Rheumatoid Arthritis

It has been just 11 days since I started using ___'s mag pulser and blood electrifier, or MP and BE as I'll call them.

I've been drinking the coilloidal silver (CS) and using both the BE and MP on all my affected rheumatoid arthritis (RA) joints. My knees, both ankles and feet, one elbow, and my jaw are affected. I usually have a limp in the morning and have to hold the rails to get down stairs.

After a week, I started to get a very heavy feeling in my lungs and I took the chance and speculated that this was because the virus that causes my RA is everywhere, and since I zapped my elbow with the MP, the range of the MP got close enough to tickle but lungs but not kill all the virus living there. So I zapped that lung, and viola, gone! By the way, someone sent me an email saying I might have the virus called mycoplasma pneumoniae since I have RA, which does in fact cause pneumonia. SOOOOO, that said, I might have avoided an infection by using the MP.

Suffice to say that a week into treatment I was beginning to doubt that the SOTA MP and BE worked because I felt much worse in my joints instead of better, but I also know that you DO get herxes at first if you have a major disease, so I rode it out.

Results so far: the pain in my joints has gone down tremendously except for my jaw, and I found out my jaw pain is not really RA but 2 cavities. Because I have 2 cavities on that side of my jaw, my immune system is putting up a fuss on that side, and I'm getting swelling, and therefore pain at the joint. I still have RA (haven't finished treatment yet) so I'm still getting pain. So I will fill the cavities very soon (next week or 2) and see what happens.

My feet and ankles and knees are my main concern. They don't hurt nearly as much, but they are still stiff and limited in motion, and I still have swelling in the one knee, but the pain and most all of the other swelling is 80% gone. I hope to be able to state to all in a month from now that I am completely cured of RA, and if it is so, I will let all of you know that ___'s BE and MP work for RA and the Beck Protocol works.LEt me state that an individual may give their testimony free so long as they are not selling the machines or using them on others.

Blessings till next time,


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