Ulcerative Colitis

... I have ulcerative colitis and must have been so infected with parasites, viruses, and bacteria that it just taxed my weakened immune system. I felt "something" coming on before I started zapping. So I feel like my body was already weaking, on top of that I have ulcerative colitis. Two days after zapping with my ultimate zapper, I had a fever that would not go away and got so dehydrated that I turned white and got the shakes like it was zero degrees outside. So I stopped zapping to give my body a break ... My intestines where so sore that when I moved it hurt. It was really, really bad. However, after all of that I wouldn't change anything because this is the best I have felt in 2 years. Asacol is working again, and I think that my bm's are getting normal again. With all that inflammation it will take time to heal and get better. I didn't get the disease overnight. Anyways hope I didn't gross anyone out, because I am over the whole, that nasty thing about 3 years ago.

So long story short, zapping I believe owned my colitis. I am now trying to get my flora normal again with VSL#3. I am not zapper expert but it is probably a good idea to supplement with some good bacteria while zapping. If anyone has any questions or comments please leave them. Thanks!! "Daniel" Oct. 17, 2005

I assume I am zapping correctly. I only zap one cycle a day at 7 on and 20 off three times. Before the hospital visit if was doing 3 cycles a day at 7-20 as well ... I would move the rods to each side of the abdomen and also one on my stomach and then one on my back. Thats about all I did. The first time I used the zapper I could feel my lower colon tingling like crazy. It wasn't painful, it was a really strange feeling. I also passed something like looked like a parasite. It has a mouth, squiggle tail, and what looked to be eyes. This thing was really strange looking, yuck. I couldnt find any websites with pictures similar to it. I put it in a bag and had my dad bring it to me when I was in the hospital. I gave it to the people to run tests on it. I am going to call tommorrow and see if they found out what it was. I use the ultimate zapper btw. I can tell a huge difference in this zapper versus the one that I bought on ebay, huge difference. While my colitis is still here and lets me know it everyday, this is still the best I have felt in years and I believe it is because of zapping. "Selfhigh05" Oct. 18, 2005