
From a dead website:

"I put colloidal silver in the water of some fresh flowers I had just purchased. The flowers are still fresh after two weeks and the water isn't yucky, like it usually gets." Donna C., California

"We used colloidal silver in our swimming pool this summer, instead of the usual chlorine. It works beautifully to keep the pool clean and sanitized, and is so much better for our skin." JBB

From a discussion group, 2008:

"I have used the Magnetic pulsar on both my eyes and intestines no problem here. Actually, I got rid of a huge lump in my gut from using it. Don't know what it was and really don't want to know what it was but glad it is gone. I can tie my shoe with my foot straight out in front of me now." KS

A friend of mine just got a kidney stone. The pain was so bad she had to stand up still without moving for 2 hours. It did not go away. She finally took every painkiller she could find, and still not much relief..this includes the big prescription ones. The painkillers were especially weak because all they do is trick the mind. She is a medical person, so her mind is not that easy to trick, she sees 4 mm stone, the whole ugly picture in her medical mind.

After awhile she was able to get into bed, prop up and applied what she calls "the lollipop" (aka SOTA magnetic pulser) to the stone. Every time it shut off, she let it cool down, then turned it on again.

By morning she had slept some, and the swelling was greatly reduced. She was able to function once again. According to her the lollipop was the thing that did it.  11/2009


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