
Health and Decency (Sinusitis Testimonial) by Michael M

Am I the first person to be cured by the Beck protocol of sinusitis?

Avalox is a strong and expensive antibiotic which normally works quite well to knock out a strong bout of sinusitis for me . This last time it didn’t work at all (and I’m out $260 for medicine + doctor ). Does this mean that my well meaning medical doctor is a Quack? As I understand the term it means a medical practitioner who gives out medicines that don’t work. Well, she’s a very nice Quack anyway.

After using the [Bob Beck] blood purifier for a few days, I noticed a reduction in symptoms. When the magnetic pulser arrived I began using it, perhaps a bit too much. I aimed it at my teeth a lot, took extra oral chelation to deal with the extra mercury from my fillings that I knew the magnet would knock out, and proceeded to give myself a gum infection.

Flossing a lot, followed by a rinse and swallow of colloidal silver (followed by the same of apple cider vinegar to kill the taste and to increase body alkalinity) pretty well cured the gum infection (I could kill the dental association for the pain and money they have cost me over the years by ignoring preventative medicine).

I’ve done some deep sinus flushes with colloidal silver to loosen the mucus and to kill the germs. Now there is no infected mucus up there and a lot less mucus in terms of my lifetime of post nasal drip and a runny nose. I can’t tell you how happy I am to not have the debilitating tiredness and pain that I had before the Mounties in the form of Bob Beck machines arrived at my door. Bob Beck, I love you. I hope that you are happy strumming on a harp, floating on a cloud somewhere.

A deep sinus flush is not for the constitutionally weak. Just hearing about it gives the weak hearts nausea. Be brave. Hang your head off the edge of your bed, looking straight up (that’s the easy part), now, using an ear bulb from the pharmacy, fill up each nostril with warm salt water, or colloidal silver, or your own vile mixture. It’s great!

Now, holding the nostrils closed, roll over. Lay your head on a pillow, first the left side, now the right side, now the head pointed straight down. Work your way up to a minute or two. Now run and blow your nose out in the sink. Twist up some tissue paper, stick the ends in the nostrils, and you will take care of the inevitable 20 minute drip. Sometimes I stand on my head, because its fun, and because it aids drainage. I have also found that saunas help alot . Running gets the mucus flowing, and makes me feel better. Many preach the virtues of horseradish and cayenne, but I don’t think anything beats the Beck machines (yes, I have had both acupuncture and surgery)....

It seems likely that energy medicine, as well as so many suppressed scientific ideas and other technologies, could bring us into this higher realm. Look at it this way, I’m writing this now instead of sleeping. I normally am depressed in the winter and hibernate. I (apparently) cured my depression with a Clark zapper. So, if more people were up and healthy doing good things, a little more evil in the world would be washed away....

Michael M

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