Hi. Here's the story of my ___ zapping: The past two years i've been struggling with Epstein Barr and mycoplama infections. This autumn it was so severe, that my dr. Clark therapist saw almost no healthy red blood cells, and almost no white blood cells at all in my blood test. I also had a lot of parasites and protoplast (blood cells clotting in large clouds). /p> In october I ordered my ____ zapper... today I have no signs whatsoever of mycoplasma infection in my blood. In less than two months the zapper has killed off more bacteria than a year of heavy antibiotics ever could. Even my therapist was surprised by the results. There are still signs of Epstein Barr and fungi, the blood clots a litte due to nutritional deficiency and malabsoption, but these are minor problems compared to the mycoplasma. /p> #39;ll continue to zap and will start an intestinal parasite cure, and maybe in a couple of months I'll be back to normal. Thank you so much for the ____ Zapper! Best regards Jorgen Dec. 22, 2004