Hepatitis C


Someone called into the Art Bell program of Jan 08 2000 when Bob Beck was being interviewed and said that a girl who had Hepatitus C had a reduction of viral count to 1/2 within 10 days of doing blood electrification but that it took 4 months to fully eradicate the virus. The doctors did pronounce her cured. He didn't say if she was also using the Pulser.

"...The Beck units are by far the best thing among dozens of treatments I tried. I feel I'm rid of Hepatitis B. Now if I feel a cold coming on, I use the units and the symptoms stop within two days." MM, California 

"My friend who had Hepatitis told me his M.D. said the 'incurable' disease was now gone. He had been using the Beck protocol which I gave to him, along with the use of my units." WW, Arizona

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