
Hi K__ Dan here again ... hope you've been well. There's been 2 people I know personally that have removed Cancer from their jaw & from the prostate [using The ____ Zapper] since I have spoke with you last ... great device ! Thx again Dan Sept. 25, 2007

Dear K__ A close sailor friend of mine. Jonas K, has had prostatit since long. He got it once in his military service at the age of 28. Prostatit is considered to be a permanent cronical infection "down there", not to mix up with the elderly-man-prostata problems, which is something else. A man with prostatit has to be very careful to keep himself warm, never sit down on a cold chair or bench or similar i or in a cold car during the winter without first fully warming up the seats . . . . . During the years he has had several treatments with sulfa and other antibiotics but the permanent problems have not diminished. During the latest 10 years, he has felt some comfort by taking 4 pills dayly of a pollen extract (Cernitol - swedish make). He has used these pills since about 10 years. I lended him my Zapper and told him to try it: This was in the middle of June this year. Two days later he found out that he "had forgotten his pills yesterday" and the normal procedure when that has happened is to take a double dose that day to "catch up" and feel well. However, he surprisingly found that he had no pain. None at all. After just one treatment. And since then; now since more than three months, I am writing early October, he has not had any need for his pills. And he has spent quite a lot of time in his sailing yacht (as usual for him this time of the year) - and this summer has really been awfully cold this year (2007) compared to what is normal condtions during summer, here in Sweden. After just one treatment! We wonder how long it will stay like this. Krister (Norway) Sept. 24, 2007