poke root oil rubbed in was working but slowly. Anyone who has ever had this unfortunate condition knows how uncomfortable it is. This must be treated or it can quickly turn into mastitis (breast infection) This treatment can also work on an infection but why let it get there? I pulled out my [____] zapper and decided to have a go. Last night I rubbed the last recommended dose of Poke root in to my breast and zapped for 3 minutes at the intervals suggested, holding the left had hold over my breast and keeping it in place with my wrist. (I also used foot pads) I then went to bed. When I woke up this morning the blockage had cleared. No pain or tenderness. I think the zapper worked two fold. It fought off infection and increased the function of the poke root. Wow! Thanks!!

I would recommend this kind of treatment for anyone who had recurring blockages. I had a problem with that with my first baby. I wish I had discovered this sooner. I can't wait to see the effect it has on the HPV. Thanks, Amelia B. May 5, 2008


Hi, I just received the zapper and have tried it for 3 days in a row now. I feel I have positive results, my urine is clear and my milk production (nursing baby) is returning, as it was almost completely gone. Hallelya!! Anonymous June 20, 2005