about Bob Beck

Bob Beck applied his genius to health research after retiring from a challenging and rewarding career as a physicist. He worked on several government classified projects—including a project to measure extra low frequency signals circling the globe. These frequencies are suspect as a means of mind control and Bob invented a small magnetometer that could detect the frequencies better than the existing $300,000 SQUIDS or Sequential Quantum Integrating Devices in use.

Bob Beck’s unusual intelligence was evident from an early age.

“I was building crystal sets for the kid on the block when I was quite young. It sort of fascinated me and I’ve been at it all my life since.”

 An early interest in photography supported him while he worked his way through university. As a photographer, he applied his talents to developing an electronic flash for his camera.

“I learned to blow glass and I bought a container of xenon for $70. It was too valuable to leave at Wilcox Photo Sales where I was doing the work, so I took it home with me. Mother said, ‘What’s that?’ I said xenon. ‘What did it cost?’ I said $70. She exploded. ‘You paid $70 for that empty glass thing!’ When she looked at that she saw nothing. The gas was invisible. When I looked at it I saw the future of photography.”

Bob sold the patent his low voltage flashcube to Ed Wilcox for $500. “That was the most money I’d ever seen in my life, paid for my last semester at USC… When the Olympics were held here in Los Angeles and the coliseum was full of people, the announcer suggested that they turn out the lights in the stadium and people flash to signify they’d had a good time. I was sitting in my bedroom looking at the television and here were these what looked like hundreds of thousands of flashbulbs. Tears came to my eyes because I realized that all of those things were my grandchildren and it wasn’t just one or two units or a dozen at Life magazine that I built with my own hands, it was the whole world using my grandchildren.”

...Beck was giving talks and workshops at health shows. He sold a handout titled, “Take Back Your Power” at these workshops for a nominal fee. The handout included schematics so those interested could build their own devices. At a seminar in Seattle in early 1996, husband and wife team Russ Torlage and Lesley Punt heard Bob Beck speak and purchased a handout. Lesley was looking for a way to overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Russ applied his design talents to Bob’s material. To make the story short, the blood and tissue electrification units were the tools that gave Lesley back her life. When Bob Beck examined the units Russ had designed, he immediately gave the units his endorsement. He had only endorsed one other company to this point, as he wanted to be sure the public would get good value for their money. Russ Torlage of SOTA worked closely with Bob Beck for the last few years of his life. At the time of his passing, SOTA Instruments Inc. was the sole company endorsed by Robert C. Beck...



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