
1998 Testimonial: Diabetes:

Just a note to let you know the Silver Pulser has had a great beneficial influence on my wife's diabetes. I can't get her to pulse but she'll take the Colloidal Silver (CS) water. She has been using the CS for a couple of years. Prior to its use she was in the hospital a number of times a year for infections in her feet. She lost her big toe in the process.

Since using the CS-water she has not been in once for that problem. She did have a deep infection, which wouldn't heal prior to the CS. Once she started the silver water the nurse was amazed that it didn't get worse and at present it is almost completely healed.

I also love the pulser and use it about twice a year

B.S. of Homestead, FL


B. R. of British Columbia Canada has been experimenting for approx five days now. He's going the full 21 days. He is a diabetic, the lesser kind, and he has noticed his blood sugar is now remaining normal without the medication...Actually he went off his medication about three days prior to starting with the electrifier. He is keeping a careful watch and says so far no problem. He developed some red sores on his legs but they have now gone away. A lump appeared on his upper torso but is almost completely gone now.

from a dead webpage:

"I have been drinking one-half cup of colloidal silver every day for nine months which rapidly helped me get rid of my severe black leg from diabetes. I started feeling badly and my doctor took me off diabetes medicine. He said I didn't need it anymore and he didn't know what I was doing, but whatever it was, it was wonderful and to keep it up!" FN, Wyoming   "Prior to using the Beck units, my wife was in the hospital a number of times each year for feet infections. She lost her big toe in the process. It's really helped her severe diabetes." BS, Florida

Diabetes 1/2010

I have a testimony:

before I was in the protocol I had a very bad immune system, used to catch the flue evry month or so and basically weak.  ever since I started myself on the protocol, I never even catched a flue in over a year, my acne disappeared from my body and I always wake up fresh.

so I started my mother and father on the protocol, my father used to suffer from prostate problems all year long, now they are gone, he dropped the antibiotics  and looks younger.

my mother dropped half of her meds and her diabetes lowered.  her skin looks fresh and better also with better complexion.

in general, my whole family health in increased and getting even better.  Also, I have had some sort of tumor in my back the doctors didnt like and they prescribed me many chemo meds I refused and started myself on the whole protocol again, in 2 months its disappeared.

I know personally one gentleman who was full blown aids and he is totally cured. 

the funny thing is is that people dont want to take responsibility in their health, the want the doctors to tell them what to do, it is right dont get me wrong, but to me I prefer I take full responsibility over my life and health.  I know for sure the protocol doesnt work for everyone, for the only reason that not everyone want to take responsibility.

I hope I helped in the testimonial part.




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