

Important Note:

Helpful hints from various websites:

1. Don't use the same wrist. Zap across strong pulse points (each thumb-side pulse point or each ankle bone pulse point). This insures that your zapping the blood and not just the skin areas.

2. I replaced breakfast with Ozonated water. I call it ozone fasting. It's also important to zap while your ozonating. Beck talked about "electroporation" . Whether that actually happens or not, what does happen is that you increase the absorption of anything you ingest. He made this subtle point in one of his videos and in my estimation, it was TOO subtle. ZAP and Ozonate at the same time! and on an empty stomach (which is why I do it for breakfast.) I drink almost 2-quarts of iced ozonated water doing this over the course of about 1 hour. By the time I drink the last glass, I'm shivering. That's a good time to stop! You may not be able to tolerate this much...go slowly. Many people on this forum don't think Beck can affect HIV in the gut. I disagree! Drink a lot of Ozone while your zapping and you should be killing HIV in the gut. How can you not?

3. I sip about 1/2 cup a day of home brewed silver (I use Sota Silver pulser). I've done this for almost 2 years. I'm not gray or purple yet BUT my skin is more sensitive to sun light and I do turn a little gray (silvery) when I tan. My friends notice this more than I do. So I stay out of the direct sun.

4. I use the Pulser nightly before bed (on the lymph points). It's just part of the routine. Does it work? All I can say, is that when I'm feeling run down or start to get a sore throat and other similar symptoms, I start a three week routine and that keeps me good for 6-8 months! My counts are all over the place...but for 5 years I have not taken a single MED and I'm healthier than any of my medicated brothers. OH...I also use DMSO alot externally (they have a gel form that I love). If anything, it's virtually eliminated my arthritic knee conditions (they used to swell up like balloons). I also use food grade h2o2 sparingly (I put in in my water jug). I don't like the taste. Bottom line: I didn't give up on the Beck Protocol. I just changed it up a little and took cues from what I learned studying the videos. Beck wore the electrodes on his ankles. Now that's what I do. (sometimes it itches like craze...but DON'T scratch. It will only irritate it more). Anyway, the ankles seem to be the strongest pulse points for me. I tape the unit to one of my legs and run the wires down to my ankles. I can then put pants over it and no-one knows the difference. I don't seem to get a lot of help from the silver but I drink it anyway. I think the Ozone is VERY important because it's the only element that makes it to the gut. Silver turns into salts almost immediately when ingested. Hope this all helps  

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